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Prime Minister of Lithuania facts for kids

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Prime Minister of Lithuania
Coat of arms of Lithuania.svg
Gintautas Paluckas by Augustas Didzgalvis (cropped)(correct angle version).jpg
Gintautas Paluckas

since 12 December 2024
Government of Lithuania
Style Mister/Madam Prime Minister (informal)
His/Her Excellency (diplomatic)
Appointer President
Term length 4 years
No term limit
Formation 11 November 1918; 106 years ago (1918-11-11)
First holder Augustinas Voldemaras
Abolished 1940–1991
Salary €6,000 per month

The prime minister of Lithuania (Lithuanian: Lietuvos ministras pirmininkas) is the head of government of Lithuania. The prime minister is appointed by the president with the assent of the Lithuanian parliament, the Seimas. The modern office of prime minister was established in 1990, when Lithuania declared its independence, although the official title was "Chairperson of the Council of Ministers" until 25 November 1992.

Historically, the title of prime minister was also used between 1918 and 1940. This was during the original Republic of Lithuania, which lasted from the collapse of the Russian Empire until the country's annexation by the Soviet Union.


Republic of Lithuania (1918–1940)

No. Portrait Name
Term of office Political party Government
Took office Left office Time in office
1 Augustinas Voldemaras.jpg Augustinas Voldemaras
1st time
11 November 1918 26 December 1918 45 days Party of National Progress Voldemaras I
2 Sleževičius Mykolas (3x4 cropped).jpg Mykolas Sleževičius
1st time
26 December 1918 5 March 1919 69 days Peasant Union Sleževičius I
3 Pranas Dovydaitis (3x4 cropped).jpg Pranas Dovydaitis
13 March 1919 12 April 1919 38 days Lithuanian Christian Democratic Party Dovydaitis
(2) Sleževičius Mykolas (3x4 cropped).jpg Mykolas Sleževičius
2nd time
12 April 1919 2 October 1919 173 days Peasant Union Sleževičius II
4 Ernestas-Galvanauskas.jpg Ernestas Galvanauskas
1st time
7 October 1919 15 June 1920 252 days Independent Galvanauskas I
5 Kazys Grinius (3x4 cropped).jpg Kazys Grinius
19 June 1920 18 January 1922 1 year, 213 days Lithuanian Popular Peasants' Union Grinius
(4) Ernestas-Galvanauskas.jpg Ernestas Galvanauskas
2nd time
2 February 1922 17 June 1924 2 years, 136 days Independent Galvanauskas II–III–IV
6 No image.svg Antanas Tumėnas
18 June 1924 27 January 1925 223 days Lithuanian Christian Democratic Party Tumėnas
7 Petrulis Vyautas (3x4 cropped).jpg Vytautas Petrulis
4 February 1925 19 September 1925 227 days Farmers' Association Petrulis
8 Leonas Bistras.jpg Leonas Bistras
25 September 1925 31 May 1926 248 days Lithuanian Christian Democratic Party Bistras
(2) Sleževičius Mykolas (3x4 cropped).jpg Mykolas Sleževičius
3rd time
15 June 1926 17 December 1926 185 days Lithuanian Popular Peasants' Union Sleževičius III
(1) Augustinas Voldemaras.jpg Augustinas Voldemaras
2nd time
17 December 1926 19 September 1929 2 years, 276 days Lithuanian Nationalist Union Voldemaras II
9 Tūbelis Juozas (3x4 cropped).jpg Juozas Tūbelis
23 September 1929 24 March 1938 8 years, 182 days Lithuanian Nationalist Union Tūbelis I–II–III
10 Vladas Mironas.jpg Vladas Mironas
24 March 1938 28 March 1939 1 year, 4 days Lithuanian Nationalist Union Mironas I–II
11 Jonas Černius (3x4 cropped).jpg Jonas Černius
28 March 1939 21 November 1939 238 days Lithuanian Nationalist Union Černius
12 Antanas Merkys (3x4 cropped).jpg Antanas Merkys
21 November 1939 15 June 1940 207 days Lithuanian Nationalist Union Merkys

Following the ultimatum in June 1940, the forces of Soviet Union entered Lithuania, prompting President Antanas Smetona to flee the country. Antanas Merkys, who assumed the position of acting president in accordance with the constitution, soon announced he had taken over the Presidency on a permanent basis and appointed Justas Paleckis, favored by the Soviet authorities, as the Prime Minister ahead of the "people's government". Merkys soon resigned, allowing Paleckis to assume the post of acting president as well. The presidency of Merkys is not recognized as legitimate in modern Lithuania and Paleckis is not listed as an interwar Prime Minister in government sources.

