Ghebaleh facts for kids
Ghebaleh, Ghbeleh (غباله) in Arabic is a Village in Keserwan, Lebanon
At 40 KM from the capital of Lebanon, Ghebaleh is considered the capital of Ftouh Kesrwan, with an altitude of 700-1100 meters above sea level.
A Christian conservative village in the Lebanese mountain, wild nature and historical heritage. the 400 year old Church St. Sarkis & Bakhos is one of the major religious monuments in the region, in addition to St. Georges Church at Hakl al Rayes, St. Chalita, St. Antoine, St. Nohra, Ste Al Shekiff and the Immaculate conception Church.
22nd of july comemorates the "Eid Mar Nohra" the Patron Saint of the El Hosri Family a very renown family in Ghbeleh since they were the first Maronites to settle in Ghebaleh in the 16th century and who played a crucial and historical role in the rise of this heavenly village on the religious and social forefront throughout the years and across borders. to name a few; Yousef Semaan El Hosri designated by the Wali as ruler of the Area, Dr. Chucri Nassif El Hosri one of the first 4 medical doctors in Lebanon graduated in 1900, Dr. Antoine Chucri El Hosri 1st Gastroentirologist in lebanon and president of the Order Of Doctors, Mr. Fernand Antoine Hosri a visinory Business Man who has dedicated years in the service of Mar Nohra and the renovation of this historic church. Eid Mar Nohra spreads over a full week of festivities with the hype on the eve of the 22nd of July (21st Of july).
On September 13th each year, Ghebaleh hosts the "Eid Al Saleeb", (feast of the Cross) festival, that includes a carnival, musical and religious events, attendees come from all over Lebanon, and locals living abroad.
During summer, Ghebaleh is a destination for people looking for cool weather (comparing with Lebanese coast), beautiful nature and very close to city facilities, where they can enjoy tasty Lebanese food in exceptional restaurants.