List of townships in Minnesota facts for kids
The U.S. state of Minnesota is divided into 1,806 townships in 87 counties.
Township | County |
Aastad | Otter Tail |
Acoma | McLeod |
Acton | Meeker |
Adams | Mower |
Adrian | Watonwan |
Aetna | Pipestone |
Agassiz | Lac qui Parle |
Agder | Marshall |
Agram | Morrison |
Aitkin | Aitkin |
Akeley | Hubbard |
Akron | Big Stone |
Akron | Wilkin |
Alango | St. Louis |
Alaska | Beltrami |
Alba | Jackson |
Albany | Stearns |
Albert Lea | Freeborn |
Alberta | Benton |
Albin | Brown |
Albion | Wright |
Alborn | St. Louis |
Alden | Freeborn |
Alden | St. Louis |
Aldrich | Wadena |
Alexandria | Douglas |
Alfsborg | Sibley |
Alliance | Clay |
Alma | Marshall |
Almond | Big Stone |
Alta Vista | Lincoln |
Alton | Waseca |
Altona | Pipestone |
Alvwood | Itasca |
Amador | Chisago |
Amboy | Cottonwood |
Amherst | Fillmore |
Amiret | Lyon |
Amo | Cottonwood |
Amor | Otter Tail |
Andover | Polk |
Andrea | Wilkin |
Angle | Lake of the Woods |
Angora | St. Louis |
Angus | Polk |
Ann Lake | Kanabec |
Ann | Cottonwood |
Ansel | Cass |
Anthony | Norman |
Antrim | Watonwan |
Appleton | Swift |
Arago | Hubbard |
Arbo | Itasca |
Arctander | Kandiyohi |
Ardenhurst | Itasca |
Arena | Lac qui Parle |
Arendahl | Fillmore |
Arlington | Sibley |
Arlone | Pine |
Arna | Pine |
Arrowhead | St. Louis |
Arthur | Kanabec |
Arthur | Traverse |
Artichoke | Big Stone |
Arveson | Kittson |
Ash Lake | Lincoln |
Ashland | Dodge |
Ashley | Stearns |
Athens | Isanti |
Atherton | Wilkin |
Atkinson | Carlton |
Atlanta | Becker |
Audubon | Becker |
Augsburg | Marshall |
Augusta | Lac qui Parle |
Ault | St. Louis |
Aurdal | Otter Tail |
Aurora | Steele |
Austin | Mower |
Automba | Carlton |
Avon | Stearns |
Badger | Polk |
Badoura | Hubbard |
Baker | Stevens |
Baldwin | Sherburne |
Balkan | St. Louis |
Ball Bluff | Aitkin |
Balsam | Aitkin |
Balsam | Itasca |
Bancroft | Freeborn |
Bandon | Renville |
Bangor | Pope |
Barber | Faribault |
Barclay | Cass |
Barnesville | Clay |
Barnett | Roseau |
Barnum | Carlton |
Barry | Pine |
Barsness | Pope |
Bartlett | Todd |
Barto | Roseau |
Bashaw | Brown |
Bassett | St. Louis |
Bath | Freeborn |
Battle Plain | Rock |
Battle | Beltrami |
Baudette | Lake of the Woods |
Baxter | Lac qui Parle |
Bay Lake | Crow Wing |
Baytown | Washington |
Bear Creek | Clearwater |
Bear Park | Norman |
Bearville | Itasca |
Beatty | St. Louis |
Beauford | Blue Earth |
Beaulieu | Mahnomen |
Beaver Bay | Lake |
Beaver Creek | Rock |
Beaver Falls | Renville |
Beaver | Aitkin |
Beaver | Fillmore |
Beaver | Roseau |
Becker | Cass |
Becker | Sherburne |
Bejou | Mahnomen |
Belfast | Murray |
Belgium | Polk |
Belgrade | Nicollet |
Belle Creek | Goodhue |
Belle Plaine | Scott |
Belle Prairie | Morrison |
Belle River | Douglas |
Bellevue | Morrison |
Belmont | Jackson |
Belvidere | Goodhue |
Bemidji | Beltrami |
Ben Wade | Pope |
Bennington | Mower |
Benson | Swift |
Benton | Carver |
Benville | Beltrami |
Bergen | McLeod |
Berlin | Steele |
Bernadotte | Nicollet |
Bertha | Todd |
Beseman | Carlton |
Beulah | Cass |
Big Bend | Chippewa |
Big Lake | Sherburne |
Big Stone | Big Stone |
Big Woods | Marshall |
Bigelow | Nobles |
Bigfork | Itasca |
Birch Cooley | Renville |
Birch Creek | Pine |
Birch Lake | Cass |
Birch | Beltrami |
Birchdale | Todd |
Bird Island | Renville |
Bismarck | Sibley |
Biwabik | St. Louis |
Black Hammer | Houston |
Black River | Pennington |
Blackberry | Itasca |
Blackhoof | Carlton |
Blakeley | Scott |
Blind Lake | Cass |
Bloom | Nobles |
Bloomer | Marshall |
Bloomfield | Fillmore |
Blooming Grove | Waseca |
Blooming Prairie | Steele |
Blowers | Otter Tail |
Blue Hill | Sherburne |
Blue Mounds | Pope |
Blueberry | Wadena |
Bluffton | Otter Tail |
Bogus Brook | Mille Lacs |
Bondin | Murray |
Boon Lake | Renville |
Boone | Lake of the Woods |
Borgholm | Mille Lacs |
Bowstring | Itasca |
Boxville | Marshall |
Boy Lake | Cass |
Boy River | Cass |
Bradbury | Mille Lacs |
Bradford | Isanti |
Bradford | Wilkin |
Brandon | Douglas |
Brandrup | Wilkin |
Brandsvold | Polk |
Brandt | Polk |
Bray | Pennington |
Breckenridge | Wilkin |
Breitung | St. Louis |
Bremen | Pine |
Brevator | St. Louis |
Bridgewater | Rice |
Brighton | Nicollet |
Brislet | Polk |
Bristol | Fillmore |
Brockway | Stearns |
Brook Park | Pine |
Brookfield | Renville |
Brookville | Redwood |
Browns Creek | Red Lake |
Browns Valley | Big Stone |
Brownsville | Houston |
Bruce | Todd |
Bruno | Pine |
Brunswick | Kanabec |
Brush Creek | Faribault |
Buckman | Morrison |
Buffalo | Wright |
Buh | Morrison |
Bull Moose | Cass |
Bullard | Wadena |
Bungo | Cass |
Burbank | Kandiyohi |
Burke | Pipestone |
Burleene | Todd |
Burlington | Becker |
Burnhamville | Todd |
Burnstown | Brown |
Burton | Yellow Medicine |
Buse | Otter Tail |
Butler | Otter Tail |
