Image: The uncivilized races of men in all countries of the world; being a comprehensive account of their manners and customs, and of their physical, social, mental, moral and religious characteristics. By (14762645001)

Description: Identifier: uncivilizedraces01wood (find matches) Title: The uncivilized races of men in all countries of the world; being a comprehensive account of their manners and customs, and of their physical, social, mental, moral and religious characteristics. By Rev. J. G. Wood... With new designs by Angas, Danby, Wolf, Zwecker... 1871 Year: 1877 (1870s) Authors: Wood, John George, 1827-1889 Subjects: Ethnology. Manners and customs. Savages Publisher: J. B. Burr and company Contributing Library: Brigham Young University-Idaho, David O. McKay Library Digitizing Sponsor: Brigham Young University-Idaho View Book Page: Book Viewer About This Book: Catalog Entry View All Images: All Images From Book Click here to view book online to see this illustration in context in a browseable online version of this book. Text Appearing Before Image: ' Text Appearing After Image: (117) THE EEVIEW AFTER A BATTLE. 119 diiferent regiments, a peculiar headdress isassigned to each regiment. On these head-dresses the natives seem to have exercisedall their ingenuity. The wildest fancywould hardly conceive the strange shapesthat a Kaffir soldier can make with feathers,and fur, and raw hide. Any kind of featheris seized upon to do duty in a Kaffir soldiersheaddress, but the most valued plumage isthat of a roller, whose glittering dress ofblue green is worked up into large globulartufts, which are worn upon the back of thehead, and on the upper part of the forehead.Such an ornament as this is seldom if everseen upon the head of a simple warrior, asit is too valuable to be possessed by any buta chief of consideration. Panda is very fondof wearing this beautiful ornament on occa-sions of state, and sometimes wears two atonce, the one on the front of his head-ring,and the other attached to the crown of thehead. The raw hide is stripped of its fur bybein;^ rolled up and bu Note About Images Please note that these images are extracted from scanned page images that may have been digitally enhanced for readability - coloration and appearance of these illustrations may not perfectly resemble the original work.
Title: The uncivilized races of men in all countries of the world; being a comprehensive account of their manners and customs, and of their physical, social, mental, moral and religious characteristics. By (14762645001)
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