Image: DalcrozeEurhythmics ParcDesMayens-GrandSaconnex ByFredericBoissonsas BibliothequeDeGeneveIconographie-ijd a 2 1909 3 p 008b 0
Description: Students of Émile Jaques-Dalcroze (1865 – 1950), a Swiss composer and music educator who developed Dalcroze eurhythmics, practise rythmic gymnastics at the Parc des Mayens in Le Grand-Saconnes, Geneva (Switzerland), amongst them Suzanne Ferrière (1886 - 1970), who played a key role in the civilian sections of the International Prisoners-of-War Agency (IPWA) during the First World War and became only the second female member of the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) in 1924. Other participants of the dance session were: Annie Beck, Jeanne Allemand, Suzy Perrotet, Marcelle Moynier Valérie Lefort, Marie Kummer, Marie Rambert, Fernande Peyrot, and Elisabeth Lauter. From the collections of the Bibliothèque de Genève
Title: DalcrozeEurhythmics ParcDesMayens-GrandSaconnex ByFredericBoissonsas BibliothequeDeGeneveIconographie-ijd a 2 1909 3 p 008b 0
Author: Frédéric BOISSONNAS (18 June 1858 – 17 October 1946)
Usage Terms: Public domain
License: Public domain
Attribution Required?: No
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