Butterfield | Watonwan |
Butternut Valley | Blue Earth |
Buzzle | Beltrami |
Bygland | Polk |
Byron | Cass |
Byron | Waseca |
Cairo | Renville |
Caledonia | Houston |
Callaway | Becker |
Cambria | Blue Earth |
Cambridge | Isanti |
Camden | Carver |
Cameron | Murray |
Camp 5 | St. Louis |
Camp Lake | Swift |
Camp Release | Lac qui Parle |
Camp | Renville |
Campbell | Wilkin |
Candor | Otter Tail |
Canisteo | Dodge |
Cannon City | Rice |
Cannon Falls | Goodhue |
Cannon | Kittson |
Canosia | St. Louis |
Canton | Fillmore |
Caribou | Kittson |
Carimona | Fillmore |
Carlisle | Otter Tail |
Carlos | Douglas |
Carlston | Freeborn |
Carpenter | Itasca |
Carrolton | Fillmore |
Carson | Cottonwood |
Carsonville | Becker |
Cascade | Olmsted |
Cashel | Swift |
Castle Rock | Dakota |
Cedar Lake | Scott |
Cedar Mills | Meeker |
Cedar | Marshall |
Cedar | Martin |
Cedar Valley | St. Louis |
Cedarbend | Roseau |
Center Creek | Martin |
Center | Crow Wing |
Ceresco | Blue Earth |
Cerro Gordo | Lac qui Parle |
Champion | Wilkin |
Chanarambie | Murray |
Charlestown | Redwood |
Chaska | Carver |
Chatfield | Fillmore |
Chatham | Wright |
Chengwatana | Pine |
Cherry Grove | Goodhue |
Cherry | St. Louis |
Chester | Polk |
Chester | Wabasha |
Chief | Mahnomen |
Chilgren | Lake of the Woods |
Chippewa Falls | Pope |
Chisago Lake | Chisago |
Christiania | Jackson |
Claremont | Dodge |
Clark | Aitkin |
Clark | Faribault |
Clay | Hubbard |
Clayton | Mower |
Clear Lake | Sherburne |
Clearwater | Wright |
Cleveland | Le Sueur |
Clifton | Lyon |
Clifton | Traverse |
Clinton Falls | Steele |
Clinton | Rock |
Clinton | St. Louis |
Clitherall | Otter Tail |
Clontarf | Swift |
Clover Leaf | Pennington |
Clover | Clearwater |
Clover | Hubbard |
Clover | Mahnomen |
Clover | Pine |
Clow | Kittson |
Cokato | Wright |
Colfax | Kandiyohi |
Collegeville | Stearns |
Collins | McLeod |
Collinwood | Meeker |
Columbia | Polk |
Colvin | St. Louis |
Comfort | Kanabec |
Como | Marshall |
Compton | Otter Tail |
Comstock | Marshall |
Concord | Dodge |
Connelly | Wilkin |
Coon Creek | Lyon |
Copley | Clearwater |
Cordova | Le Sueur |
Corinna | Wright |
Corliss | Otter Tail |
Cormant | Beltrami |
Cormorant | Becker |
Cornish | Aitkin |
Cornish | Sibley |
Cosmos | Meeker |
Cotton | St. Louis |
Cottonwood | Brown |
Courtland | Nicollet |
Crate | Chippewa |
Croke | Traverse |
Cromwell | Clay |
Crooked Creek | Houston |
Crooked Lake | Cass |
Crooks | Renville |
Crookston | Polk |
Crosby | Pine |
Crow Lake | Stearns |
Crow River | Stearns |
Crow Wing Lake | Hubbard |
Crow Wing | Crow Wing |
Crystal Bay | Lake |
Cuba | Becker |
Culdrum | Morrison |
Culver | St. Louis |
Cushing | Morrison |
Custer | Lyon |
Daggett Brook | Crow Wing |
Dahlgren | Carver |
Dailey | Mille Lacs |
Dalbo | Isanti |
Dale | Cottonwood |
Dane Prairie | Otter Tail |
Danforth | Pine |
Danielson | Meeker |
Danville | Blue Earth |
Darling | Morrison |
Darnen | Stevens |
Darwin | Meeker |
Dassel | Meeker |
Davis | Kittson |
Dead Lake | Otter Tail |
Decoria | Blue Earth |
Deer Creek | Otter Tail |
Deer Park | Pennington |
Deer River | Itasca |
Deer | Roseau |
Deerfield | Cass |
Deerfield | Steele |
Deerhorn | Wilkin |
Deerwood | Crow Wing |
Deerwood | Kittson |
Delafield | Jackson |
Delavan | Faribault |
Delaware | Grant |
Delhi | Redwood |
Dell Grove | Pine |
Delton | Cottonwood |
Denmark | Washington |
Denver | Rock |
Derrynane | Le Sueur |
Des Moines River | Murray |
Des Moines | Jackson |
Detroit | Becker |
Dewald | Nobles |
Dewey | Roseau |
Dexter | Mower |
Diamond Lake | Lincoln |
Dieter | Roseau |
Dollymount | Traverse |
Donnelly | Marshall |
Donnelly | Stevens |
Dora | Otter Tail |
Douglas | Dakota |
Dover | Olmsted |
Dovray | Murray |
Dovre | Kandiyohi |
Drammen | Lincoln |
Dresbach | Winona |
Dryden | Sibley |
Dublin | Swift |
Dudley | Clearwater |
Duluth | St. Louis |
Dunbar | Faribault |
Dunn | Otter Tail |
Durand | Beltrami |
Eagle Lake | Otter Tail |
Eagle Point | Marshall |
Eagle | Carlton |
Eagle Valley | Todd |
Eagle View | Becker |
Eagles Nest | St. Louis |
East Chain | Martin |
East Lake Lillian | Kandiyohi |
East Park | Marshall |
East Side | Mille Lacs |
East Valley | Marshall |
Eastern | Otter Tail |
Echo | Yellow Medicine |
Eckles | Beltrami |
Eckvoll | Marshall |
Eddy | Clearwater |
Eden Lake | Stearns |
Eden | Brown |
Eden | Pipestone |
Eden | Polk |
Edison | Swift |
Edna | Otter Tail |
Edwards | Kandiyohi |
Effington | Otter Tail |
Eglon | Clay |
Eidsvold | Lyon |
Elba | Winona |
Elbow Lake | Grant |
Eldorado | Stevens |
Elgin | Wabasha |
Elizabeth | Otter Tail |
Elk Lake | Grant |
Elk | Nobles |
Elkton | Clay |
Ellington | Dodge |
Ellsborough | Murray |
Ellsburg | St. Louis |
Ellsworth | Meeker |
Elm Creek | Martin |
Elmdale | Morrison |
Elmer | Pipestone |
Elmer | St. Louis |
