Herbal facts for kids

A herbal is a collection of plant descriptions: Very often, it also lists the properties of each plant, or its use, for example for medicine or alchemy. A herebal can also classify the plants it describes. One of the oldest known herbals is the Vienna Dioscurides dating from the 6th century. Physicians and Apothecaries were the main users of such books. Herbals were also important for the study of botany. Hieronymus Bock descrived the plants of southwestern Germany, in his 16th century herbal; he was the first to mention certain morphological features.
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- Herbarium or Herbar - a collection of plant specimens
Images for kids
Statue of Theophrastus c. 371 – c. 287 BCE, Orto botanico di Palermo
Albertus Magnus c. 1193–1280, author of De Vegetabilibus
Illustration from Elizabeth Blackwell's A Curious Herbal (1737)
Early Italian manuscript herbal, c. 1500. Plants illustrated are Appolinaris, Chamomeleon, Sliatriceo and Narcissus
An engraving of Parkinson from his work Theatrum Botanicum (1640), reprinted in Agnes Arber's Herbals
Illustration of Delphinium peregrinum in Flora Graeca by John Sibthorp and Ferdinand Bauer (1806–1840)