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Ministry of the Interior and Public Security (Chile) facts for kids

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Ministry of the Interior and Public Security
Ministerio del Interior y Seguridad Pública
Emblema Ministerio del Interior Chile.svg
Traditional seal
Logotipo del Ministerio del Interior y Seguridad Pública de Chile.png
Government logo
Agency overview
Formed 2011
Type Ministry
Jurisdiction Government of Chile
Headquarters Santiago
Ministers responsible
  • Carolina Tohá, Minister of the Interior and Public Security
  • Manuel Monsalve, Undersecretary of the Interior
  • Francisca Perales, Undersecretary of Regional Development
  • Eduardo Vergara, Undersecretary of Crime Prevention
Child agencies
Website Official website:

The Ministry of the Interior and Public Security (Spanish: Ministerio del Interior y Seguridad Pública) is the cabinet-level office of home affairs in Chile, in charge of "maintaining public order, security and social peace" within the country. It is also charged with planning, directing, coordinating, executing, controlling, and informing the domestic policies formulated by the President of Chile. As responsible for local government, the minister supervises all non-elected regional authorities.

Carolina Tohá has served as Minister of the Interior and Public Security since 6 September 2022;. Her Undersecretary of the Interior is Manuel Monsalve, the Undersecretary of Regional Development is Francisca Perales and the Crime Prevention Undersecretary is Eduardo Vergara.

In the absence (because of travel, death, or other impediment) of the president of Chile, the Minister of the Interior becomes "vice president"; however, this is not a true vice presidential position, but rather a position of a designated acting president, as the post of Vice President of Chile has no existence independent from the Ministership of the Interior since 1833.


During the first days of the independence movements, the senior "secretary" of the respective Junta would function as the Secretary of Government. The office officially first came to be on 27 October 1812, when it was one of the two secretariats created by the Constitutional Norms approved on that date. It was then named Secretariat of the Interior. It was abolished in 1814 by the Spanish authorities when, after the Battle of Rancagua, they re-asserted royal power.

In 1818, after independence, the secretariat was re-established, but this time as a "Ministry of Government" (1817–18) later renamed "Ministry of the Interior and Foreign Affairs" (1829–71). During this period, its functions normally subsumed the future Ministry of Foreign Affairs, which was separated as an independent government administration in 1871. This ministry has undergone several reorganizations during its long history, reflected in its different names:

  • Ministry of Government (1817–18)
  • Ministry of Government and Foreign Affairs (1818–29)
  • Ministry of the Interior and Foreign Affairs (1829–71)
  • Ministry of the Interior (1871–2011)
  • Ministry of the Interior and Public Security (2011–present)

The function of chief of government was unofficially assumed by the Minister of the Interior and Public Security (1891–1925).

List of ministers

Patria Vieja period

Picture Name Entered Office Exited Office Notes Appointed by
JGMarin.jpg José Gaspar Marín Esquivel 18 September 1810 4 July 1811 Served concurrently Government Junta
of the Kingdom of Chile
JoseGregorioArgomedo02.jpg José Gregorio Argomedo Montero
Manuel Joaquín de Valdivieso Maciel 10 August 1811 4 September 1811 Second Junta
AgustinVialSantelices.jpg Agustín Vial Santelices 4 September 1811 15 November 1811 Served concurrently Third Junta
JoseGregorioArgomedo02.jpg José Gregorio Argomedo Montero
MRodriguezE.jpg Manuel Rodríguez Erdoíza 16 December 1811 2 April 1812 Fifth Junta
AgustinVialSantelices.jpg Agustín Vial Santelices 2 April 1812 2 October 1812 Sixth Junta
27 October 1812 1 April 1813 Secretary of the Interior
MDeSalas.jpg Manuel de Salas Corbalán 1 April 1813 13 April 1813 Served concurrently Government Junta
of Chile (April 1813)
MEgana.jpg Mariano Egaña Fabres
13 April 1813 9 March 1814 Secretary of Government
José María Villareal 14 March 1814 23 July 1814 Secretary of Government Francisco de la Lastra
BernardoVeraPintado.jpg Bernardo de Vera y Pintado 23 July 1814 10 August 1814 Secretary of Government and Finance Government Junta
of Chile (July 1814)
MRodriguezE.jpg Manuel Rodríguez Erdoíza 10 August 1814 2 October 1814 Secretary of Government and Finance

