Tuber (fungus) facts for kids
Quick facts for kids Tuber (fungus) |
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Tuber gibbosum | |
Scientific classification ![]() |
Kingdom: | Fungi |
Division: | Ascomycota |
Class: | Pezizomycetes |
Order: | Pezizales |
Family: | Tuberaceae |
Genus: | Tuber P.Micheli ex F.H.Wigg. |
Type species | |
Tuber aestivum Vittad.
Synonyms | |
Tuber is a genus in the Tuberaceae family of fungi, with estimated molecular dating to the end of the Jurassic period (156 Mya). It includes several species of truffles that are highly valued as delicacies.
According to the Dictionary of the Fungi (2008), this widespread genus contains 86 species.
Name | Authority | Year | Distribution |
The binomial name of the Tuber species. | The author citation—the person who first described the species using an available scientific name, eventually combined with the one who placed it in Tuber, and using standardized abbreviations. | The year in which the species was named, or transferred to the genus Tuber. Where the actual year of publication (as defined for the purpose of priority) differs from the date given in the material, the latter date is given in quotes. | The distribution of the species. |
Tuber aestivum | (Wulfen) Pers. | 1801 | Europe, from Spain to eastern Europe and from Sweden to North Africa |
Tuber affine | Corda | 1854 | |
Tuber albidum | Fr. | 1823 | |
Tuber album | Bull. | 1789 | |
Tuber anniae | W.Colgan & Trappe | 1997 | United States Pacific Northwest |
Tuber arenaria | Moris | 1829 | |
Tuber argenteum | Gilkey | 1916 | |
Tuber argentinum | Speg. | 1909 | |
Tuber asa-foetida | Lesp. | 1889 | |
Tuber atrorubens | (Wallr.) Tul. | 1851 | |
Tuber australe | Speg. | 1880 | |
Tuber aztecorum | G. Guevara, Bonito & M.E. Sm. | 2018 | |
Tuber bellisporum | G.Bonito & Trappe | 2010 | |
Tuber belonei | Quél. | 1888 | |
Tuber berkeleyanum | (Corda) Tul. | 1851 | |
Tuber bernardinii | Gori | 2003 | |
Tuber besseyi | Gilkey | 1939 | |
Tuber beyerlei | Trappe, Bonito & Guevara | 2012 | Oregon, USA |
Tuber bisporum | Gilkey | 1925 | |
Tuber bituminatum | Berk. & Broome | 1851 | |
Tuber blotii | Eudes-Desl. | ||
Tuber bomiense | K.M.Su & W.P.Xiong | 2013 | Tibet |
Tuber bonnetii | Roum. | 1882 | |
Tuber borchianum | Zobel | 1854 | |
Tuber borchii | Vittad. | 1831 | |
Tuber brumale | Vittad. | 1831 | Southern Europe |
Tuber californicum | Harkn. | 1899 | |
Tuber canaliculatum | Gilkey | 1920 | |
Tuber candidum | Harkn. | 1899 | |
Tuber caroli | H.Bonnet | 1885 | |
Tuber castaneum | (Wallr.) Corda | 1854 | |
Tuber castellanoi | G.Bonito & Trappe | 2010 | |
Tuber castilloi | Guevara, Bonito & Trappe | 2012 | Mexico |
Tuber cervinum | (L.) Nees | 1817 | |
Tuber cibarium | With. | 1792 | |
Tuber cinereum | Tul. | ||
Tuber cistophilum | P.Alvarado, G.Moreno, J.L.Manjón, C.Gelpi & J.Muñoz | 2012 | Spain |
Tuber citrinum | Harkn. | 1899 | |
Tuber clarei | Gilkey | 1963 | |
Tuber croci | Dubois | 1803 | |
Tuber culinare | Zobel | 1854 | |
Tuber debaryanum | R.Hesse | 1891 | |
Tuber donnagotto | Božac, Širić & Kos | 2012 | Croatia |
Tuber dryophilum | Tul. & C.Tul. | 1844 | |
Tuber echinatum | Sacc. & Paol. | 1888 | |
Tuber eisenii | Harkn. | 1899 | |
Tuber esculentum | Sacc. | 1889 | |
Tuber excavatum | Vittad. | 1831 | |
