Image: Prisoners of war and military prisons; personal narratives of experience in the prisons at Richmond, Danville, Macon, Andersonville, Savannah, Millen, Charleston, and Columbia with a list of officers (14759573681)

Description: Identifier: prisonersofwarmi00isha (find matches) Title: Prisoners of war and military prisons; personal narratives of experience in the prisons at Richmond, Danville, Macon, Andersonville, Savannah, Millen, Charleston, and Columbia ... with a list of officers who were prisoners of war from January 1, 1864 Year: 1890 (1890s) Authors: Isham, Asa B. (Asa Brainerd), 1844-1912 Davidson, Henry M Furness, H. B Subjects: United States -- History Civil War, 1861-1865 Prison life Publisher: Cincinnati, Lyman & Cushing Contributing Library: New York Public Library Digitizing Sponsor: MSN View Book Page: Book Viewer About This Book: Catalog Entry View All Images: All Images From Book Click here to view book online to see this illustration in context in a browseable online version of this book. Text Appearing Before Image: ' Text Appearing After Image: Prisoners of War. 75 with the corn, and we had to sift it before we could useit. The refuse from the sifting was browned, and adecoction made from it which was our substitute forcoftee. Scurvy, which had about disappeared since we leftMacon, under the influence of the diet at Savannah, againbecame prevalent. ^No one who has not suflered fromprolonged meat deprivation can imagine the cravingswhich tormented us. Any thing having the appearanceof meat would have been greedily devoured and no ques-tions asked. An old razor-back boar, as tough, lean,and unsavory as an aged billy-goat, upon straggling intocamp, was set upon and ^ -^i^^t —, _ _ - -dispatched with clubs. :^fcThe famished prisoners ^lpiled upon each other in ^ptthe struggle to get apiece of the flesh, andhacked it up into little ^^^^bits with knives. Thosewho were fortunate enough to secure a taste esteemed itthe sweetest morsel they had ever known. The tops of apair of cavalry boots, belonging to the writer, which hadparted Note About Images Please note that these images are extracted from scanned page images that may have been digitally enhanced for readability - coloration and appearance of these illustrations may not perfectly resemble the original work.
Title: Prisoners of war and military prisons; personal narratives of experience in the prisons at Richmond, Danville, Macon, Andersonville, Savannah, Millen, Charleston, and Columbia with a list of officers (14759573681)
Credit: Source book page:
Author: Isham, Asa B. (Asa Brainerd), 1844-1912; Davidson, Henry M; Furness, H. B
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