Government and foreign affairs

Picture Name Entered Office Exited Office Notes Appointed by
MJZanartu.jpg Miguel Zañartu y Santa María 18 February 1817 1 August 1818 Bernardo O'Higgins
AntonioJoseIrisarri.jpg Antonio José de Irisarri Alonso 1 August 1818 30 October 1818
Joaquín Echeverría Larraín 30 October 1818 28 January 1823
MEgana.jpg Mariano Egaña Fabres 28 January 1823 12 July 1824 Government Junta
FAntonioPinto.jpg Francisco Antonio Pinto Díaz 12 July 1824 22 February 1825 Ramón Freire
FRVicuna.jpg Francisco Ramón Vicuña Larraín 22 February 1825 18 June 1825
Juan de Dios Vial del Río 18 June 1825 9 October 1825
JCampinoS.jpg Joaquín Campino Salamanca 9 October 1825 8 March 1826
Ventura Blanco Encalada (2).jpg Ventura Blanco Encalada 8 March 1826 20 October 1826
MJGandarillas.jpg Manuel José Gandarillas Guzmán 20 October 1826 8 March 1827 Agustín Eyzaguirre
José Miguel del Solar Marín 8 March 1827 13 December 1827 Ramón Freire
Carlos Rodríguez Erdoyza 13 December 1827 16 July 1829 Francisco Antonio Pinto
Melchor José Ramos Font 16 July 1829 9 November 1829 Francisco Ramón Vicuña
José Nicolás de la Cerda Santiago Concha 9 November 1829 7 December 1829

Interior and foreign affairs

Picture Name Entered Office Exited Office Notes Appointed by
JFranciscoMenenes.jpg Juan Francisco Meneses Echanes 20 February 1830 5 April 1830 Francisco Ruiz-Tagle
DPortalesP.jpg Diego Portales Palazuelos 5 April 1830 31 August 1831 Appointed by José Tomás Ovalle
Reappointed by Fernando Errázuriz Aldunate
RErrazurizA.png Ramón Errázuriz Aldunate 31 August 1831 17 May 1832 José Joaquín Prieto Vial
JTocornalJ.jpg Joaquín Tocornal Jiménez 17 May 1832 9 November 1835
DPortalesP.jpg Diego Portales Palazuelos 9 November 1835 6 June 1837 Interim
JTocornalJ.jpg Joaquín Tocornal Jiménez 7 June 1837 25 July 1840
MMonttTorres.jpg Manuel Montt Torres 25 July 1840 27 March 1841
José Miguel Irarrázaval Alcalde.jpg José Miguel Yrarrázaval Alcalde 27 March 1841 19 May 1841
RamonLuisYrarrazavalAlcalde.jpg Ramón Luis Yrarrázaval Alcalde 19 May 1841 10 April 1845 Appointed by
Reappointed by Manuel Bulnes
MMonttTorres.jpg Manuel Montt Torres 10 April 1845 18 September 1846
MCVialFormas.jpg Manuel Camilo Vial Formas 18 September 1846 12 June 1849
JJPerez.jpg José Joaquín Pérez Mascayano 12 June 1849 19 April 1850
AVarasDLB.jpg Antonio Varas de la Barra 19 April 1850 18 September 1856 Appointed by
Reappointed by Manuel Montt
Francisco Javier Ovalle Bezanilla 29 September 1857 18 September 1856
JeronimoUrmeneta.jpg Jerónimo Urmeneta García-Abello 29 September 1857 1 May 1860
AVarasDLB.jpg Antonio Varas de la Barra 1 May 1860 18 September 1861
Manuel Alcalde Velasco.jpg Manuel Alcalde Velasco 18 September 1861 9 July 1862 José Joaquín Pérez Mascayano
Manuel Antonio Tocornal cropped.jpg Manuel Antonio Tocornal y Grez 9 July 1862 10 May 1864
AlvaroCovarrubiasOrtuzar.jpg Alvaro Covarrubias Ortúzar 10 May 1864 8 September 1866 Minister of the Interior
8 September 1866 26 September 1867
Francisco Vargas Fontecilla (1824 - 1883).jpg Francisco Vargas Fontecilla 26 September 1867 13 November 1868
MLAmunategui.png Miguel Luis Amunátegui Aldunate 13 November 1868 2 August 1870
BPratsPerez.jpg Belisario Prats Pérez 2 August 1870 18 September 1871
Eulogio Altamirano Aracena.JPG Eulogio Altamirano Aracena 18 September 1871 2 December 1871 Federico Errázuriz Zañartu


