Image: Beza's Icones, contemporary portraits of reformers of religion and letters; being facsimile reproductions of the portraits in Beza's Icones (1580) and in Goulard's edition (1581) (1906) (14766254732)

Description: Identifier: bezasiconesconte00mccr (find matches) Title: Beza's Icones, contemporary portraits of reformers of religion and letters; being facsimile reproductions of the portraits in Beza's Icones (1580) and in Goulard's edition (1581) Year: 1906 (1900s) Authors: McCrie, Charles Greig, 1836-1910 Bèze, Théodore de, 1519-1605 Subjects: Reformation Reformers Reformers Publisher: London Religious Tract Society Contributing Library: Robarts - University of Toronto Digitizing Sponsor: University of Toronto View Book Page: Book Viewer About This Book: Catalog Entry View All Images: All Images From Book Click here to view book online to see this illustration in context in a browseable online version of this book. Text Appearing Before Image: great influence uponthe Reformers and the theology of the EnglishReformation—an influence greater than that eitherof Melanchthon or Calvin. In this connection it isworthy of note that the Decades of Bullinger—acompendium of theology in five series of sermonseach containing ten sermons—were enjoined to bestudied by English curates in 1586 by an order ofthe Southern Convocation. What the theology of Bullinger was can best begathered, not so much from his books, which are notto be compared in value with the Loci of Melanchthonor the Institutio of Calvin, but from the ReformedConfessions of Switzerland. Of the first HelveticConfession (1536) he was one of the principalcompilers. Of the second (1566) he was the soleauthor. Of that authoritative symbol of the Evan-gelical Reformed Church of Switzerland it is enoughto adduce the testimony of Dr. Charles Hodge, ofAmerica, which is to this effect : It was moregenerally received than any other, and was sanctionedby difi^erent parties. 118 Text Appearing After Image: SIMON GRYN^US. Simon Grynaeus (Simon Grynseus, Germanus) THIS distinguished classical scholar, the sonof a Swabian peasant, was born in 1493.He studied first at Pforzheim, in Baden,where he had Philip Melanchthon for afellow-student, with whom he formed afriendship maintained in after-life. From Pforzheimhe went to Vienna, where he took the degree ofMaster in Philosophy and taught the Greek language.Before his university studies were finished he em-braced the Protestant faith. That brought him intotrouble at Baden, where he had gone to be Rectorof the school. The monks of the town broughtabout his imprisonment. When, through the goodoffices of the nobles of Hungary, he was set atliberty, Grynaeus made for Wittenberg, where he hadpleasant intercourse with Luther and his old fellow-student Melanchthon. 119 Bezas Portraits of Reformers When he once more took up the work of teachinghe received appointments, in succession, to Heidel-berg, where he was Professor of Greek for some sixyears, Note About Images Please note that these images are extracted from scanned page images that may have been digitally enhanced for readability - coloration and appearance of these illustrations may not perfectly resemble the original work.
Title: Beza's Icones, contemporary portraits of reformers of religion and letters; being facsimile reproductions of the portraits in Beza's Icones (1580) and in Goulard's edition (1581) (1906) (14766254732)
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