Image: The atoll of Funafuti; borings into a coral reef and the results, being the report of the Coral Reef Committee of the Royal Society (1904) (14765813295)

Description: Identifier: atolloffunafutib00roya (find matches) Title: The atoll of Funafuti; borings into a coral reef and the results, being the report of the Coral Reef Committee of the Royal Society Year: 1904 (1900s) Authors: Royal Society (Great Britain). Coral Reef committee Subjects: Coral reefs and islands Publisher: London, The Royal Society of London Contributing Library: Smithsonian Libraries Digitizing Sponsor: Biodiversity Heritage Library View Book Page: Book Viewer About This Book: Catalog Entry View All Images: All Images From Book Click here to view book online to see this illustration in context in a browseable online version of this book. Text Appearing Before Image: (1) Lifhofhamnion Hnndstone, Amatuku. (Seep. 78. Text Appearing After Image: (2) From the Living LithofJtainnion Eeef to the Hurricane Beach, Funafuti. THE GEOLOGY OF FUNAFUTI. 7!) gained on the ocean by the width of the living rim, O.L. 10, which, as shown byMr. HallictAns section, is represented by the difference between 170 feet and266 feet, that is a distance of 96 feet. This does not, of course mean that the edgeof the reef platform of the atoll has advanced seawards, as the result of peripheraloutgrowth, by a similar amount in the interval of time during which the belt O.L. 10was being reclaimed, but simply that as a result of the retreat of the sea-line as well asof the upgrowth, and perhaps to a limited extent outgrowth of O.L. 10, an extra widthof reef platform amounting to about 96 feet is noAv uncovered at low tide. It is notnecessary to assume a combined upgrowth and outgrowth of more than a few inchesin order to account for this widening of the atoll by 96 feet, as reference to Plate 17will show that there are numerous piers of reef-rock, only a f Note About Images Please note that these images are extracted from scanned page images that may have been digitally enhanced for readability - coloration and appearance of these illustrations may not perfectly resemble the original work.
Title: The atoll of Funafuti; borings into a coral reef and the results, being the report of the Coral Reef Committee of the Royal Society (1904) (14765813295)
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