Picture Name Entered Office Exited Office Notes Appointed by
Eulogio Altamirano Aracena.JPG Eulogio Altamirano Aracena 2 December 1871 18 September 1876 Federico Errázuriz Zañartu
José Victorino Lastarria - Memoria Chilena.jpg José Victorino Lastarria Santander 18 September 1876 27 October 1877 Aníbal Pinto Garmendia
VReyes.jpg Pedro Vicente Reyes Palazuelos 27 October 1877 5 August 1878
BPratsPerez.jpg Belisario Prats Pérez 5 August 1878 17 April 1879
AVarasDLB.jpg Antonio Varas de la Barra 17 April 1879 20 August 1879
DomingoSantaMariaG.jpg Domingo Santa María González 20 August 1879 16 June 1880
Manuel Recabarren.jpg Manuel José Recabarren Rencoret 16 June 1880 18 September 1881
JoseFranciscoVergara.jpg José Francisco Vergara 18 September 1881 12 April 1882 Domingo Santa María
JMBalmacedaF.jpg José Manuel Balmaceda Fernández 12 April 1882 3 September 1885
RBarrosLuco.jpg Ramón Barros Luco 3 September 1885 22 October 1885
Jose Ignacio Vergara.jpg José Ignacio Vergara Urzúa 22 October 1885 18 September 1886
ELillo.jpg Eusebio Lillo Robles 18 September 1886 30 November 1886 José Manuel Balmaceda
CarlosAntunez.jpg Carlos Antúnez González 30 November 1886 28 June 1887
AZanartuZ.jpg Aníbal Zañartu Zañartu 28 June 1887 13 April 1888
PLucioCuadra.jpg Pedro Lucio Cuadra Luque 13 April 1888 2 November 1888
RBarrosLuco.jpg Ramón Barros Luco 2 November 1888 11 June 1889
Demetrio Lastarria Villarreal 11 June 1889 23 October 1889
Ramón Donoso Vergara 23 October 1889 7 November 1889
MSanchezFontecilla.jpg Mariano Sánchez Fontecilla 7 November 1889 21 January 1890
Adolfo Ibáñez Gutiérrez.jpg Adolfo Ibáñez Gutiérrez 21 January 1890 30 May 1890
EnriqueSalvadorSanfuentes.jpg Enrique Salvador Sanfuentes Andonaegui 30 May 1890 7 August 1890
BPratsPerez.jpg Belisario Prats Pérez 7 August 1890 15 October 1890
Claudio Vicuña 1907.JPG Claudio Vicuña Guerrero 15 October 1890 12 March 1891
Domingo Godoy Cruz BNC.jpg Domingo Godoy Cruz 12 March 1891 29 March 1891
Julio Bañados Espinosa.jpg Julio Bañados Espinoza 29 March 1891 29 August 1891
MJYrarrazavalL.jpg Manuel José Yrarrázaval Larraín 7 September 1891 31 December 1891 Revolutionary Junta of Iquique
RBarrosLuco.jpg Ramón Barros Luco 31 December 1891 14 March 1892 Jorge Montt Álvarez
EduardoMattePerez.jpg Eduardo Matte Pérez 14 March 1892 9 July 1892
RBarrosLuco.jpg Ramón Barros Luco 9 July 1892 22 April 1893
PMonttM.jpg Pedro Montt Montt 22 April 1893 26 April 1894
EnriqueMacIver.jpg Enrique Mac-Iver Rodríguez 26 April 1894 7 December 1894
RBarrosLuco.jpg Ramón Barros Luco 7 December 1894 1 August 1895
Manuel Recabarren.jpg Manuel José Recabarren Rencoret 1 August 1895 24 November 1895
Osvaldo Rengifo.JPG Osvaldo Rengifo Vial 24 November 1895 18 September 1896
