The 39 Clues: Doublecross is the fourth series in the 39 Clues series of books. The series was published from 2015 to 2016. It follows the story of the Cahills as they suffer from infighting. In the first book, Mission Titanic, Ian Kabra has become the new leader of the Cahills. Dan and Amy decided to take a break from the Cahills after nearly dying from combating Pierce and his thugs. Although Ian believe that he is much more fit to rule the Cahills that Amy and Dan, it seems that the Cahills do not fully recognize Ian as the leader. Ian has suspicions that many Cahills are plotting a coup. When this coup is realized, Ian Kabra and Cara Pierce are expelled from the Cahill home in Attleboro, Massachusetts. The leader of the coup is the Outcast, and he plans to replicate history's worst disasters in order to test Cahill leadership. The Cahills are expected to prevent the disasters in order to prove that they are worthy. Throughout the series, the Cahills make many shocking discoveries, discovering that Grace was actually ruthless and cruel, and that the Outcast is Nathaniel Hartford, the husband of Grace whom Grace wanted dead. There are four books in the series:
The Disasters in Doublecross
The Disasters in Doublecross were based on actual disasters that took place. Here is some background on several disasters:
- Mission Titanic: This disaster is based on the RMS Titanic, with most of the book focusing on the Halifax Explosion (1917) during World War I. While 2 ships the Mont Blanc a French ship carrying tons of explosives because it was heading out to war crashed with another ship all the explosives exploded & the glass became flying bullets blinding maiming blinding & killing people. The event was at 8:45 in the morning. It is thought to have around 2000 deaths ( 1950 confirmed) and harming around 9000 more. Amy & Dan along with their cousins & Cara Pierce their friend have to get on a ship called the Aurora and somehow loaded tons of explosives off the ship without the owner also harming them. But they soon figured out they were wrong and have another Titanic on their hands one of the largest man-made ships. Hit an iceberg on its first voyage.& soon sunk there was not enough lifeboats so many people died jumping in the cold freezing waters, freezing to death (this is a brief explanation on the titanic because the Halifax Explosion was so long)
- Mission Hindenburg: On May 6, 1937, the LZ 129 Hindenburg, a German passenger airship, exploded while trying to dock in New Jersey. The Hindenburg disaster killed 36 people. In the book, the Outcast blows up a Lucian airship, killing 36 Lucians. The Cahills were not able to prevent this disaster.
- Mission Hurricane: In 2005, Hurricane Katrina reached the city of New Orleans and breached its levees, flooding the city and killing over 1,800 people. The Outcast detonates a nuclear bomb off of the coast of the Netherlands in an attempt to create a tsunami and flood the country. However, the Cahills close its gates and saves the country.
- Mission Atomic: not available.
Mission Hurricane
Mission Hurricane is the third book in the Doublecross Series. It was written by Jenny Goebel, and was released on January 26, 2016. The cover is green, with the yellow oval saying "The 39 Clues" It also features the skyline of a modern city, most likely Rotterdam, Netherlands, a large port. It also shows lightning striking the city and frothy waves in the foreground. The preceding book was Mission Hindenburg, and the following book will be Mission Atomic, in which the Outcast will recreate the disaster at Chernobyl, Ukraine. The note at the end of the book reads: " My fellow ‘lost’ dragons: The science is sound. It will be a Level 7 event. The fire we breathe will scorch the whole world. -NH" The letter also has the Ekat symbol, which is a white dragon on a yellow crest. NH is the initials of Nathaniel Hartiford, the identity of the Outcast.