Pokémon: Battle Frontier facts for kids
Quick facts for kids Pokémon: Battle Frontier |
![]() English front cover of the complete Pokémon: Battle Frontier DVD collection box
Country of origin | Japan |
No. of episodes | 47 |
Release | |
Original network | TV Tokyo |
Original release | October 6, 2005 | – September 14, 2006
Pokémon: Battle Frontier is the ninth season of Pokémon and the final part of Pokémon the Series: Ruby and Sapphire, a Japanese anime television series known in Japan as Pocket Monsters: Advanced Generation: Battle Frontier Seven (ポケットモンスター アドバンスジェネレーション戦いのフロンチア七, Poketto Monsutā Adobansu Jenerēshon Tatakai no Furontia Nana). It originally aired in Japan from October 6, 2005 to September 14, 2006 on TV Tokyo, and in the United States from September 9, 2006 to March 3, 2007 on Cartoon Network.
Set in the fictional Kanto region, the season follows the adventures of the ten-year-old Pokémon trainer Ash Ketchum and his electric mouse partner Pikachu as they collect Frontier Symbols from Frontier Brains in the Battle Frontier. Along the way, they are joined by Brock, the leader of the Pewter City Gym, as well as the Pokémon coordinator May and her brother Max, as May collects Ribbons from Pokémon Contests so she can compete in the Kanto Grand Festival.
The episodes were directed by Masamitsu Hidaka and Norihiko Sudo, and were produced by the animation studio OLM.
The Japanese opening songs are "Battle Frontier" (バトルフロンチア, Batoru Furontia) by Akina Takaya for 20 episodes, and "Spurt!" (スパート!, Supāto!) by Rika Matsumoto for 27 episodes. The ending songs are "Pokemon Counting Song" (ポケモンかぞえうた, Pokémon Kazoe Uta) by Akiko Kanazawa for 4 episodes, "GLORY DAY ~That Shining Day~" (GLORY DAY 〜輝くその日〜, GLORY DAY ~Kagayaku Sono Hi~) by GARDEN for 23 episodes, and "I Won't Lose! ~Haruka's Theme~" (私、負けない! ~ハルカのテーマ~, Watashi, Makenai! Haruka no Tēma~) by Kaori Suzuki for 20 episodes. The English opening song is "Battle Frontier" by Jason Appleton. The ending song is "Go Pokémon Go! (Rap)" by Sam Milby ft. Juan Antonio De la Paz.
This is the first season of Pokémon to be localized into English by Pokémon USA and TAJ Productions after 4Kids Entertainment's contract wasn't renewed. It was also the first season to premiere on Cartoon Network since 2002; it began airing on September 9, 2006, and ended on March 3, 2007.
J# | E# | English title Japanese title |
Original air date | English air date |
422 | 418 | "Fear Factor Phony" (Esper vs. Ghost! Midnight Duel!?) Transliteration: "Esupā Tai Gōsuto! Mayonaka no Kettō!?" (Japanese: エスパーVSゴースト!真夜中の決闘!?) |
October 6, 2005 | September 9, 2006 |
423 | 419 | "Sweet Baby James" (Manene Appears! Mansion of Rest!) Transliteration: "Manene Tōjō! Kyūsoku no Yakata!" (Japanese: マネネ登場!休息の館!) |
October 13, 2005 | September 9, 2006 |
424 | 420 | "A Chip Off the Old Brock" (Mizugorou and Mokoko! Wonder Drug of Love!?) Transliteration: "Mizugorō to Mokoko! Koi no Tokkōyaku!?" (Japanese: ミズゴロウとモココ!恋の特効薬!?) |
October 20, 2005 | September 16, 2006 |