Elmira | Olmsted |
Elmo | Otter Tail |
Elmore | Faribault |
Elmwood | Clay |
Elysian | Le Sueur |
Emardville | Red Lake |
Embarrass | St. Louis |
Emerald | Faribault |
Emmet | Renville |
Empire | Dakota |
Enstrom | Roseau |
Enterprise | Jackson |
Equality | Red Lake |
Erdahl | Grant |
Erhards Grove | Otter Tail |
Ericson | Renville |
Erie | Becker |
Erin | Rice |
Espelie | Marshall |
Esther | Polk |
Euclid | Polk |
Eureka | Dakota |
Evansville | Douglas |
Everglade | Stevens |
Evergreen | Becker |
Everts | Otter Tail |
Ewington | Jackson |
Excel | Marshall |
Eyota | Olmsted |
Fahlun | Kandiyohi |
Fair Haven | Stearns |
Fairbanks | St. Louis |
Fairfax | Polk |
Fairfield | Crow Wing |
Fairfield | Swift |
Fairmont | Martin |
Fairview | Cass |
Fairview | Lyon |
Falk | Clearwater |
Fall Lake | Lake |
Falun | Roseau |
Fanny | Polk |
Farden | Hubbard |
Farley | Polk |
Farm Island | Aitkin |
Farming | Stearns |
Farmington | Olmsted |
Fawn Lake | Todd |
Faxon | Sibley |
Fayal | St. Louis |
Featherstone | Goodhue |
Feeley | Itasca |
Felton | Clay |
Fenton | Murray |
Fergus Falls | Otter Tail |
Fern | Hubbard |
Field | St. Louis |
Fieldon | Watonwan |
Fillmore | Fillmore |
Fine Lakes | St. Louis |
Finlayson | Pine |
Fish Lake | Chisago |
Fisher | Polk |
Fleming | Aitkin |
Fleming | Pine |
Flom | Norman |
Floodwood | St. Louis |
Flora | Renville |
Florence | Goodhue |
Florida | Yellow Medicine |
Flowing | Clay |
Foldahl | Marshall |
Folden | Otter Tail |
Folsom | Traverse |
Ford | Kanabec |
Forest Area | Lake of the Woods |
Forest City | Meeker |
Forest Prairie | Meeker |
Forest | Becker |
Forest | Rice |
Forestville | Fillmore |
Fork | Marshall |
Fort Ripley | Crow Wing |
Fortier | Yellow Medicine |
Fossum | Norman |
Foster | Big Stone |
Foster | Faribault |
Fountain Prairie | Pipestone |
Fountain | Fillmore |
Fox Lake | Martin |
Foxhome | Wilkin |
Framnas | Stevens |
Franconia | Chisago |
Frankford | Mower |
Franklin | Wright |
Fraser | Martin |
Fredenberg | St. Louis |
Freeborn | Freeborn |
Freedom | Waseca |
Freeland | Lac qui Parle |
Freeman | Freeborn |
Fremont | Winona |
French Lake | Wright |
French | St. Louis |
Friberg | Otter Tail |
Friendship | Yellow Medicine |
Frohn | Beltrami |
Gail Lake | Crow Wing |
Galena | Martin |
Gales | Redwood |
Garden City | Blue Earth |
Garden | Polk |
Garfield | Lac qui Parle |
Garfield | Polk |
Garnes | Red Lake |
Garrison | Crow Wing |
Geneva | Freeborn |
Gennessee | Kandiyohi |
Gentilly | Polk |
Georgetown | Clay |
Germania | Todd |
Germantown | Cottonwood |
Gervais | Red Lake |
Getty | Stearns |
Gilchrist | Pope |
Gillford | Wabasha |
Gilmanton | Benton |
Girard | Otter Tail |
Glasgow | Wabasha |
Glen | Aitkin |
Glencoe | McLeod |
Glendorado | Benton |
Glenwood | Pope |
Glyndon | Clay |
Gnesen | St. Louis |
Godfrey | Polk |
Golden Valley | Roseau |
Good Hope | Itasca |
Good Hope | Norman |
Goodhue | Goodhue |
Goodland | Itasca |
Goodridge | Pennington |
Goose Prairie | Clay |
Gordon | Todd |
Gorman | Otter Tail |
Gorton | Grant |
Gould | Cass |
Grace | Chippewa |
Graceville | Big Stone |
Grafton | Sibley |
Graham Lakes | Nobles |
Graham | Benton |
Granby | Nicollet |
Grand Forks | Polk |
Grand Lake | St. Louis |
Grand Meadow | Mower |
Grand Plain | Marshall |
Grand Prairie | Nobles |
Grand Rapids | Itasca |
Grandview | Lyon |
Grange | Pipestone |
Granite Falls | Chippewa |
Granite Ledge | Benton |
Granite Rock | Redwood |
Granite | Morrison |
Grant Valley | Beltrami |
Granville | Kittson |
Grass Lake | Kanabec |
Grattan | Itasca |
Gray | Pipestone |
Great Bend | Cottonwood |
Great Scott | St. Louis |
Green Isle | Sibley |
Green Lake | Kandiyohi |
Green Meadow | Norman |
Green Prairie | Morrison |
Green Valley | Becker |
Greenbush | Mille Lacs |
Greenfield | Wabasha |
Greenleaf | Meeker |
Greenvale | Dakota |
Greenway | Itasca |
Greenwood | Clearwater |
Greenwood | St. Louis |
Gregory | Mahnomen |
Grey Cloud Island | Washington |
Grey Eagle | Todd |
Grimstad | Roseau |
Grove Lake | Pope |
Grove Park-Tilden | Polk |
Grove | Stearns |
Gudrid | Lake of the Woods |
Gully | Polk |
Guthrie | Hubbard |
Hagali | Beltrami |
Hagen | Clay |
Halden | St. Louis |
Hale | McLeod |
Hallock | Kittson |
Halstad | Norman |
Hamden | Becker |
Hamlin | Lac qui Parle |
Hammer | Yellow Medicine |
Hammond | Polk |
Hampden | Kittson |
Hampton | Dakota |
Hamre | Beltrami |
Hancock | Carver |
Hangaard | Clearwater |
Hansonville | Lincoln |
Hantho | Lac qui Parle |
Harmony | Fillmore |
Harris | Itasca |
Harrison | Kandiyohi |
Hart Lake | Hubbard |
Hart | Winona |
Hartford | Todd |
Hartland | Freeborn |
Harvey | Meeker |
Hassan | Hennepin |
Hassan Valley | McLeod |
Haugen | Aitkin |
Havana | Steele |
Havelock | Chippewa |
Haven | Sherburne |
Haverhill | Olmsted |
Hawk Creek | Renville |
Hawley | Clay |
