Image: Mexico to-day, a country with a great future; and a glance at the prehistoric remains and antiquities of the Montezumas (1883) (14596212987)

Description: Identifier: mexicotodaycount00brocuoft (find matches) Title: Mexico to-day, a country with a great future; and a glance at the prehistoric remains and antiquities of the Montezumas Year: 1883 (1880s) Authors: Brocklehurst, Thomas Unett Subjects: Mexico -- Antiquities Mexico -- Description and travel Publisher: London, Murray Contributing Library: Robarts - University of Toronto Digitizing Sponsor: MSN View Book Page: Book Viewer About This Book: Catalog Entry View All Images: All Images From Book Click here to view book online to see this illustration in context in a browseable online version of this book. Text Appearing Before Image: ie andwaist-sash, grey felt sombrero, richly laced with silver, gauntletgloves, and buff high boots with spurs—the rowels the size ofcheese plates—carbine, revolvers, and sword. Their horses arehighly bred, and so exquisitely trained that they obey the pressureof the knee, the rein being seldom if ever used. A troop oftwenty to thirty of these picturesque-looking fellows, filing past,escorting a diligence or accompaning our Saturday pay cavalcadedown the railway line, is one of the prettiest sights of the city ofMexico. An officer of the general army with vv^hom I became acquaintedgave me an idea of the pay of the officers in the different branchesof the army. General of the DivisionGeneral of Brigade Colonel Lieut.-Colonel Major Captain Lieutenant 2nd Lieutenant .. . $500 per month. • • 375 > Cavalry. Infantry. $225 $208 per month. 150 137 l.SO 122 95 80 G5 GO CO 57 The pay of the Rural Guards is ;;160 for the officers and $55for the men per month. > u (- < _J Nillji Text Appearing After Image: A, 2; N <a. a s ( 33 ) CHAPTER V. PUBLIC INSTITUTIONS. Records of the Inquisition—Old Store Shops—School of Arts and Trades— Blind People. The city lions have to be visited on foot, and it requires a littlemanagement to keep the shady sides of the streets; I oftengladly turned into a cool, dark church for a few minutes respitefrom the outside glare. The old church of San Domingo, with itspink walls, quaint entablatures, peculiar portals, and glittering,tiled dome, is at an easy distance from the hotel. The gardenand plaza in front possess several attractive features, and thesquare is generally filled with carts and mules, the carts loadedwith hay and other farm products exposed for sale. On theeast stands the School of Medicine; the course of study lastsseven long years. I was shown over the interior, and saw morethan I cared for. This building was formerly the tribunal ofthe Inquisition, which was established in Mexico on the 4th ofNovember, 1571, and suppressed by a decree Note About Images Please note that these images are extracted from scanned page images that may have been digitally enhanced for readability - coloration and appearance of these illustrations may not perfectly resemble the original work.
Title: Mexico to-day, a country with a great future; and a glance at the prehistoric remains and antiquities of the Montezumas (1883) (14596212987)
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