Image: General biography; or, Lives, critical and historical, of the most eminent persons of all ages, countries, conditions, and professions, arranged according to alphabetical order (1818) (14577655658)

Description: Identifier: generalbiographyv7pt2aiki (find matches) Title: General biography; or, Lives, critical and historical, of the most eminent persons of all ages, countries, conditions, and professions, arranged according to alphabetical order Year: 1818 (1810s) Authors: Aikin, John, 1747-1822 Enfield, William, 1741-1797 Subjects: Biography Publisher: London : Smeeton Contributing Library: University of California Libraries Digitizing Sponsor: Internet Archive View Book Page: Book Viewer About This Book: Catalog Entry View All Images: All Images From Book Click here to view book online to see this illustration in context in a browseable online version of this book. Text Appearing Before Image: he same researches in the religioushouses of Lorrain, Burgundy, and Alsace. Inl(i83, he was sent to Paris, where he formedconnections with several eminent characters inthe repubUc of letters, and in 1688, publisheda work by which he acquired great credit, en-titled, Supplementum de Scriptorlbus velScrlptis ecclesiasticis a Bellarmino omissis, ad.annuni I-IGO, vel ad artem typographlcam in-ventiun, octavo. A revolution afterwardstaking place in his religious sentiments, in theyear i(j90, he withdrew from France and wentto Leyden, where he renounced the popishcreed, and made a public profession of the pro-testant religion. Soon after this he was ap-pointed sub-librarian of the university of Ley-den, and retained that post till his death in17l7, when in the seventy-ninth year of hisage. He was the author of Acta I3eatl LucsgAbbatis Cuissiacensis, quarto; Veterumaliquot Gallix et Belgil Scriptoruni opusculasacra nunquam edita, 1692, octavo ; Epis-.tola de rdtione Studioruni suorum, of the Text Appearing After Image: O U D ( 549 ) O V E same date, quarto ; Trias dissertationum criti-cariini : prima de Codice manuscripto Alcxan-driiO liodleiana; Bibliotliccx- ; .seciinda dequaestionibus ad Antiochum Principem in Scrip-turam Sacram ; tenia dc collcctanco sen Col-lectione Antiquitatiim ConstantinopolitaruniAnselini Bandurii, 1717, octavo; and ThePremontre Monk unfrocked. His principalwork, however, was publisJAed from his papersafter his death, and is entitled, * Comrncnta-rius de Scriptoribus Ecclcsi.c Antiquis, illonmi-que Scriptis; adhuc extantibus in celebrioribusEuropre Bibliothecis, a Bellarmino, Possevino,Phil. Labbeo, Guil. Caveo, El. du Pin, &c.1722, in three volumes, folio. Moreii. Nouv.Diet. Hist. Stixii Onomast. Lit. p.irs V.—M. OUDIN, Francis, a learned French Jesuit,who flourished in the seventeenth and formerpart of the eighteenth century, was born atVignorix,orVignory!in Champagne, in theyear1C7;J. He was sent when very young to com-mence his studies at Langres, and made so ra-p Note About Images Please note that these images are extracted from scanned page images that may have been digitally enhanced for readability - coloration and appearance of these illustrations may not perfectly resemble the original work. References: National Portrait Gallery: NPG D5434
Title: General biography; or, Lives, critical and historical, of the most eminent persons of all ages, countries, conditions, and professions, arranged according to alphabetical order (1818) (14577655658)
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