425 | 421 | "Wheel of Frontier" (Battle Arena! Fighting Showdown!!) Transliteration: "Batoru Arīna! Kakutō Taiketsu!!" (Japanese: バトルアリーナ!格闘対決!!) |
October 27, 2005 | September 16, 2006 |
426 | 422 | "May's Egg-cellent Adventure!" (The Breeding Center and the Pokémon Egg!) Transliteration: "Sodateyasan to Pokemon no Tamago!" (Japanese: そだて屋さんとポケモンのタマゴ!) |
November 3, 2005 | September 23, 2006 |
427 | 423 | "Weekend Warrior" (The Rival is a Salaryman!?) Transliteration: "Raibaru wa Sararīman!?" (Japanese: ライバルはサラリーマン!?) |
November 10, 2005 | September 23, 2006 |
428 | 424 | "On Olden Pond" (The Lake of Hakuryu!) Transliteration: "Hakuryū no Mizūmi!" (Japanese: ハクリューの湖!) |
November 17, 2005 | September 30, 2006 |
429 | 425 | "Tactics Theatrics!!" (Battle Dome! Fusion of Fire and Water!!) Transliteration: "Batoru Dōmu! Honō to Mizu no Fyūjon!!" (Japanese: バトルドーム!炎と水のフュージョン!!) |
November 24, 2005 | September 30, 2006 |
430 | 426 | "Reversing the Charges" (Startling! Frightening! Elekid!!) Transliteration: "Dokkiri! Bikkuri! Erekiddo!!" (Japanese: ドッキリ!ビックリ!エレキッド!!) |
December 1, 2005 | October 7, 2006 |
431 | 427 | "The Green Guardian" (Pokémon Ranger Appears! Celebi Rescue Operation!!) Transliteration: "Pokemon Renjā Tōjō! Serebyi Kyūshutsu Sakusen!!" (Japanese: ポケモンレンジャー登場!セレビィ救出作戦!!) |
December 8, 2005 | October 7, 2006 |
432 | 428 | "From Cradle to Save!" (Usohachi and the Ninja School!!) Transliteration: "Usohachi to Ninja Sukūru!!" (Japanese: ウソハチと忍者スクール!!) |
December 15, 2005 | October 14, 2006 |
433 | 429 | "Time-Warp Heals All Wounds!" (Haruka Travels Through Time!!) Transliteration: "Toki o Koeru Haruka!!" (Japanese: 時を超えるハルカ!!) |
December 22, 2005 | October 14, 2006 |
434 | 430 | "Queen of the Serpentine!" (Fierce Fighting at The Battle Tube! Vs. Tube Queen Azami!!) Transliteration: "Nettō Batoru Chūbu! Tai Chūbu Kuīn Azami!!" (Japanese: 熱闘バトルチューブ!VSチューブクイーン・アザミ!!) |
January 5, 2006 | October 21, 2006 |
435 | 431 | "Off the Unbeaten Path!" (Who Single Handedly Has the Victory!? Pokémon Orienteering!!) Transliteration: "Yūshō wa Dare no Te ni!? Pokemon Orientēringu!!" (Japanese: 優勝は誰の手に!?ポケモンオリエンテーリング!!) |
January 12, 2006 | October 21, 2006 |
436 | 432 | "Harley Rides Again" (Gonbe's Battle Debut! Harley and Taking the Game Seriously!!) Transliteration: "Gonbe no Debyūsen! Hārī to Shinken Shōbu!!" (Japanese: ゴンベのデビュー戦!ハーリーと真剣勝負!!) |
January 19, 2006 | October 28, 2006 |
437 | 433 | "Odd Pokémon Out" (Juptile vs. Tropius! Grassland Duel!!) Transliteration: "Juputoru Tai Toropiusu! Sōgen no Kettō!!" (Japanese: ジュプトルVSトロピウス!草原の決闘!!) |
January 26, 2006 | October 28, 2006 |
438 | 434 | "Spontaneous Combusken" (Pokémon Contest! Yuzuriha Tournament!!) Transliteration: "Pokemon Kontesuto! Yuzuriha Taikai!!" (Japanese: ポケモンコンテスト!ユズリハ大会!!) |
February 2, 2006 | November 4, 2006 |
439 | 435 | "Cutting the Ties That Bind" (Jukain! Dawn of Revival!!) Transliteration: "Jukain! Fukkatsu no Yoake!!" (Japanese: ジュカイン!復活の夜明け!!) |
February 9, 2006 | November 4, 2006 |
