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Menıñ Qazaqstanym facts for kids

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Қазақстан Республикасының мемлекеттік әнұраны
English: State Anthem of the Republic of Kazakhstan
Qazaqstan Respublikasynyñ memlekettık änūrany
Kazakhstan National Anthem.png
Text and score of the National Anthem of Kazakhstan: "Menıñ Qazaqstanym"
National anthem of Kazakhstan
Also known as Менің Қазақстаным
Menıñ Qazaqstanym
English: My Kazakhstan
Lyrics Jumeken Najimedenov, 1956
Nursultan Nazarbayev, 2006
Music Shamshi Kaldayakov, 1956
Adopted 7 January 2006

The state anthem of the Republic of Kazakhstan, simply referred to in Kazakh as "Menıñ Qazaqstanym", became the national anthem of Kazakhstan on 7 January 2006, replacing the previous one since independence in 1991, which used the same melody as the anthem of the Kazakh Soviet Socialist Republic.

It is based on a homonymous patriotic song created by Kazakh composer Shamshi Kaldayakov and poet Jumeken Najimedenov in 1956. The original lyrics were modified in 2005 by the first president of Kazakhstan, Nursultan Nazarbayev, before the decree was issued.


This song is based on a 1956 patriotic song titled "Menıñ Qazaqstanym" created in response to the Soviet Virgin Lands Campaign program. There is debate over whether it was to celebrate the program or to insist Soviet authorities should not turn Kazakhstan into Russia's corn belt.


Current official

Kazakh original (Cyrillic script) Kazakh Latin script IPA transcription English translation

Алтын күн аспаны,
Алтын дән даласы,
Ерліктің дастаны –
Еліме қарашы!
Ежелден ер деген,
Даңқымыз шықты ғой,
Намысын бермеген,
Қазағым мықты ғой!

Менің елім, менің елім,
Гүлің болып егілемін,
Жырың болып төгілемін, елім!
Туған жерім менің — Қазақстаным!

Ұрпаққа жол ашқан,
Кең байтақ жерім бар.
Бірлігі жарасқан,
Тәуелсіз елім бар.
Қарсы алған уақытты,
Мәңгілік досындай.
Біздің ел бақытты,
Біздің ел осындай!

(𝄆) Қайырмасы (𝄇)

Altyn kün aspany,
Altyn dän dalasy,
Erlıktıñ dastany –
Elıme qaraşy!
Ejelden er degen,
Dañqymyz şyqty ğoi,
Namysyn bermegen,
Qazağym myqty ğoi!

Menıñ elım, menıñ elım,
Gülıñ bolyp egılemın,
Jyryñ bolyp tögılemın, elım!
Tuğan jerım menıñ — Qazaqstanym!

Ūrpaqqa jol aşqan,
Keñ baitaq jerım bar.
Bırlıgı jarasqan,
Täuelsız elım bar.
Qarsy alğan uaqytty,
Mäñgılık dosyndai.
Bızdıñ el baqytty,
Bızdıñ el osyndai!

(𝄆) Qaiyrmasy (𝄇)

[ɑ̝ɫ̪.ˈt̪ə̃ŋ‿kʏ̞̃n̪ ɑ̝s̪.pɑ̝̃.ˈn̪ə |]
[ɑ̝ɫ̪.ˈt̪ə̃n̪ d̪æ̝̃n̪ d̪ɑ̝.ɫ̪ɑ̝.ˈs̪ə |]
[je̘r̪.l̪ɪ̞k.ˈt̪ɪ̞̃ŋ d̪ɑ̝s̪.t̪ɑ̝̃.ˈn̪ə |]
[je̘.l̪ɪ̞̃.ˈmʲe̘ qɑ̝.r̪ɑ̝.ˈʃə ǁ]
[je̘.ʒʲe̘l̪ʲ.ˈd̪ʲẽ̘n̪ je̘r̪ d̪ʲe̘.ˈɡʲẽ̘n̪ |]
[d̪ɑ̝̃ɴ.qə̃.ˈməz̪ ʃəq.ˈt̪ə ʁo̞j ǁ]
[n̪ɑ̝̃.mə.ˈs̪ə̃n bʲe̘r̪.mʲe̘.ˈɡʲẽ̘n̪ |]
[qɑ̝.z̪ɑ̝.ˈʁə̃m məq.ˈt̪ə ʁo̞j ǁ]

[mʲẽ̘.ˈn̪ɪ̞̃ŋ̟ je̘.ˈl̪ɪ̞̃m | mʲẽ̘.ˈn̪ɪ̞̃ŋ̟ je̘.ˈl̪ɪ̞̃m |]
[ɡʏ̞.ˈl̪ʏ̞̃ŋ bo̞.ˈɫ̪ʊp | je̘.ɣɪ̞.l̪ʲẽ̘.ˈmɪ̞̃n̪ |]
[ʒə.ˈr̪ə̃ŋ bo̞.ˈɫ̪ʊp t̪ɵ.ɣʏ̞.l̪ʲẽ̘.ˈmɪ̞̃n̪ | je̘.ˈl̪ɪ̞̃m ǁ]
[t̪u.ˈʁɑ̝̃n̪ ʒʲe̘.ˈr̪ɪ̞̃m mʲẽ̘.ˈn̪ɪ̞̃ŋ̟ | qɑ̝.z̪ɑ̝.q(χə)s̪.t̪ɑ̝̃.ˈn̪ə̃m ǁ]

