Image: ABS-6291.0.55.003-LabourForceAustraliaDetailedQuarterly-EmployedPersonsByIndustrySubdivisionSex-EmployedTotal-TextileLeatherClothingFootwearManufacturing-Persons-A2546111A
Description: 6291.0.55.003 Labour Force, Australia, Detailed, Quarterly Table 06. Employed persons by Industry Subdivision and Sex Employed Total ; Textile, Leather, Clothing and Footwear Manufacturing ; Persons ; (unit: 000, series type: Original, data type: Stock, frequency: Quarter, collection month: 2, since: Nov-1984). The graph was plotted with gnuplot, and shows both the raw data (black points), and a trend constructed from a weighted cubic spline with a weighting of 1e-22 (red line).
Title: ABS-6291.0.55.003-LabourForceAustraliaDetailedQuarterly-EmployedPersonsByIndustrySubdivisionSex-EmployedTotal-TextileLeatherClothingFootwearManufacturing-Persons-A2546111A
Credit: Own work This image is based on Australian Bureau of Statistics data. The underlying data is from series A2546111A : column 185, table 6291006, available as part of a set with analysis, metadata and explanatory notes, or in the Excel file, and is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 2.5 license (Australia). Deutsch | English | Suomi | Македонски | +/−
Author: Toby Hudson
Usage Terms: Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 au
License: CC BY-SA 3.0 au
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