Tuber exiguum | R.Hesse | 1891 | |
Tuber ferrugineum | Vittad. | 1831 | |
Tuber filamentosum | (Wallr.) Tul. | 1851 | |
Tuber foetidum | Vittad. | 1831 | |
Tuber fulgens | Quél. | 1880 | |
Tuber furfuraceum | H.T.Hu & Y.I.Wang | 2005 | |
Tuber fuscum | (Wallr.) Corda | 1837 | |
Tuber gallicum | Corda | 1854 | |
Tuber gardneri | Gilkey | 1916 | |
Tuber gibbosum | Harkn. | 1899 | Pacific Northwest region of the United States |
Tuber giganteum | Gilkey | 1925 | |
Tuber gigantosporum | Y.Wang & Z.P.Li | 1991 | |
Tuber griseum | Borch ex Pers. | 1801 | |
Tuber guevarai | Bonito & Trappe | 2012 | Mexico |
Tuber gulonum | (Corda) Paol. | 1889 | |
Tuber gulosorum | (Scop.) F.H.Wigg. | 1780 | |
Tuber guzmanii | Trappe & Cázares | 2006 | |
Tuber harknessii | Gilkey | 1954 | |
Tuber hiemalbum | Chatin | 1892 | |
Tuber himalayense | B.C.Zhang & Minter | 1988 | |
Tuber hiromichii | (S.Imai) Trappe | 1979 | |
Tuber huidongense | Y.Wang | 2002 | |
Tuber huizeanum | L.Fan & C.L.Hou | 2011 | China |
Tuber indicum | Cooke & Massee | 1895 | |
Tuber intermedium | Bucholtz | 1901 | |
Tuber irradians | Gilkey | 1916 | |
Tuber lacunosum | Mattir. | 1900 | |
Tuber lannaense | S.Lumyong | 2016 | Chiang Mai, Thailand |
Tuber lapideum | Mattir. | 1887 | |
Tuber latisporum | Juan Chen & P.G.Liu | 2007 | |
Tuber lauryi | Trappe, Bonito & Guevara | 2012 | Oregon, USA |
Tuber lespiaultii | (Corda) Tul. | 1851 | |
Tuber levissimum | Gilkey | 1916 | |
Tuber liaotongense | Y.Wang | 1990 | |
Tuber lignarium | (Harkn.) Gilkey | 1916 | |
Tuber lijiangense | L.Fan & J.Z.Cao | 2011 | China |
Tuber linsdalei | Gilkey | 1954 | |
Tuber liui | A S.Xu | 1999 | |
Tuber longisporum | Gilkey | 1925 | |
Tuber lucidum | Vittad. | 1884 | |
Tuber lucidum | H.Bonnet | 1884 | |
Tuber lutescens | Lázaro Ibiza | 1908 | |
Tuber luteum | Regel | 1888 | |
Tuber lyonii | Butters | 1903 | northern Mexico states of Nuevo León and Tamaulipas into Québec, Canada |
Tuber macrosporum | Vittad. | 1831 | |
Tuber maculatum | Vittad. | 1831 | |
Tuber magnatum | Picco | 1788 | Piedmont region in northern Italy |
Tuber malacodermum | E.Fisch. | 1923 | |
Tuber malenconii | Donadini, Riousset, G.Riousset & G.Chev. | 1979 | |
Tuber maresa | Font Quer | 1931 | |
Tuber meandriformis | (Vittad.) Massee ined. | ||
Tuber melanosporum | Vittad. | 1831 | Spain, France, and Italy |
Tuber mesentericum | Vittad. | 1831 | |
Tuber mexiusanum | Guevara, Bonito & Cázares. | 2012 | Mexico, USA |
Tuber michailowskianum | Bucholtz | 1908 | |
Tuber microspermum | L.Fan & Y.Li | 2012 | China |
Tuber microsphaerosporum | L.Fan & Y.Li | 2012 | China |
Tuber microspiculatum | L.Fan & Yu Li | 2012 | China |
Tuber microsporum | Vittad. | 1831 | Mexico |
Tuber microverrucosum | L.Fan & C.L.Hou | 2011 | China |
Tuber minimum | Bornh. | 1889 | |
Tuber miquihuanense | Guevara, Bonito & Cázares | 2012 | |
Tuber mixtum | Risso | 1889 | |
Tuber monosporum | (Mattir.) Vizzini | 2008 | |
Tuber montagnei | Zobel | 1854 | |
Tuber montanum | Chatin | 1892 | |
Tuber monticola | Harkn. | 1899 | |
Tuber moravicum | Velen. | 1947 | |
Tuber moretii | Maire | 1926 | |
Tuber moschatum | Bull. | 1790 | |
Tuber mougeotii | Quél. | 1881 | |
Tuber multimaculatum | Parladé, Trappe & I.F.Alvarez | 1993 | |
Tuber murinum | R.Hesse | 1891 | |