AZanartuZ.jpg Aníbal Zañartu Zañartu 18 September 1896 26 November 1896 Federico Errázuriz Echaurren
CarlosAntunez.jpg Carlos Antúnez González 26 November 1896 26 June 1897
Augusto Orrego Luco.jpg Augusto Orrego Luco 26 June 1897 25 August 1897
Antonio Valdés Cuevas 25 August 1897 14 April 1898
CWalkerMartínez.jpg Carlos Walker Martínez 14 April 1898 27 June 1899
Raimundo Silva Cruz 27 June 1899 2 September 1899
RSotomayorGaete.jpg Rafael Sotomayor Gaete 2 September 1899 27 November 1899
EFernandezAlbano.jpg Elías Fernández Albano 27 November 1899 3 November 1900
MSanchezFontecilla.jpg Mariano Sánchez Fontecilla 3 November 1900 27 December 1900
Juan Antonio Orrego 27 December 1900 14 March 1901
Domingo Amunátegui Rivera 14 March 1901 1 May 1901
AZanartuZ.jpg Aníbal Zañartu Zañartu 14 March 1901 12 July 1901
LMartinianoRodriguezH.jpg Luis Martiniano Rodríguez Herrera 12 July 1901 18 September 1901 Interim Aníbal Zañartu Zañartu
RBarrosLuco.jpg Ramón Barros Luco 18 September 1901 19 November 1901 Germán Riesco Errázuriz
IsmaelTocornalTocornal.jpg Ismael Tocornal Tocornal 19 November 1901 6 May 1902
RBarrosLuco.jpg Ramón Barros Luco 6 May 1902 20 November 1902
EFernandezAlbano.jpg Elías Fernández Albano 20 November 1902 4 April 1903
RBarrosLuco.jpg Ramón Barros Luco 4 April 1903 10 June 1903
RSotomayorGaete.jpg Rafael Sotomayor Gaete 10 June 1903 1 September 1903
Ricardo Matte Pérez - BCN.jpg Ricardo Matte Pérez 1 September 1903 23 October 1903
ArturoBesaNavarro.jpg Arturo Besa Navarro 23 October 1903 10 January 1904
RVErrazurizU.jpg Rafael Valentín Errázuriz Urmeneta 10 January 1904 12 March 1904
Manuel Egidio Ballesteros Ríos.jpg Manuel Egidio Ballesteros 12 March 1904 12 April 1904
RSotomayorGaete.jpg Rafael Sotomayor Gaete 12 April 1904 30 October 1904
EmilioBelloCodesido.jpg Emilio Bello Codesido 30 October 1904 18 March 1905
JRBalmaceda.jpg José Rafael Balmaceda Fernández 18 March 1905 1 August 1905
Juan Antonio Orrego 1 August 1905 21 October 1905
Miguel Cruchaga Tocornal 1905.JPG Miguel Cruchaga Tocornal 21 October 1905 19 March 1906
Jose Ramon Gutierrez Martínez.png José Ramón Gutiérrez Martínez 19 March 1906 7 May 1906
Manuel Salinas González 7 May 1906 18 September 1906
JavierAngelFigueroa.jpg Javier Ángel Figueroa Larraín 18 September 1906 29 October 1906 Pedro Montt
Vicente Santa Cruz.JPG Vicente Santa Cruz Vargas 29 October 1906 12 June 1907
Luis Antonio Vergara Ruiz 12 June 1907 25 October 1907
RSotomayorGaete.jpg Rafael Sotomayor Gaete 25 October 1907 29 August 1908
JavierAngelFigueroa.jpg Javier Ángel Figueroa Larraín 29 August 1908 22 January 1909
EduardoCharmeFernandez.jpg Eduardo Charme Fernández 22 January 1909 15 June 1909
Enrique Rodríguez Carmona 15 June 1909 15 September 1909
