Image: Annals and antiquities of the counties and county families of Wales; containing a record of all ranks of the gentry with many ancient pedigrees and memorials of old and extinct families (1872) (14778120971)

Description: Identifier: annalsantiquitie01nich (find matches) Title: Annals and antiquities of the counties and county families of Wales; containing a record of all ranks of the gentry ... with many ancient pedigrees and memorials of old and extinct families Year: 1872 (1870s) Authors: Nicholas, Thomas, 1820-1879 Subjects: Publisher: London, Longmans, Green, Reader Contributing Library: Allen County Public Library Genealogy Center Digitizing Sponsor: Allen County Public Library Genealogy Center View Book Page: Book Viewer About This Book: Catalog Entry View All Images: All Images From Book Click here to view book online to see this illustration in context in a browseable online version of this book. Text Appearing Before Image: e are pentagonal, some hexagonal, and some octagonal, with finely wroughtangles and embattled finishing. The principal entrance to the castle is from the town side,the moat along which had been for many years filled up, but has recently by the zeal andlabour of Sir Llewelyn Turner, the Deputy Constable, and at considerable expense, beenopened, discovering thereby the great depth of wall which had been buried, and showing theheight of the fortress to advantage. The great gateway was originally defended by fourportcullises, under a massive tower, on the front of which is a statue of Edward L, with asword half drawn or half sheathed in his hand. Another entrance is called the QueensGate, from a tradition that Eleanor, the queen of Edward I., entered thereby when she wasbrought thither by Edward to give birth to the young prince, afterwards Edward II. Theinterior, both courtyards and apartments in the towers, are in a much more ruinous conditionthan the external walls. 328 CARNARVONSHIRE. Text Appearing After Image: ^ u ANTIQUITIES OF CARNARVONSHIRE. 529 We have been favoured by Sir Llewelyn Turner, whose study and conservation of thissuperb castle has been for many years a labour of love, with some notes on its history and Note About Images Please note that these images are extracted from scanned page images that may have been digitally enhanced for readability - coloration and appearance of these illustrations may not perfectly resemble the original work.
Title: Annals and antiquities of the counties and county families of Wales; containing a record of all ranks of the gentry with many ancient pedigrees and memorials of old and extinct families (1872) (14778120971)
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