No. Portrait Name
Term of office Political party Government
Took office Left office Time in office
Justas Paleckis 1961c (3x4 cropped).jpg Justas Paleckis
17 June 1940 24 June 1940 7 days Communist Party of Lithuania
Krėvė MickevičiusV (3x4 cropped).jpg Vincas Krėvė-Mickevičius
24 June 1940 1 July 1940 7 days Communist Party of Lithuania People's Government

Lithuanian Soviet Socialist Republic (1940–1990)

No. Portrait Name
Term of office Political party
Took office Left office Time in office
Chairman of the Council of People's Commissars of the Lithuanian SSR
1 No image.png Mečislovas Gedvilas
(in exile in the Russian SFSR 1941–1944)
25 August 1940 2 April 1946 5 years, 220 days Communist Party of Lithuania
Chairmen of the Council of Ministers of the Lithuanian SSR
1 No image.png Mečislovas Gedvilas
2 April 1946 16 January 1956 9 years, 289 days Communist Party of Lithuania
2 No image.png Motiejus Šumauskas
16 January 1956 14 April 1967 11 years, 88 days Communist Party of Lithuania
3 No image.png Juozas Maniušis
14 April 1967 16 January 1981 13 years, 277 days Communist Party of Lithuania
4 No image.png Ringaudas Songaila
16 January 1981 18 November 1985 4 years, 306 days Communist Party of Lithuania
5 No image.png Vytautas Sakalauskas
18 November 1985 17 March 1990 4 years, 119 days Communist Party of Lithuania

Provisional Government of Lithuania (1941)

No. Portrait Name
Term of office Government
Took office Left office Time in office
Juozas Ambrazevičius-Brazaitis.jpg Juozas Ambrazevičius
23 June 1941 5 August 1941 43 days Provisional Government

Republic of Lithuania (1990–present)

From 11 March 1990 after adopting the Act of the Re-Establishment of the State of Lithuania.

Political parties and affiliations:       Sąjūdis       LDDP       TS / TS-LKD       LLS       LSDP       LVŽS