Hay Brook | Kanabec |
Hay Creek | Goodhue |
Hayes | Swift |
Hayfield | Dodge |
Hayland | Mille Lacs |
Hayward | Freeborn |
Hazel Run | Yellow Medicine |
Hazelton | Aitkin |
Hazelton | Kittson |
Hector | Renville |
Hegbert | Swift |
Hegne | Norman |
Heier | Mahnomen |
Height of Land | Becker |
Helen | McLeod |
Helena | Scott |
Helga | Hubbard |
Helgeland | Polk |
Henderson | Sibley |
Hendricks | Lincoln |
Hendrickson | Hubbard |
Hendrum | Norman |
Henning | Otter Tail |
Henrietta | Hubbard |
Henryville | Renville |
Hereim | Roseau |
Heron Lake | Jackson |
Hersey | Nobles |
Hickory | Pennington |
Higdem | Polk |
High Forest | Olmsted |
Highland Grove | Clay |
Highland | Wabasha |
Highlanding | Pennington |
Highwater | Cottonwood |
Hill Lake | Aitkin |
Hill River | Polk |
Hill | Kittson |
Hillman | Kanabec |
Hillman | Morrison |
Hillsdale | Winona |
Hinckley | Pine |
Hines | Beltrami |
Hiram | Cass |
Hobart | Otter Tail |
Hodges | Stevens |
Hoff | Pope |
Hokah | Houston |
Holden | Goodhue |
Holding | Stearns |
Holland | Kandiyohi |
Holly | Murray |
Hollywood | Carver |
Holmesville | Becker |
Holst | Clearwater |
Holt | Fillmore |
Holt | Marshall |
Holy Cross | Clay |
Holyoke | Carlton |
Home Brook | Cass |
Home Lake | Norman |
Home | Brown |
Homer | Winona |
Homestead | Otter Tail |
Honner | Redwood |
Hope | Lincoln |
Hornet | Beltrami |
Horton | Stevens |
Houston | Houston |
Hubbard | Hubbard |
Hubbard | Polk |
Hudson | Douglas |
Humboldt | Clay |
Hunter | Jackson |
Huntersville | Wadena |
Huntly | Marshall |
Huntsville | Polk |
Huss | Roseau |
Hutchinson | McLeod |
Hyde Park | Wabasha |
Ida | Douglas |
Ideal | Crow Wing |
Idun | Aitkin |
Indian Lake | Nobles |
Industrial | St. Louis |
Inguadona | Cass |
Inman | Otter Tail |
Iona | Murray |
Iona | Todd |
Iosco | Waseca |
Iron Range | Itasca |
Irondale | Crow Wing |
Irving | Kandiyohi |
Isanti | Isanti |
Island Lake | Lyon |
Island Lake | Mahnomen |
Isle Harbor | Mille Lacs |
Itasca | Clearwater |
Jackson | Scott |
Jadis | Roseau |
Jamestown | Blue Earth |
Janesville | Waseca |
Jay | Martin |
Jefferson | Houston |
Jenkins | Crow Wing |
Jessenland | Sibley |
Jevne | Aitkin |
Jo Daviess | Faribault |
Johnson | Polk |
Johnsonville | Redwood |
Jones | Beltrami |
Jordan | Fillmore |
Judson | Blue Earth |
Jupiter | Kittson |
Kalevala | Carlton |
Kalmar | Olmsted |
Kanabec | Kanabec |
Kanaranzi | Rock |
Kandiyohi | Kandiyohi |
Kandota | Todd |
Kasota | Le Sueur |
Kathio | Mille Lacs |
Keene | Clay |
Kego | Cass |
Kelliher | Beltrami |
Kelsey | St. Louis |
Kelso | Sibley |
Kenyon | Goodhue |
Kerkhoven | Swift |
Kerrick | Pine |
Kertsonville | Polk |
Kettle River | Pine |
Keystone | Polk |
Kiel | Lake of the Woods |
Kiester | Faribault |
Kildare | Swift |
Kilkenny | Le Sueur |
Kimball | Jackson |
Kimberly | Aitkin |
King | Polk |
Kinghurst | Itasca |
Kingman | Renville |
Kingston | Meeker |
Kintire | Redwood |
Knife Lake | Kanabec |
Knute | Polk |
Kragero | Chippewa |
Kragnes | Clay |
Krain | Stearns |
Kratka | Pennington |
Kroschel | Kanabec |
Kugler | St. Louis |
Kurtz | Clay |
La Crescent | Houston |
La Crosse | Jackson |
La Garde | Mahnomen |
La Grand | Douglas |
La Prairie | Clearwater |
Lac qui Parle | Lac qui Parle |
Lafayette | Nicollet |
Lake Alice | Hubbard |
Lake Andrew | Kandiyohi |
Lake Belt | Martin |
Lake Benton | Lincoln |
Lake Edwards | Crow Wing |
Lake Elizabeth | Kandiyohi |
Lake Emma | Hubbard |
Lake Eunice | Becker |
Lake Fremont | Martin |
Lake George | Hubbard |
Lake George | Stearns |
Lake Grove | Mahnomen |
Lake Hanska | Brown |
Lake Hattie | Hubbard |
Lake Henry | Stearns |
Lake Ida | Norman |
Lake Jessie | Itasca |
Lake Johanna | Pope |
Lake Lillian | Kandiyohi |
Lake Marshall | Lyon |
Lake Mary | Douglas |
Lake Park | Becker |
Lake Pleasant | Red Lake |
Lake Prairie | Nicollet |
Lake Sarah | Murray |
Lake Shore | Lac qui Parle |
Lake Stay | Lincoln |
Lake | Roseau |
Lake | Wabasha |
Lake Valley | Traverse |
Lake View | Becker |
Lakeport | Hubbard |
Lakeside | Aitkin |
Lakeside | Cottonwood |
Laketown | Carver |
Lakeview | Carlton |
Lakewood | Lake of the Woods |
Lakewood | St. Louis |
Lakin | Morrison |
Lambert | Red Lake |
Lamberton | Redwood |
Lammers | Beltrami |
Land | Grant |
Lanesburgh | Le Sueur |
Langhei | Pope |
Langola | Benton |
Langor | Beltrami |
Lansing | Mower |
Laona | Roseau |
Larkin | Nobles |
Lavell | St. Louis |
Lawrence | Grant |
Lawrence | Itasca |
Le Ray | Blue Earth |
Le Roy | Mower |
Le Sauk | Stearns |
Leaf Lake | Otter Tail |
Leaf Mountain | Otter Tail |
Leaf River | Wadena |
Leaf Valley | Douglas |
Leavenworth | Brown |
Lee | Aitkin |
Lee | Beltrami |
Lee | Norman |
Leech Lake | Cass |
Leeds | Murray |
Leenthrop | Chippewa |
Leiding | St. Louis |
Leigh | Morrison |
Lemond | Steele |
Lent | Chisago |
Leon | Clearwater |
Leon | Goodhue |
