Jagongan Jail - This is an entrepreneurial training program for the fostered citizens of Malang First Class Correctional Institutions or also known as LAPAS Lowokwaru Malang. The fostered citizens are guided and trained to become professional in technical matters such as baristas, cafe servants and also capster (hair stylists).
Jagongan Jail is one of the assimilation programs of guidance from Malang First Class Correctional Institutions, where in addition to being trained in skill, they are also trained to mingle with the local society, Jagongan Jail located on strategic land in front of LAPAS's Head official residence, after first operating on July 7, 2020. Jagongan Jail cafe and barbershop received a good response from local society.
Head of Malang First Class Correctional Institutions, Agung Krisna said the concept in Jagongan Jail cafe and Barbershop was formed as a work activity training conducted in 2020 for prisoners. In this case, he wants to show that prisoners are not only active in daily activity, but also he can productive. "LAPAS Lowokwaru Malang" also entrusted the management and marketing of Jagongan Jail to the prisoners with guidance from Malang First Class correctional institutions.
The cafe and barber shop are open to the public, and the local society of Malang can taste the cuisine, drinks and coffee made by LAPAS Malang Class I prison inmates. In terms of the menu featured in Jagongan Jail itself is a menu of coffee and mushrooms which is also the result of its own production from LAPAS Class I Malang.