Image: Lakes and resorts of the northwest; (1914) (14775022334)

Description: Identifier: lakesresortsofno00chic (find matches) Title: Lakes and resorts of the northwest; Year: 1914 (1910s) Authors: (Chicago and north western railway company) (from old catalog) Subjects: Publisher: Chicago, Ill. Contributing Library: The Library of Congress Digitizing Sponsor: Sloan Foundation View Book Page: Book Viewer About This Book: Catalog Entry View All Images: All Images From Book Click here to view book online to see this illustration in context in a browseable online version of this book. Text Appearing Before Image: Western Line to Menominee.From .Menominee steamer service \-ia HartTransportationCo. On the eastern side of Green Bay, almost directly acrossfrom Menominee, lie three or four ()uaint villages, whichfor rural beauty and picturesqueness cannot be surpassed.Sturgeon Bay, Fish Greek, Ephraim and Sister Bay furnishthe summer tourist with an ideal country in which to relaxand recuperate. Their natural location insures a healthful climate andthe invigorating l)reezes from Lake Michigan add to thisattractiveness. The irregular wreather-lieaten bluffs andcraggy headlands, alternating with sheltered coves andwhite sandy lieaches, form a continuous panorama ofstriking beauty. Bass fishing in the bay is excellentand many other species of fish are caught also. Boatingand bathing, together with long walks through the primitivewoods, form an unending attraction. The hotel accom-modations are ample, and strictly hrst-class service isoffered at reasonalile rates. 27 LAKES AND RESORTS OF THE NORTHWEST Text Appearing After Image: ONE OF THE CRAGS OVERLOOKING DEVILS LAKE, WIS. 28 REACHED BY CHICAGO AND NORTH W E S T E R N R Y. Sturgeon Bay, Wis.—(Contd)Excellent transportation is afforded \isitors to thisregion. From Green Bay, high class tin rough service ismaintained via K. G. B. & W. Ry. and A. & W. Ry. toSturgeon Bay, from which point commodious twelve-passenger automobiles operate to and from Egg Harbor,Fish Creek, Ephraim and Sister Bay, making direct con-nections with all trains. From Menominee, the HartTransportation Co. maintains good boat service acrossGreen Bay to the various resorts in Door County. Dailystage and steamer service is also maintained to Egg Harbor,Ellison Bay, Washington Island, Jacksonport, Baileys Boats, launches, guides and camping outfits may be had atreasonable rates. Good livery. Hotels and BoardingHouses Fourniers Camp..Pleasant View ResortVirgin Lake ResortOak Grove ResortLake Side Resort..Korzilius Summer Resort Blue Ribbon Point Resort. . . Harbor and Rowleys Bay, a Note About Images Please note that these images are extracted from scanned page images that may have been digitally enhanced for readability - coloration and appearance of these illustrations may not perfectly resemble the original work.
Title: Lakes and resorts of the northwest; (1914) (14775022334)
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