Leonardsville | Traverse |
Leota | Nobles |
Leslie | Todd |
Lessor | Polk |
Leven | Pope |
Lewis | Mille Lacs |
Lexington | Le Sueur |
Libby | Aitkin |
Liberty | Beltrami |
Liberty | Itasca |
Liberty | Polk |
Lida | Otter Tail |
Lien | Grant |
Lima | Cass |
Lime Lake | Murray |
Lime | Blue Earth |
Limestone | Lincoln |
Lincoln | Blue Earth |
Lincoln | Marshall |
Lind | Roseau |
Linden Grove | St. Louis |
Linden | Brown |
Linsell | Marshall |
Linwood | Anoka |
Lisbon | Yellow Medicine |
Lismore | Nobles |
Litchfield | Meeker |
Little Elbow | Mahnomen |
Little Elk | Todd |
Little Falls | Morrison |
Little Pine | Crow Wing |
Little Rock | Nobles |
Little Sauk | Todd |
Livonia | Sherburne |
Lockhart | Norman |
Lodi | Mower |
Logan | Aitkin |
Logan | Grant |
London | Freeborn |
Lone Pine | Itasca |
Lone Tree | Chippewa |
Long Lake | Crow Wing |
Long Lake | Watonwan |
Long Prairie | Todd |
Loon Lake | Cass |
Lorain | Nobles |
Louisville | Red Lake |
Louisville | Scott |
Louriston | Chippewa |
Lowell | Polk |
Lowville | Murray |
Lucas | Lyon |
Lund | Douglas |
Lura | Faribault |
Lutsen | Cook |
Luverne | Rock |
Luxemburg | Stearns |
Lyle | Mower |
Lynd | Lyon |
Lynden | Stearns |
Lynn | McLeod |
Lyons | Lyon |
Lyons | Wadena |
Lyra | Blue Earth |
Macsville | Grant |
Macville | Aitkin |
Madelia | Watonwan |
Madison | Lac qui Parle |
Magnolia | Rock |
Mahtowa | Carlton |
Maine Prairie | Stearns |
Maine | Otter Tail |
Malmo | Aitkin |
Malta | Big Stone |
Malung | Roseau |
Mamre | Kandiyohi |
Manannah | Meeker |
Manchester | Freeborn |
Mandt | Chippewa |
Manfred | Lac qui Parle |
Mankato | Blue Earth |
Mansfield | Freeborn |
Manston | Wilkin |
Mantorville | Dodge |
Mantrap | Hubbard |
Manyaska | Martin |
Maple Grove | Becker |
Maple Grove | Crow Wing |
Maple Lake | Wright |
Maple Ridge | Beltrami |
Maple Ridge | Isanti |
Maple | Cass |
Mapleton | Blue Earth |
Maplewood | Otter Tail |
Marble | Lincoln |
Marcell | Itasca |
Marion | Olmsted |
Marsh Creek | Mahnomen |
Marsh Grove | Marshall |
Marshall | Mower |
Marshan | Dakota |
Marshfield | Lincoln |
Martin | Rock |
Martinsburg | Renville |
Mary | Norman |
Marysland | Swift |
Marysville | Wright |
Mason | Murray |
Max | Itasca |
Maxwell | Lac qui Parle |
May | Cass |
May | Washington |
Mayfield | Pennington |
Mayhew Lake | Benton |
Mayville | Houston |
Maywood | Benton |
Mazeppa | Wabasha |
McCauleyville | Wilkin |
McCrea | Marshall |
McDavitt | St. Louis |
McDonaldsville | Norman |
McDougald | Lake of the Woods |
McGregor | Aitkin |
McKinley | Cass |
McPherson | Blue Earth |
Meadow Brook | Cass |
Meadow | Wadena |
Meadowlands | St. Louis |
Meadows | Wilkin |
Medford | Steele |
Medo | Blue Earth |
Mehurin | Lac qui Parle |
Melrose | Stearns |
Melville | Renville |
Meriden | Steele |
Merton | Steele |
Mickinock | Roseau |
Middle River | Marshall |
Middletown | Jackson |
Middleville | Wright |
Midway | Cottonwood |
Midway | St. Louis |
Milaca | Mille Lacs |
Milford | Brown |
Millerville | Douglas |
Millward | Aitkin |
Millwood | Stearns |
Milo | Mille Lacs |
Milton | Dodge |
Miltona | Douglas |
Minden | Benton |
Minerva | Clearwater |
Minneiska | Wabasha |
Minneola | Goodhue |
Minneota | Jackson |
Minnesota Falls | Yellow Medicine |
Minnesota Lake | Faribault |
Minnewaska | Pope |
Minnie | Beltrami |
Mission Creek | Pine |
Mission | Crow Wing |
Mitchell | Wilkin |
Moe | Douglas |
Moland | Clay |
Moltke | Sibley |
Money Creek | Houston |
Monroe | Lyon |
Monson | Traverse |
Montgomery | Le Sueur |
Monticello | Wright |
Moonshine | Big Stone |
Moore | Stevens |
Moorhead | Clay |
Moose Creek | Clearwater |
Moose Lake | Beltrami |
Moose Lake | Carlton |
Moose Lake | Cass |
Moose Park | Itasca |
Moose River | Marshall |
Moose | Roseau |
Moran | Todd |
Moranville | Roseau |
Morcom | St. Louis |
Morgan | Redwood |
Morken | Clay |
Morrill | Morrison |
Morris | Stevens |
Morrison | Aitkin |
Morristown | Rice |
Morse | Itasca |
Morse | St. Louis |
Moscow | Freeborn |
Motley | Morrison |
Moulton | Murray |
Mound Prairie | Houston |
Mound | Rock |
Mount Morris | Morrison |
Mount Pleasant | Wabasha |
Mount Vernon | Winona |
Mountain Lake | Cottonwood |
Moyer | Swift |
Moylan | Marshall |
Mudgett | Mille Lacs |
Mulligan | Brown |
Munch | Pine |
Munson | Stearns |
Murray | Murray |
Myhre | Lake of the Woods |
Nashville | Martin |
Nashwauk | Itasca |
Nebish | Beltrami |
Nelson Park | Marshall |
Nelson | Watonwan |
Nereson | Roseau |
Nesbit | Polk |
Ness | St. Louis |
Nessel | Chisago |
Nevada | Mower |
Nevis | Hubbard |
New Auburn | Sibley |
New Avon | Redwood |
New Dosey | Pine |
New Folden | Marshall |
New Hartford | Winona |
New Haven | Olmsted |
New Independence | St. Louis |
New London | Kandiyohi |
New Maine | Marshall |
New Market | Scott |
New Prairie | Pope |
New Richland | Waseca |