IsmaelTocornalTocornal.jpg Ismael Tocornal Tocornal 15 September 1909 25 June 1910
AEdwardsMacClure.jpg Agustín Edwards Mac-Clure 25 June 1910 8 July 1910
EFernandezAlbano.jpg Elías Fernández Albano 8 July 1910 9 August 1910
Luis Izquierdo Fredes.jpg Luis Izquierdo Fredes 9 August 1910 10 November 1910 Interim Elías Fernández Albano
Enrique Rodríguez Carmona 10 November 1910 23 December 1910 Emiliano Figueroa Larraín
Maximiliano Ibáñez.JPG Maximiliano Ibáñez Ibáñez 23 December 1910 11 January 1911 Ramón Barros Luco
Rafael Orrego González 11 January 1911 15 August 1911
Jose Ramon Gutierrez Martínez.png José Ramón Gutiérrez Martínez 15 August 1911 6 January 1912
Abraham Ovalle.jpg Abraham Ovalle Ovalle 6 January 1912 23 January 1912
IsmaelTocornalTocornal.jpg Ismael Tocornal Tocornal 23 January 1912 29 May 1912
Guillermo Rivera Cotapos, Sucesos, 1903-03-06 (28).jpg Guillermo Rivera Cotapos 29 May 1912 8 August 1912
GBarrosJ.jpg Guillermo Barros Jara 8 August 1912 15 June 1913
ManuelRivasVicuna.jpg Manuel Rivas Vicuña 15 June 1913 16 November 1913
Rafael Orrego González 16 November 1913 6 September 1914
EduardoCharmeFernandez.jpg Eduardo Charme Fernández 6 September 1914 15 September 1914
GBarrosJ.jpg Guillermo Barros Jara 15 September 1914 15 December 1914
Pedro Nicolás Montenegro Onel.jpg Pedro Nicolás Montenegro 15 December 1914 29 March 1915
Enrique Rodríguez Carmona 29 March 1915 7 June 1915
Enrique Villegas Echiburú.jpg Enrique Villegas Echiburú 7 June 1915 15 December 1915
GBarrosJ.jpg Guillermo Barros Jara 15 December 1915 23 December 1915
JEliasBalmacedaF.jpg José Elías Balmaceda Fernández 23 December 1915 8 January 1916 Juan Luis Sanfuentes
Maximiliano Ibáñez.JPG Maximiliano Ibáñez Ibáñez 8 January 1916 1 July 1916
Luis Izquierdo Fredes.jpg Luis Izquierdo Fredes 1 July 1916 20 November 1916
EnriqueZañartuPrieto.jpg Enrique Zañartu Prieto 20 November 1916 14 July 1917
IsmaelTocornalTocornal.jpg Ismael Tocornal Tocornal 14 July 1917 13 October 1917
EYanezPonce.jpg Eliodoro Yáñez Ponce de León 13 October 1917 18 January 1918
Domingo Amunategui Solar.jpg Domingo Amunátegui Solar 18 January 1918 22 April 1918
AAlessandriP.jpg Arturo Alessandri Palma 22 April 1918 6 September 1918
Pedro García de la Huerta Izquierdo.jpg Pedro García de la Huerta Izquierdo 6 September 1918 28 November 1918
Armando Quezada Acharán 28 November 1918 3 May 1919
Anselmo Hevia Riquelme 3 May 1919 9 July 1919
Luis Serrano Arrieta 9 July 1919 23 September 1919
EBermudezPaz.jpg Enrique Bermúdez de la Paz 23 September 1919 8 November 1919
José Florencio Valdés Cuevas 8 November 1919 29 March 1920
Pedro Nicolás Montenegro Onel.jpg Pedro Nicolás Montenegro 29 March 1920 16 June 1920
FedericoPugaBorne.jpg Federico Puga Borne 16 June 1920 1 July 1920
