Image: Philadelphia; a guide, made for the convenience of people interested in the city's notable history and present achievements (1917) (14757562396)

Description: Identifier: philadelphiaguid00john (find matches) Title: Philadelphia; a guide, made for the convenience of people interested in the city's notable history and present achievements Year: 1917 (1910s) Authors: John Wanamaker (Firm) Subjects: Publisher: Philadelphia, J. Wanamaker Contributing Library: The Library of Congress Digitizing Sponsor: Sloan Foundation View Book Page: Book Viewer About This Book: Catalog Entry View All Images: All Images From Book Click here to view book online to see this illustration in context in a browseable online version of this book. Text Appearing Before Image: Philadelphia is laid out like a huge chess-boardbetween the Delaware River on the east and the Schuylkill on the west,the streets that run across the town between the rivers being named, andthose that run north and south being numbered. First or Front Street isnearest the Delaware, Twenty-third is at the Schuylkill, and the numberedstreets continue over in West Philadelphia as far out as the seventies.The fourteenth is called Broad Street, and is the main axis north andsouth. Market Street runs across the numbered streets and is popularlythought of as the middle line of the city. I louses are numbered north and south from Market, and westward fromFront Street, every new block beginning a new hundred; the odd numbersare on the north side. Tims 307 Walnut Street is between Third andFourth on Walnut, north side; 2100 Pine is the southwest corner ofPine and Twenty-first Streets. The numbers north and south of Marketon the numbered streets are not so easy to locate until one knows where 15 Text Appearing After Image: THE UNITED STATES MINT at Seventeenth and Spring Garden Streets, is a most interesting place to visit. Itis a comparatively new building, with three times the capacity of the one itsuperseded, which stood on Chestnut Street between Juniper and Broad. Thepresent structure cost nearly tzvo and a half millions. Visitors are admitted dailyexcept Sunday, from 9 to 3, and are taken over the building by guides whoexplain the interesting processes of coining money. the named streets come and new hundreds begin. The list of prin-cipal streets given on page 42 will aid the stranger. Square-lengths areabout the same in either direction—ten squares across, or eight up anddown, being a mile. The trolley lines were rerouted not long ago, witha view to improving the service in both city and suburbs. With fewexceptions, the cars run in only one direction on each street. Most ofthe suburbs can be reached by trolley. Fuller information about out-of-town trips will be found on pages 40 and 41 of this Note About Images Please note that these images are extracted from scanned page images that may have been digitally enhanced for readability - coloration and appearance of these illustrations may not perfectly resemble the original work.
Title: Philadelphia; a guide, made for the convenience of people interested in the city's notable history and present achievements (1917) (14757562396)
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