New Solum | Marshall |
New Sweden | Nicollet |
Newburg | Fillmore |
Newry | Freeborn |
Newton | Otter Tail |
Nickerson | Pine |
Nicollet | Nicollet |
Nidaros | Otter Tail |
Nilsen | Wilkin |
Nininger | Dakota |
Nokay Lake | Crow Wing |
Nora | Clearwater |
Nora | Pope |
Norden | Pennington |
Nordick | Wilkin |
Nordland | Aitkin |
Nordland | Lyon |
Nore | Itasca |
Norfolk | Renville |
Norman | Pine |
Norman | Yellow Medicine |
Normania | Yellow Medicine |
Normanna | St. Louis |
North Branch | Isanti |
North Fork | Stearns |
North Germany | Wadena |
North Hero | Redwood |
North Ottawa | Grant |
North Red River | Kittson |
North Star | Brown |
North Star | St. Louis |
North | Pennington |
Northern | Beltrami |
Northfield | Rice |
Northland | Polk |
Northland | St. Louis |
Norton | Winona |
Norway Lake | Kandiyohi |
Norway | Fillmore |
Norway | Kittson |
Norwegian Grove | Otter Tail |
Numedal | Pennington |
Nunda | Freeborn |
Oak Lawn | Crow Wing |
Oak Park | Marshall |
Oak | Stearns |
Oak Valley | Otter Tail |
Oakland | Freeborn |
Oakland | Mahnomen |
Oakport | Clay |
Oakwood | Wabasha |
O'Brien | Beltrami |
Odessa | Big Stone |
Odin | Watonwan |
Ogema | Pine |
Olney | Nobles |
Omro | Yellow Medicine |
Onamia | Mille Lacs |
Onstad | Polk |
Orange | Douglas |
Orion | Olmsted |
Oronoco | Olmsted |
Orrock | Sherburne |
Orton | Wadena |
Ortonville | Big Stone |
Orwell | Otter Tail |
Osage | Becker |
Osakis | Douglas |
Osborne | Pipestone |
Oscar | Otter Tail |
Osceola | Renville |
Oshawa | Nicollet |
Oshkosh | Yellow Medicine |
Oteneagen | Itasca |
Otisco | Waseca |
Otrey | Big Stone |
Ottawa | Le Sueur |
Otter Tail Peninsula | Cass |
Otter Tail | Otter Tail |
Otto | Otter Tail |
Owatonna | Steele |
Owens | St. Louis |
Oxford | Isanti |
Paddock | Otter Tail |
Page | Mille Lacs |
Palmer | Sherburne |
Palmville | Roseau |
Palmyra | Renville |
Parke | Clay |
Parker | Marshall |
Parker | Morrison |
Parkers Prairie | Otter Tail |
Parnell | Polk |
Parnell | Traverse |
Partridge | Pine |
Paxton | Redwood |
Paynesville | Stearns |
Peace | Kanabec |
Pelan | Kittson |
Pelican Lake | Grant |
Pelican | Crow Wing |
Pelican | Otter Tail |
Pembina | Mahnomen |
Penn | McLeod |
Pepin | Wabasha |
Pepperton | Stevens |
Pequaywan | St. Louis |
Perch Lake | Carlton |
Percy | Kittson |
Perham | Otter Tail |
Perry Lake | Crow Wing |
Perry | Lac qui Parle |
Petersburg | Jackson |
Pickerel Lake | Freeborn |
Pierz | Morrison |
Pike Bay | Cass |
Pike Creek | Morrison |
Pike | St. Louis |
Pillsbury | Swift |
Pilot Grove | Faribault |
Pilot Mound | Fillmore |
Pine City | Pine |
Pine Island | Goodhue |
Pine Lake | Cass |
Pine Lake | Clearwater |
Pine Lake | Otter Tail |
Pine Lake | Pine |
Pine Point | Becker |
Pine River | Cass |
Plainview | Wabasha |
Platte Lake | Crow Wing |
Platte | Morrison |
Pleasant Grove | Olmsted |
Pleasant Hill | Winona |
Pleasant Mound | Blue Earth |
Pleasant Prairie | Martin |
Pleasant Valley | Mower |
Pleasant View | Norman |
Pliny | Aitkin |
Pohlitz | Roseau |
Pokegama | Pine |
Polk Centre | Pennington |
Polonia | Roseau |
Pomme de Terre | Grant |
Pomroy | Itasca |
Pomroy | Kanabec |
Ponto Lake | Cass |
Poplar Grove | Roseau |
Poplar River | Red Lake |
Poplar | Cass |
Popple Grove | Mahnomen |
Popple | Clearwater |
Poppleton | Kittson |
Port Hope | Beltrami |
Portage | St. Louis |
Posen | Yellow Medicine |
Potamo | Lake of the Woods |
Powers | Cass |
Prairie Lake | St. Louis |
Prairie View | Wilkin |
Prairieville | Brown |
Preble | Fillmore |
Prescott | Faribault |
Preston Lake | Renville |
Preston | Fillmore |
Princeton | Mille Lacs |
Prior | Big Stone |
Prosper | Lake of the Woods |
Providence | Lac qui Parle |
Pulaski | Morrison |
Queen | Polk |
Quincy | Olmsted |
Quiring | Beltrami |
Rabbit Lake | Crow Wing |
Racine | Mower |
Rail Prairie | Morrison |
Randolph | Dakota |
Ransom | Nobles |
Rapid River | Lake of the Woods |
Rapidan | Blue Earth |
Ravenna | Dakota |
Raymond | Stearns |
Red Eye | Wadena |
Red Lake Falls | Red Lake |
Red Rock | Mower |
Redpath | Traverse |
Redwood Falls | Redwood |
Reine | Roseau |
Reiner | Pennington |
Reis | Polk |
Remer | Cass |
Rendsville | Stevens |
Reno | Pope |
Reynolds | Todd |
Rheiderland | Chippewa |
Rhinehart | Polk |
Rice River | Aitkin |
Rice | Clearwater |
Riceland | Freeborn |
Riceville | Becker |
Rich Valley | McLeod |
Richardson | Morrison |
Richardville | Kittson |
Richland | Rice |
Richmond | Winona |
Richwood | Becker |
Ridgely | Nicollet |
Ripley | Dodge |
Ripley | Morrison |
River Falls | Pennington |
River | Red Lake |
Riverdale | Watonwan |
Riverside | Lac qui Parle |
Riverton | Clay |
Roberts | Wilkin |
Rochester | Olmsted |
Rock Dell | Olmsted |
Rock Lake | Lyon |
Rock | Pipestone |
Rockford | Wright |
Rocksbury | Pennington |
Rockville | Stearns |
Rockwell | Norman |