440 | 436 | "Kaboom with a View" (Fierce Fighting! Jungle Battle at the Battle Palace!!) Transliteration: "Gekitō! Batoru Paresu de Janguru Batoru!!" (Japanese: 激闘!バトルパレスでジャングルバトル!!) |
February 16, 2006 | November 10, 2006 |
441 | 437 | "King and Queen for a Day" (Usohachi King and Manene Queen!?) Transliteration: "Usohachi Kingu to Manene Kuīn!?" (Japanese: ウソハチキングとマネネクイーン!?) |
February 23, 2006 | November 10, 2006 |
442 | 438 | "Curbing the Crimson Tide" (The Red Lightning of Skyscrapers!) Transliteration: "Matenrō no Akai Inazuma!" (Japanese: 摩天楼の赤いイナズマ!) |
March 2, 2006 | November 18, 2006 |
443 | 439 | "What I Did for Love" (Decisive Game! Haruka vs. Takeshi!!) Transliteration: "Ōichiban! Haruka Tai Takeshi!!" (Japanese: 大一番!ハルカVSタケシ!!) |
March 9, 2006 | November 18, 2006 |
444 | 440 | "Three Jynx and a Baby" (Muchul and the Three Rougela Sisters!!) Transliteration: "Muchūru to Rūjura San-Shimai!!" (Japanese: ムチュールとルージュラ三姉妹!!) |
March 16, 2006 | November 25, 2006 |
445 | 441 | "Talking a Good Game!" (Tower Tycoon, Lila Appears!) Transliteration: "Tawā Taikūn, Rira Tōjō!" (Japanese: タワータイクーン、リラ登場!) |
March 23, 2006 | November 25, 2006 |
446 | 442 | "Second Time's the Charm!" (Battle Tower! Telepathy Battle!!) Transliteration: "Batoru Tawā! Ishindenshin Batoru!!" (Japanese: バトルタワー!以心伝心バトル!!) |
March 30, 2006 | November 27, 2006 |
447 | 443 | "Pokémon Ranger - Deoxys Crisis! Part 1" (Pokémon Ranger! Deoxys Crisis!! [Part 1]) Transliteration: "Pokemon Renjā! Deokishisu, Kuraishisu!! (Zenpen)" (Japanese: ポケモンレンジャー!デオキシス・クライシス!!(前編)) |
April 13, 2006 | October 28, 2006 |
448 | 444 | "Pokémon Ranger - Deoxys Crisis! Part 2" (Pokémon Ranger! Deoxys Crisis!! [Part 2]) Transliteration: "Pokemon Renjā! Deokishisu, Kuraishisu!! (Kōhen)" (Japanese: ポケモンレンジャー!デオキシス・クライシス!!(後編)) |
April 13, 2006 | October 28, 2006 |
449 | 445 | "All That Glitters is Not Golden!" (Usokkie! Gold Legend!?) Transliteration: "Usokkī! Ōgon Densetsu!?" (Japanese: ウソッキー!黄金伝説!?) |
April 20, 2006 | November 28, 2006 |
450 | 446 | "New Plot, Odd Lot!" (Harley & Team Rocket! The Formation of the Villainous Alliance!?) Transliteration: "Hārī ando Roketto-dan! Akuyaku Dōmei Kessei!?" (Japanese: ハーリー&ロケット団!悪役同盟結成!?) |
April 27, 2006 | November 29, 2006 |
451 | 447 | "Going for Choke!" (Haruka vs. Musashi! The Final Contest!) Transliteration: "Haruka Tai Musashi! Saigo no Kontesuto!!" (Japanese: ハルカVSムサシ!最後のコンテスト!!) |
May 4, 2006 | November 30, 2006 |
452 | 448 | "The Ole' Berate and Switch" (Team Rocket Breakup!? Respective Roads!) Transliteration: "Roketto-dan Kaisan!? Sorezore no Michi!" (Japanese: ロケット団解散!?それぞれの道!) |
May 11, 2006 | December 4, 2006 |
453 | 449 | "Grating Spaces" (Takeshi & Satoshi! Defend Nibi Gym in a Tag Battle!!) Transliteration: "Takeshi Ando Satoshi! Taggu Batoru de Nibi Jimu o Mamore!!" (Japanese: タケシ&サトシ!タッグバトルでニビジムを守れ!!) |
May 18, 2006 | December 5, 2006 |
454 | 450 | "Battling the Enemy Within" (Battle Pyramid! Vs. Regirock!!) Transliteration: "Batoru Piramiddo! Tai Rejirokku!!" (Japanese: バトルピラミッド!VSレジロック!!) |
May 25, 2006 | December 6, 2006 |