Pedro García de la Huerta Izquierdo.jpg Pedro García de la Huerta Izquierdo 1 July 1920 23 December 1920
Presidente Pedro Aguirre Cerda.jpg Pedro Aguirre Cerda 23 December 1920 16 August 1921 Arturo Alessandri
Héctor Arancibia Lazo 16 August 1921 3 November 1921
IsmaelTocornalTocornal.jpg Ismael Tocornal Tocornal 3 November 1921 22 March 1922
JMatteGormaz.jpg Jorge Matte Gormaz 22 March 1922 1 April 1922
ArmandoJaramillo.jpg Armando Jaramillo Valderrama 1 April 1922 29 August 1922
AntonioHuneeusGana.jpg Antonio Huneeus Gana 29 August 1922 16 October 1922
Luis Izquierdo Fredes.jpg Luis Izquierdo Fredes 16 October 1922 21 December 1922
ManuelRivasVicuna.jpg Manuel Rivas Vicuña 21 December 1922 12 January 1923
Francisco Garcés Gana 12 January 1923 16 March 1923
CornelioSaavedraMontt.jpg Cornelio Saavedra Montt 16 March 1923 15 June 1923
Carlos Ruiz Bahamonde 15 June 1923 2 July 1923
Domingo Amunategui Solar.jpg Domingo Amunátegui Solar 2 July 1923 4 January 1924
Presidente Pedro Aguirre Cerda.jpg Pedro Aguirre Cerda 4 January 1924 1 February 1924
José Maza Fernández 2 (cropped).JPG José Maza Fernández 1 February 1924 25 March 1924
CornelioSaavedraMontt.jpg Cornelio Saavedra Montt 25 March 1924 22 July 1924
Presidente Pedro Aguirre Cerda.jpg Pedro Aguirre Cerda 22 July 1924 5 September 1924
Altamirano.jpg Luis Altamirano Talavera 5 September 1924 12 September 1924
Alcibíades Roldán Alvarez 12 September 1924 19 December 1924 September Junta
Rafael Luis Barahona San Martín 19 December 1924 23 January 1925
ArmandoJaramillo.jpg Armando Jaramillo Valderrama 29 January 1925 27 August 1925 January Junta
Francisco Mardones Otaíza.jpg Francisco Mardones 27 August 1925 1 October 1925 Arturo Alessandri
LBarrosBorgono.jpg Luis Barros Borgoño 1 October 1925 2 October 1925
Manuel Véliz 2 October 1925 23 December 1925 Luis Barros Borgoño
Maximiliano Ibáñez.JPG Maximiliano Ibáñez Ibáñez 23 December 1925 20 November 1926 Emiliano Figueroa
ManuelRivasVicuna.jpg Manuel Rivas Vicuña 20 November 1926 22 February 1927
CarlosIbanezDC.jpg Carlos Ibáñez del Campo 22 February 1927 8 April 1927
Carlos Frödden Lorenzen 8 April 1927 23 May 1927 Carlos Ibáñez del Campo
Enrique Balmaceda - 1927.JPG Enrique Balmaceda Toro 23 May 1927 5 June 1928
Guillermo Edwards Matte.jpg Guillermo Edwards Matte 5 June 1928 3 September 1929
EBermudezPaz.jpg Enrique Bermúdez de la Paz 3 September 1929 26 February 1930
David Hermosilla 26 February 1930 5 August 1930
Carlos Frödden Lorenzen 5 August 1930 13 July 1931
JEMonteroR.jpg Juan Esteban Montero Rodríguez 13 July 1931 22 July 1931 Minister of the Interior and Social Welfare
Miguel Letelier Espínola 22 July 1931 23 July 1931 Minister of the Interior and Public Education
Carlos Frödden Lorenzen 23 July 1931 26 July 1931