Rockwood | Hubbard |
Rockwood | Wadena |
Rogers | Cass |
Rolling Forks | Pope |
Rolling Green | Martin |
Rollingstone | Winona |
Rollis | Marshall |
Rome | Faribault |
Roome | Polk |
Roosevelt | Beltrami |
Roosevelt | Crow Wing |
Roscoe | Goodhue |
Rose Dell | Rock |
Rose Hill | Cottonwood |
Rosebud | Polk |
Rosedale | Mahnomen |
Roseland | Kandiyohi |
Rosendale | Watonwan |
Roseville | Grant |
Roseville | Kandiyohi |
Rosewood | Chippewa |
Rosing | Morrison |
Ross Lake | Crow Wing |
Ross | Roseau |
Rost | Jackson |
Round Grove | McLeod |
Round Lake | Becker |
Round Lake | Jackson |
Round Prairie | Todd |
Royal | Lincoln |
Royalton | Pine |
Rulien | Lake of the Woods |
Runeberg | Becker |
Rush Lake | Otter Tail |
Rushseba | Chisago |
Russia | Polk |
Rutland | Martin |
Sacred Heart | Renville |
Sago | Itasca |
Salem | Cass |
Salem | Olmsted |
Salo | Aitkin |
San Francisco | Carver |
Sand Creek | Scott |
Sand Lake | Itasca |
Sanders | Pennington |
Sandnes | Yellow Medicine |
Sandstone | Pine |
Sandsville | Polk |
Sandy | St. Louis |
Sanford | Grant |
Santiago | Sherburne |
Saratoga | Winona |
Sargeant | Mower |
Sauk Centre | Stearns |
Sauk Rapids | Benton |
Savannah | Becker |
Scambler | Otter Tail |
Scandia | Polk |
Scandia Valley | Morrison |
Schoolcraft | Hubbard |
Schroeder | Cook |
Sciota | Dakota |
Scott | Stevens |
Seavey | Aitkin |
Seely | Faribault |
Selma | Cottonwood |
Severance | Sibley |
Seward | Nobles |
Shafer | Chisago |
Shamrock | Aitkin |
Shaokatan | Lincoln |
Sharon | Le Sueur |
Shelburne | Lyon |
Shelby | Blue Earth |
Sheldon | Houston |
Shell Lake | Becker |
Shell River | Wadena |
Shell Rock | Freeborn |
Shelly | Norman |
Sheridan | Redwood |
Sherman | Redwood |
Shetek | Murray |
Shevlin | Clearwater |
Shible | Swift |
Shieldsville | Rice |
Shingobee | Cass |
Shooks | Beltrami |
Shotley | Beltrami |
Sibley | Crow Wing |
Sibley | Sibley |
Sigel | Brown |
Silver Brook | Carlton |
Silver Creek | Lake |
Silver Creek | Wright |
Silver Lake | Martin |
Silver Leaf | Becker |
Silver | Carlton |
Silverton | Pennington |
Sinclair | Clearwater |
Sinnott | Marshall |
Sioux Agency | Yellow Medicine |
Sioux Valley | Jackson |
Six Mile Grove | Swift |
Skagen | Roseau |
Skandia | Murray |
Skane | Kittson |
Skelton | Carlton |
Skree | Clay |
Slater | Cass |
Slayton | Murray |
Sletten | Polk |
Smiley | Pennington |
Smoky Hollow | Cass |
Sodus | Lyon |
Solem | Douglas |
Soler | Roseau |
Solway | St. Louis |
Somerset | Steele |
South Bend | Blue Earth |
South Branch | Watonwan |
South Fork | Kanabec |
South Harbor | Mille Lacs |
South Red River | Kittson |
Southbrook | Cottonwood |
Southside | Wright |
Spalding | Aitkin |
Spang | Itasca |
Sparta | Chippewa |
Spencer Brook | Isanti |
Spencer | Aitkin |
Split Rock | Carlton |
Splithand | Itasca |
Spooner | Lake of the Woods |
Spring Brook | Kittson |
Spring Creek | Becker |
Spring Creek | Norman |
Spring Grove | Houston |
Spring Hill | Stearns |
Spring Lake | Scott |
Spring Prairie | Clay |
Spring Valley | Fillmore |
Springdale | Redwood |
Springfield | Cottonwood |
Springvale | Isanti |
Springwater | Rock |
Spruce Grove | Becker |
Spruce Grove | Beltrami |
Spruce Hill | Douglas |
Spruce | Roseau |
Spruce Valley | Marshall |
St. Charles | Winona |
St. George | Benton |
St. James | Watonwan |
St. Johns | Kandiyohi |
St. Joseph | Kittson |
St. Joseph | Stearns |
St. Lawrence | Scott |
St. Martin | Stearns |
St. Mary | Waseca |
St. Mathias | Crow Wing |
St. Olaf | Otter Tail |
St. Vincent | Kittson |
St. Wendel | Stearns |
Stafford | Roseau |
Stanchfield | Isanti |
Stanford | Isanti |
Stanley | Lyon |
Stanton | Goodhue |
Staples | Todd |
Star Lake | Otter Tail |
Star | Pennington |
Stark | Brown |
Stately | Brown |
Steamboat River | Hubbard |
Steenerson | Beltrami |
Sterling | Blue Earth |
Stevens | Stevens |
Stillwater | Washington |
Stockholm | Wright |
Stokes | Itasca |
Stokes | Roseau |
Stoneham | Chippewa |
Stoney Brook | St. Louis |
Stony Brook | Grant |
Stony River | Lake |
Stony Run | Yellow Medicine |
Storden | Cottonwood |
Stowe Prairie | Todd |
Straight River | Hubbard |
Strand | Norman |
Sturgeon Lake | Pine |
Sturgeon | St. Louis |
Sugar Bush | Becker |
Sugar Bush | Beltrami |
Sullivan | Polk |
Summit Lake | Nobles |
Summit | Beltrami |
Summit | Steele |
Sumner | Fillmore |
Sumter | McLeod |
Sundal | Norman |
Sundown | Redwood |
Sunnyside | Wilkin |
Sunrise | Chisago |
Svea | Kittson |
Sverdrup | Otter Tail |
Swan Lake | Stevens |
Swan River | Morrison |
Swanville | Morrison |
Swede Grove | Meeker |
Swede Prairie | Yellow Medicine |
Swedes Forest | Redwood |
Sweet | Pipestone |
Swenoda | Swift |
Swiftwater | Lake of the Woods |
Sylvan | Cass |
Synnes | Stevens |
Tabor | Polk |
Tamarac | Marshall |
Tanberg | Wilkin |
Tansem | Clay |
Tara | Swift |
Tara | Traverse |