455 | 451 | "Slaking Kong" (Miracle! Mountain of the Giant Kekking!!) Transliteration: "Kyōi! Kyodai Kekkingu no Yama!!" (Japanese: 驚異!巨大ケッキングの山!!) |
June 8, 2006 | December 7, 2006 |
456 | 452 | "May, We Harley Drew'd Ya!" (Begin! Pokémon Contest – Grand Festival!!) Transliteration: "Kaimaku! Pokemon Kontesuto, Gurando Fesutibaru!!" (Japanese: 開幕!ポケモンコンテスト・グランドフェスティバル!!) |
June 15, 2006 | December 11, 2006 |
457 | 453 | "Thinning the Hoard!" (Haruka vs. Harley! Stage On with a Double Battle!!) Transliteration: "Haruka Tai Hārī! Daburu Batoru de Sutēji On!!" (Japanese: ハルカVSハーリー!ダブルバトルでステージ・オン!!) |
June 22, 2006 | December 12, 2006 |
458 | 454 | "Channeling the Battle Zone" (Haruka vs. Shū! The Final Battle!) Transliteration: "Haruka Tai Shū! Saigo no Tatakai!!" (Japanese: ハルカVSシュウ!最後の戦い!!) |
June 29, 2006 | December 13, 2006 |
459 | 455 | "Aipom and Circumstance!" (Aipom and the King!) Transliteration: "Eipamu to Ōsama!" (Japanese: エイパムと王様!) |
July 6, 2006 | December 14, 2006 |
460 | 456 | "Strategy Tomorrow – Comedy Tonight!" (Perap and the Pokémon Comedian!) Transliteration: "Perappu to Pokemon Manzai!" (Japanese: ペラップとポケモン漫才!) |
July 20, 2006 | January 6, 2007 |
461 | 457 | "Duels of the Jungle" (Attack! The Stray Manyula!!) Transliteration: "Pshūgeki! Hagure Manyūra!!" (Japanese: 襲撃!はぐれマニューラ!!) |
July 27, 2006 | January 13, 2007 |
462 | 458 | "Overjoyed!" (Battle Pyramid Again! Vs. Registeel!) Transliteration: "Batoru Piramiddo Futatabi! Tai Rejisuchiru!!" (Japanese: バトルピラミッド再び!VSレジスチル!!) |
August 3, 2006 | January 20, 2007 |
463 | 459 | "The Unbeatable Lightness of Seeing" (Haruka vs. Shū! Rivals Forever!!) Transliteration: "Haruka Tai Shū! Raibaru yo Eien ni!!" (Japanese: ハルカVSシュウ!ライバルよ永遠に!!) |
August 10, 2006 | January 27, 2007 |
464 | 460 | "Pinch Healing!" (The Pokémon Center is Very Busy!) Transliteration: "Pokemon Sentā wa Ōisogashi!" (Japanese: ポケモンセンターはおおいそがし!) |
August 17, 2006 | February 3, 2007 |
465 | 461 | "Gathering the Gang of Four" (First Pokémon! The Final Battle!!) Transliteration: "Saisho no Pokemon! Saigo no Tatakai!!" (Japanese: 最初のポケモン!最後の戦い!!) |
August 24, 2006 | February 10, 2007 |
466 | 462 | "Pace – The Final Frontier!" (Deciding Battle! Vs. Regice!!) Transliteration: "Kessen! Tai Rejiaisu!!" (Japanese: 決戦!VSレジアイス!!) |
August 31, 2006 | February 17, 2007 |
467 | 463 | "Once More with Reeling" (Satoshi vs. Haruka! The Last Battle!!) Transliteration: "Satoshi Tai Haruka! Rasuto Batoru!!" (Japanese: サトシVSハルカ!ラストバトル!!) |
September 7, 2006 | February 24, 2007 |
468 | 464 | "Home is Where the Start Is" (End of a Journey, Yet Beginning of a Journey!) Transliteration: "Tabi no Owari, Soshite Tabi no Hajimari!" (Japanese: 旅の終わり、そして旅の始まり!) |
September 14, 2006 | March 3, 2007 |
Home Media releases
In the United States, Viz Media released the series on two volumes both containing three discs in 2008. Volume one contained the first 24 episodes and Volume two contained the remaining 23 episodes.
Viz Media and Warner Home Video later released Pokémon: Battle Frontier – The Complete Collection on DVD on January 8, 2019.