Tuber mutabile | Quél. | 1881 | |
Tuber nigrum | Bull. | 1788 | |
Tuber nitidum | Vittad. | 1831 | |
Tuber niveum | Desf. | 1799 | |
Tuber nuciforme | Corda | 1854 | |
Tuber obtextum | Spreng. | 1815 | |
Tuber occidentale | Corda | 1854 | |
Tuber oligospermum | (Tul. & C.Tul.) Trappe | 1979 | |
Tuber oligosporum | Vittad. | 1831 | |
Tuber olivaceum | Harkn. | 1899 | |
Tuber oregonense | Trappe, Bonito & P.Rawl. | 2010 | Washington, south to southwestern Oregon |
Tuber pacificum | Trappe, Castellano & Bushnell | 2000 | |
Tuber pallidum | Lázaro Ibiza | 1908 | |
Tuber panniferum | Tul. | 1851 | |
Tuber panzhihuanense | X.J.Deng & Y.Wang | 2012 | China |
Tuber phlebodermum | (Gilkey) Trappe | 1979 | |
Tuber piperatum | H.Bonnet | 1884 | |
Tuber polyspermum | L.Fan & C.L.Hou | 2011 | China |
Tuber pseudoexcavatum | Y.Wang, G.Moreno, Riousset, Manjón & G.Riousset | 1998 | |
Tuber pseudohimalayense | G.Moreno, Manjón, J.Díez & García-Mont. | 1997 | |
Tuber puberulum | Berk. & Broome | 1846 | |
Tuber queletianum | Bataille | 1921 | |
Tuber quercicola | J.L.Frank, D.Southworth & Trappe | 2006 | |
Tuber rapaeodorum | Tul. & C.Tul. | 1843 | |
Tuber regianum | Montecchi & Lazzari | 1987 | |
Tuber regimontanum | Guevara, Bonito & Julio Rodríguez | 2008 | |
Tuber renati | H.Bonnet | 1884 | |
Tuber requienii | Tul. | 1843 | |
Tuber rhenanum | Fuckel | 1870 | |
Tuber rufum | Pollini | 1816 | |
Tuber rutilum | R.Hesse | 1891 | |
Tuber scleroneuron | Berk. & Broome | 1851 | |
Tuber scruposum | R.Hesse | 1891 | |
Tuber separans | Gilkey | 1916 | |
Tuber shearii | Harkn. | 1920 | |
Tuber sinense | X.L.Mao | 2000 | |
Tuber sinoaestivum | J.P.Zhang & P.G.Liu | 2012 | China |
Tuber sinoalbidum | L.Fan & J.Z.Cao | 2011 | China |
Tuber sinoexcavatum | L.Fan & Yu Li | 2011 | China |
Tuber sinuosum | Lázaro Ibiza | 1908 | |
Tuber solidum | With. | 1792 | |
Tuber sphaerospermum | (Malençon) P.Roux, Guy Garcia & M.C.Roux | 2006 | |
Tuber sphaerosporum | Gilkey | 1939 | |
Tuber spinoreticulatum | Uecker & Burds. | 1977 | |
Tuber suecicum | Wittr. | 1889 | |
Tuber taiyuanense | B.Liu | 1985 | |
Tuber texense | Heimsch | 1959 | |
Tuber thailandicum | S.Lumyong | 2015 | Chiang Mai, Thailand |
Tuber umbilicatum | Juan Chen & P.G.Liu | 2006 | |
Tuber uncinatum | Chatin | 1892 | |
Tuber unicolor | Gilkey | 1920 | |
Tuber vacini | Velen. | 1947 | |
Tuber venturii | (Corda) Tul. | 1851 | |
Tuber verii | Pacioni & Lalli | 1989 | |
Tuber virens | Alb. & Schwein. | 1805 | |
Tuber virens | Schwein. | 1822 | |
Tuber walkeri | Healy, Bonito & Guevara | 2012 | Iowa, USA |
Tuber whetstonense | J.L.Frank, D.Southworth & Trappe | 2006 | |
Tuber xizangense | A S.Xu | 1999 | |
Tuber zeylanicum | Berk. & Broome | 1875 | |
Tuber zhongdianense | X.Y.He, Hai M.Li & Y.Wang | 2004 |
New discoveries
In 2015 a new species Tuber petrophilum (close relative to Tuber melanosporum and Tuber brumale) was discovered in the Dinaric Alps (Southeastern Europe, Serbia). In 2016, two new species were discovered in Brazil. Tuber floridanum (with the commercial name Trufa Sapucaya meaning 'The last Guarany breath') and Tuber brennemanii grow in association with pecan rootlets.
See also
In Spanish: Tuber para niños
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Tuber (fungus) Facts for Kids. Kiddle Encyclopedia.