Taylor | Beltrami |
Taylor | Traverse |
Tegner | Kittson |
Teien | Kittson |
Ten Lake | Beltrami |
Ten Mile Lake | Lac qui Parle |
Tenhassen | Martin |
Terrebonne | Red Lake |
Thief Lake | Marshall |
Third River | Itasca |
Thomastown | Wadena |
Thompson | Kittson |
Thomson | Carlton |
Thorpe | Hubbard |
Three Lakes | Redwood |
Thunder Lake | Cass |
Timothy | Crow Wing |
Tintah | Traverse |
Toad Lake | Becker |
Todd | Hubbard |
Tofte | Cook |
Toivola | St. Louis |
Toqua | Big Stone |
Tordenskjold | Otter Tail |
Torning | Swift |
Torrey | Cass |
Township 157-30 | Lake of the Woods |
Township 158-30 | Lake of the Woods |
Transit | Sibley |
Traverse | Nicollet |
Trelipe | Cass |
Trondhjem | Otter Tail |
Trout Lake | Itasca |
Troy | Pipestone |
Troy | Renville |
Tumuli | Otter Tail |
Tunsberg | Chippewa |
Turner | Aitkin |
Turtle Creek | Todd |
Turtle Lake | Beltrami |
Turtle Lake | Cass |
Turtle River | Beltrami |
Twin Lakes | Carlton |
Twin Lakes | Mahnomen |
Two Inlets | Becker |
Two Rivers | Morrison |
Tynsid | Polk |
Tyro | Yellow Medicine |
Tyrone | Le Sueur |
Udolpho | Mower |
Ulen | Clay |
Underwood | Redwood |
Union Grove | Meeker |
Union | Houston |
Urness | Douglas |
Utica | Winona |
Vail | Redwood |
Vallers | Lyon |
Valley | Marshall |
Van Buren | St. Louis |
Vasa | Goodhue |
Vega | Marshall |
Veldt | Marshall |
Verdi | Lincoln |
Verdon | Aitkin |
Vermilion Lake | St. Louis |
Vermillion | Dakota |
Vernon Center | Blue Earth |
Vernon | Dodge |
Verona | Faribault |
Vesta | Redwood |
Victor | Wright |
Victory | Lake of the Woods |
Viding | Clay |
Vienna | Rock |
Viking | Marshall |
Villard | Todd |
Vineland | Polk |
Viola | Olmsted |
Vivian | Waseca |
Waasa | St. Louis |
Wabana | Itasca |
Wabanica | Lake of the Woods |
Wabedo | Cass |
Waconia | Carver |
Wacouta | Goodhue |
Wadena | Wadena |
Wagner | Aitkin |
Wakefield | Stearns |
Walcott | Rice |
Walden | Cass |
Walden | Pope |
Walhalla | Lake of the Woods |
Walls | Traverse |
Walnut Lake | Faribault |
Walter | Lac qui Parle |
Waltham | Mower |
Walworth | Becker |
Wanamingo | Goodhue |
Wang | Renville |
Wanger | Marshall |
Ward | Todd |
Warren | Winona |
Warrenton | Marshall |
Warsaw | Goodhue |
Warsaw | Rice |
Washington Lake | Sibley |
Washington | Le Sueur |
Wasioja | Dodge |
Waskish | Beltrami |
Watab | Benton |
Waterbury | Redwood |
Waterford | Dakota |
Watertown | Carver |
Waterville | Le Sueur |
Watopa | Wabasha |
Waukenabo | Aitkin |
Waukon | Norman |
Waverly | Martin |
Wawina | Itasca |
Wealthwood | Aitkin |
Webster | Rice |
Weimer | Jackson |
Welch | Goodhue |
Wellington | Renville |
Wells | Rice |
Wergeland | Yellow Medicine |
West Albany | Wabasha |
West Bank | Swift |
West Heron Lake | Jackson |
West Lakeland | Washington |
West Newton | Nicollet |
West Union | Todd |
West Valley | Marshall |
Westbrook | Cottonwood |
Westerheim | Lyon |
Western | Otter Tail |
Westfield | Dodge |
Westford | Martin |
Westline | Redwood |
Westport | Pope |
Westside | Nobles |
Wheatland | Rice |
Wheeler | Lake of the Woods |
Wheeling | Rice |
White Bear Lake | Pope |
White Bear | Ramsey |
White Earth | Becker |
White Oak | Hubbard |
White Pine | Aitkin |
White | St. Louis |
Whited | Kanabec |
Whitefield | Kandiyohi |
Whiteford | Marshall |
Whitewater | Winona |
Wild Rice | Norman |
Wildwood | Itasca |
Wilkinson | Cass |
Williams | Aitkin |
Willmar | Kandiyohi |
Willow Lake | Redwood |
Willow Valley | St. Louis |
Wilma | Pine |
Wilmington | Houston |
Wilmont | Nobles |
Wilson | Cass |
Wilson | Winona |
Wilton | Waseca |
Winchester | Norman |
Windemere | Pine |
Windom | Mower |
Windsor | Traverse |
Winfield | Renville |
Wing River | Wadena |
Winger | Polk |
Winnebago | Houston |
Winsor | Clearwater |
Winsted | McLeod |
Wirt | Itasca |
Wisconsin | Jackson |
Wiscoy | Winona |
Wolf Lake | Becker |
Wolford | Crow Wing |
Wolverton | Wilkin |
Wood Lake | Yellow Medicine |
Woodland | Wright |
Woodrow | Beltrami |
Woodrow | Cass |
Woods | Chippewa |
Woodside | Otter Tail |
Woodside | Polk |
Woodville | Waseca |
Workman | Aitkin |
Worthington | Nobles |
Wrenshall | Carlton |
Wright | Marshall |
Wuori | St. Louis |
Wyandotte | Pennington |
Wyanett | Isanti |
Wykeham | Todd |
Wylie | Red Lake |
Wyoming | Chisago |
Yellow Bank | Lac qui Parle |
York | Fillmore |
Young America | Carver |
Yucatan | Houston |
Zion | Stearns |
Zippel | Lake of the Woods |
Zumbro | Wabasha |
Zumbrota | Goodhue |
See also
In Spanish: Anexo:Municipios de Minnesota para niños
- List of cities in Minnesota
- List of Minnesota counties
Black History Month on Kiddle
African-American Women in Medicine:
![]() | May Edward Chinn |
![]() | Rebecca Cole |
![]() | Alexa Canady |
![]() | Dorothy Lavinia Brown |
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List of townships in Minnesota Facts for Kids. Kiddle Encyclopedia.