Image: The Chamber of commerce handbook for San Francisco, historical and descriptive; a guide for visitors (1914) (14589594267)

Description: Identifier: chamberofcommerc01todd (find matches) Title: The Chamber of commerce handbook for San Francisco, historical and descriptive; a guide for visitors .. Year: 1914 (1910s) Authors: Todd, Frank Morton Greater San Francisco Chamber of Commerce Subjects: Publisher: San Francisco, San Francisco Chamber of commerce under the direction of the Publicity committee Contributing Library: The Library of Congress Digitizing Sponsor: Sloan Foundation View Book Page: Book Viewer About This Book: Catalog Entry View All Images: All Images From Book Click here to view book online to see this illustration in context in a browseable online version of this book. Text Appearing Before Image: THE HEAIJST (JHEKK THHATHH, I5EHKKLEV. BERKELEY AND THE UNIVERSITY OF CALI-FORNIA—THE HEARST GREEK THEATER. This will make a most enjoyable days outing from SanFrancisco, and is an experience no visitor to this locality shouldmiss. To reach Berkeley, take either the Southern Pacific ferryor the Key System ferry from the foot of Market street, andthe Berkeley train, on the Oakland mole of either line. Before visiting the University it is well to get an idea of thecity and of bay geography, and to see at the same time oneof the best views of San Francisco Bay by taking a trolley 266 Handbook for San Francisco Text Appearing After Image: MAP OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA. The Hearst Greek Theater 267 ride on the Cragmont car, of the Euclid avenue line, whichyou can board on University avenue at Shattuck. The University of California occupies 520 acres on theslopes of the Berkeley hills, commanding a view of the Bayof San Francisco and some times far out to sea; one of thegrandest and most inspiring locations for an institution ofthis kind. There are groves of pine, eucalyptus and ancient oaks. Thearchitecture of the new buildings is imposing and beautiful. The world-famous Creef( Theater, gift of William Ran-dolph Hearst, lies eastward of the main buildings, in a hollowof Charter Hill, once known as Ben Weeds Amphitheater.It seats 8,000 people, and here have appeared such artists asSchumann-Heink, Gadski, Nordica, Tetrazzini, Bispham,Wullner, Petchinikoff, Beel, Adele Verne, Josef Hoffman,Myrtle Elvyn, the Ben Greet players, Constance Crawley,Nance ONeill, Maude Adams, Margaret Anglin and SarahBernhardt—some of th Note About Images Please note that these images are extracted from scanned page images that may have been digitally enhanced for readability - coloration and appearance of these illustrations may not perfectly resemble the original work.
Title: The Chamber of commerce handbook for San Francisco, historical and descriptive; a guide for visitors (1914) (14589594267)
Credit: Source book page:
Author: Todd, Frank Morton; Greater San Francisco Chamber of Commerce
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