JEMonteroR.jpg Juan Esteban Montero Rodríguez 26 July 1931 27 July 1931 Pedro Opazo
Luis Gutiérrez Allende 27 July 1931 7 August 1931 Minister of the Interior and Justice Juan Esteban Montero
Manuel Trucco.jpg Manuel Trucco Franzani 7 August 1931 20 August 1931
Horacio Hevia Labbé 20 August 1931 3 September 1931 Manuel Trucco
Marcial Mora Miranda.jpg Marcial Mora Miranda 3 September 1931 7 April 1932
Víctor Vicente Robles Valenzuela.jpg Víctor Robles Valenzuela 7 April 1932 4 June 1932 Juan Esteban Montero
APugaOsorio.jpg Arturo Puga Osorio 4 June 1932 6 June 1932 Socialist Junta
Decano Rolando Merino Reyes 2.JPG Rolando Meriño Reyes 6 June 1932 13 June 1932
Arturo Ruiz Maffei 13 June 1932 17 June 1932
Juan Antonio Ríos (1924).JPG Juan Antonio Ríos Morales 17 June 1932 13 July 1932
Eliseo Peña Villalón 13 July 1932 1 August 1932 Carlos Dávila
Joaquín Fernández y Fernández 1 August 1932 12 September 1932
BBlanche.jpg Bartolomé Blanche Espejo 12 September 1932 13 September 1932
Ernesto Barros Jarpa.jpg Ernesto Barros Jarpa 14 September 1932 2 October 1932 Bartolomé Blanche
JavierAngelFigueroa.jpg Javier Ángel Figueroa Larraín 3 October 1932 24 December 1932 Abraham Oyanedel
Horacio Hevia Labbé 24 December 1932 7 May 1933 Minister of the Interior and Public Health Arturo Alessandri
Alfredo Piwonka Gilabert.jpg Alfredo Piwonka Jilabert 7 May 1933 19 April 1934 Minister of the Interior and Public Health
Luis Salas Romo 19 April 1934 26 August 1935 Minister of the Interior and Public Health
Luis Cabrera Negrete 26 August 1935 12 September 1936
Matías Silva Sepúlveda 12 September 1936 18 May 1938
Luis Salas Romo 18 May 1938 24 December 1938
PedroAlfonsoBarrios.jpg Pedro Alfonso Barrios 24 December 1938 26 December 1939 Pedro Aguirre Cerda
Guillermo Labarca Hubertson 26 December 1939 8 February 1940
Humberto Álvarez Suárez.jpg Humberto Alvarez Suárez 8 February 1940 30 July 1940
Guillermo Labarca Hubertson 30 July 1940 23 December 1940
Arturo Olavarría Bravo.jpg Arturo Olavarría Bravo 23 December 1940 16 September 1941
Carlos Valdovinos Valdovinos.jpg Carlos Valdovinos Valdovinos 16 September 1941 6 October 1941
Leonardo Guzmán Cortés.JPG Leonardo Guzmán Cortés 6 October 1941 10 November 1941
Jerónimo Méndez Arancibia.jpg Jerónimo Méndez Arancibia 10 November 1941 10 November 1941
Leonardo Guzmán Cortés.JPG Leonardo Guzmán Cortés 10 November 1941 21 November 1941 Interim Jerónimo Méndez
Alfredo Rosende Verdugo.jpg Alfredo Rosende Verdugo 21 November 1941 2 April 1942
Raúl Morales Beltramí.jpeg Raúl Morales Beltramí 2 April 1942 2 April 1942 Juan Antonio Ríos

Additional information

See also


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Ministry of the Interior and Public Security (Chile) Facts for Kids. Kiddle Encyclopedia.