Image: Image from page 26 of "British Malaya; an account of the origin and progress of British influence in Malaya;... (1907) (14580981259)

Description: Identifier: britishmalayaac00swet Title: British Malaya: an account of the origin and progress of British influence in Malaya; with a specially compiled map, numerous illustrations reproduced from photographs and a frontispiece in photogravure Year: 1907 (1900s) Authors: Swettenham, Frank Athelstane, Sir, 1850-1946 Subjects: Publisher: London, Lane Contributing Library: Robarts - University of Toronto Digitizing Sponsor: University of Toronto View Book Page: Book Viewer About This Book: Catalog Entry View All Images: All Images From Book Click here to view book online to see this illustration in context in a browseable online version of this book. Text Appearing Before Image: Text Appearing After Image: THE STRAITS OF MALACCA 7 on the other spaces of water, green or blue, grey or blood-red, molten silver or black, under the varying conditionsof sunlight and shadow, of eastern day or eastern night.There are no Malay villages, no country scenes, morepicturesque than those of Malacca; and if the visitorchances to meet a wedding party in bullock carts, or aMalay funeral procession ; if he witnesses a fleet of fishingboats putting out at sunset, or homing at dawn ; and haseyes to see and to appreciate the colours, the move-ment, the strange people with their strangely beautifulsurroundings, the scene will live in his memory for alltime. Singapore is 120 miles south-east of Malacca, a few milesnorth of the southernmost point in Asia ; the island standssentinel at the narrow gate which divides the Straits ofMalacca from the China Sea. A dozen ocean-goingsteamers pass into or out of its harbours every day, andmost of these vessels call at no other port in the Straits.By good fortune, it comm Note About Images Please note that these images are extracted from scanned page images that may have been digitally enhanced for readability - coloration and appearance of these illustrations may not perfectly resemble the original work.
Title: Image from page 26 of "British Malaya; an account of the origin and progress of British influence in Malaya;... (1907) (14580981259)
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