No. Portrait Name
Term of office Political party Government
Took office Left office Time in office
1 Kazimiera Prunskienė.png Kazimira Danutė Prunskienė
(born 1943)
17 March 1990 10 January 1991 299 days Independent
(endorsed by Sąjūdis)
Supreme Council – Reconstituent Seimas (1990)
2 Šimenas.jpg Albertas Šimėnas
(born 1950)
10 January 1991 13 January 1991 3 days Independent
(endorsed by Sąjūdis)
3 Gediminas Vagnorius (1996).png Gediminas Vagnorius
(born 1957)
13 January 1991 21 July 1992 1 year, 190 days Independent
(endorsed by Sąjūdis)
Vagnorius I
4 Aleksandras Abišala 2008.03.31.jpg Aleksandras Abišala
(born 1955)
21 July 1992 26 November 1992 128 days Independent
(endorsed by Sąjūdis)
5 BronislLubys (cropped).jpg Bronislovas Lubys
12 December 1992 10 March 1993 88 days Independent
(endorsed by Democratic Labour Party)
6 (1992)
6 Slezevicius.jpg Adolfas Šleževičius
10 March 1993 8 February 1996 2 years, 335 days Democratic Labour Party
7 Noimage.png Laurynas Mindaugas Stankevičius
23 February 1996 19 November 1996 270 days Democratic Labour Party
(3) Gediminas Vagnorius (1996).png Gediminas Vagnorius
(born 1957)
4 December 1996 3 May 1999 2 years, 150 days Homeland Union
Vagnorius II
7 (1996)
8 PAKSAS Rolandas.png Rolandas Paksas
(born 1956)
1 June 1999 27 October 1999 148 days Homeland Union
Paksas I
Viļņā tiekas Baltijas valstu parlamentu priekšsēdētājas (8168896707) (cropped).jpg Irena Degutienė
(born 1949)
27 October 1999 3 November 1999 7 days Homeland Union
Paksas I
9 AndriusKubilius.jpg Andrius Kubilius
(born 1956)
3 November 1999 19 October 2000 351 days Homeland Union
Kubilius I
(8) PAKSAS Rolandas.png Rolandas Paksas
(born 1956)
27 October 2000 20 June 2001 236 days Liberal Union of Lithuania
Paksas II
8 (2000)
Eugenijus Gentvilas by Augustas Didzgalvis (3x4 cropped).jpg Eugenijus Gentvilas
(born 1960)
20 June 2001 4 July 2001 14 days Liberal Union of Lithuania
Paksas II
10 Algirdas Brazauskas 1998.jpg Algirdas Brazauskas
4 July 2001 1 June 2006 4 years, 332 days Social Democrats
Brazauskas I
Brazauskas II
LSDP–DP-LVNDS-NS (2004–2006)
LSDP (2006)
9 (2004)
Min-Balčytis.jpg Zigmantas Balčytis
(born 1953)
1 June 2006 18 July 2006 47 days Social Democrats
Brazauskas II
11 Gediminas Kirkilas 2007.jpg Gediminas Kirkilas
6 July 2006 17 November 2008 2 years, 134 days Social Democrats
LSDP-LVNDS-PDP-LiCS (2006–2007)
LSDP (2006–2008)
(9) AndriusKubilius.jpg Andrius Kubilius
(born 1956)
9 December 2008 13 December 2012 4 years, 4 days Homeland Union
Kubilius II
TS-LKD-TPP-LRLS-LiCS (2008–2009 and 2010–2011)
TS-LKD-TPP-LRLS-LiCS-Parliamentary Group "One Lithuania" (2009–2010)
TS-LKD-LRLS-LiCS (2011–2012)
10 (2008)
12 Algirdas Butkevičius 2015.jpg Algirdas Butkevičius
(born 1958)
13 December 2012 13 December 2016 4 years, 0 days Social Democratic Party of Lithuania
LSDP-DP-TT-LLRA (2012–2014)
LSDP-DP-TT (2014–2016)
11 (2012)
13 Saulius Skvernelis.jpg Saulius Skvernelis
(born 1970)
13 December 2016 11 December 2020 3 years, 364 days Independent
(endorsed by Farmers and Greens Union)
LVŽS-LSDP (2016–2017)
LVŽS (2017–2018)
LVŽS-LSDDP (2018–2019)
12 (2016)
14 Ingrida Simonyte 2019 crop 2 (3x4 cropped).jpg Ingrida Šimonytė
(born 1974)
11 December 2020 12 December 2024 4 years, 1 day Homeland Union
13 (2020)
15 Gintautas Paluckas by Augustas Didzgalvis (cropped)(correct angle version).jpg Gintautas Paluckas
(born 1979)
12 December 2024 Incumbent 82 days Social Democratic Party of Lithuania
14 (2024)

See also


Gintautas Paluckas Ingrida Šimonytė Saulius Skvernelis Algirdas Butkevičius Gediminas Kirkilas Algirdas Brazauskas Andrius Kubilius Rolandas Paksas Laurynas Stankevičius Adolfas Šleževičius Bronislovas Lubys Aleksandras Abišala Gediminas Vagnorius Albertas Šimėnas Kazimira Prunskienė Vytautas Sakalauskas Ringaudas Songaila Juozas Maniušis Motiejus Šumauskas Juozas Ambrazevičius Mečislovas Gedvilas Vincas Krėvė-Mickevičius Justas Paleckis Antanas Merkys Jonas Černius Vladas Mironas Juozas Tūbelis Leonas Bistras Vytautas Petrulis Antanas Tumėnas Kazys Grinius Ernestas Galvanauskas Pranas Dovydaitis Mykolas Sleževičius Augustinas Voldemaras
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