[o̙r̪.pɑ̝q̚.ˈqɑ̝ ʒo̞ɫ̪ ɑ̝ʃ.ˈqɑ̝̃n̪ |]
[kʲẽ̘ŋ̟ bɑ̝j.ˈt̪ɑ̝q ʒʲe̘.ˈr̪ɪ̞̃m bɑ̝r̪ ǁ]
[bɪ̞r̪.l̪ɪ̞.ˈɣɪ̞ ʒɑ̝.r̪ɑ̝s̪.ˈqɑ̝̃n̪ |]
[t̪ʰæ̝.β̞ʲe̘l̪ʲ.ˈs̪ɪ̞z̪ je̘.ˈl̪ɪ̞̃m bɑ̝r̪ ǁ]
[qɑ̝r̪s̪‿ɑ̝ʟ̠.ˈʁɑ̝̃n̪ wɑ̝.χət̪̚.ˈt̪ə |]
[mæ̝̃ŋ.gɪ̞.ˈl̪ɪ̞k d̪o̞.s̪ʊ̃n̪.ˈd̪ɑ̝j ǁ]
[bɪ̞z̪.ˈd̪ɪ̞̃ŋ̟ je̘l̪ʲ bɑ̝.χət̪̚.ˈt̪ə |]
[bɪ̞z̪.ˈd̪ɪ̞̃ŋ̟ je̘l̪ʲ wo̙.s̪ʊ̃n̪.ˈd̪ɑj ǁ]

(𝄆) [qɑ̝.jər̪.mɑ̝.ˈs̪ə] (𝄇)

Sky of golden sun,
Steppe of golden seed,
Legend of courage –
Take a look at my country!
From the antiquity
Our heroic glory emerged,
They did not give up their pride
My Kazakh people are strong!

My country, my country,
As your flower I will be planted,
As your song I will stream, my country!
My native land – My Kazakhstan!

The way was opened to the descendants
By the vast land I have.
Its unity is proper,
I have an independent country.
It welcomed the tests of time
Like an eternal friend,
Our country is blessed,
Our country is such!

(𝄆) Chorus (𝄇)

1956 lyrics

Below are the 1956 original lyrics by Jumeken Näjımedenov, that were later edited.

Kazakh original (Cyrillic script) Kazakh Cyrillic script (until 1957) Kazakh Latin script English translation

Алтын күн аспаны,
Алтын дән даласы
Думанды бастады
Далама қарашы!
Кең екен жер деген,
Жерге гүл шықты ғой.
Дән егіп терлеген,
Қазағым мықты ғой!

Mенің елім, менің елім,
Жырың болып төгілемін,
Гүлің болып егілемін, елім!
Tуған жерім — менің Қазақстаным!

Айналап қарасам
Ғашықты жүрегім
Заманға жарассам
Жарасып тұр елім.
Біздің ел — ордынды,
Көтерді туларды,
Желмен ол тербелді,
Термеде жырладым.


Сағымды далам бар
Сабырлы көлім бар.
Қараңдар, жараңдар,
Осындай елім бар.
Қарсы алған уақытты,
Ежелгі досындай.
Біздің ел бақытты,
Біздің ел осындай!


Алтын күн аспаны,
Алтын дән даласы
Думанды бастады
Далама қарашы!
Кең екен жер деген,
Жерге гүл шықты ғой.
Дән егіп терлеген,
Қазағым мықты ғой!

Mенің елім, менің елім,
Жырың болып төгілемін,
Гүлің болып егілемін, елім!
Tуған жерім — менің Қазақстаным!

Айналап қарасам
Ғашықты жүрегім
Заманға жарассам
Жарасып тӯр елім.
Біздің ел — ордынды,
Көтерді туларды,
Желмен ол тербелді,
Термеде жырладым.


Сағымды далам бар
Сабырлы көлім бар.
Қараңдар, жараңдар,
Осындай елім бар.
Қарсы алған уақытты,
Ежелгі досындай.
Біздің ел бақытты,
Біздің ел осындай!


Altyn kün aspany,
Altyn dän dalasy
Dumandy bastady
Dalama qaraşy!
Keñ eken jer degen,
Jerge gül şyqty ğoi.
Dän egıl terlegen,
Qazağym myqty ğoi!

Menıñ elım, menıñ elım,
Jyryñ bolyp tögılemın,
Gülıñ bolyp egılemın, elım!
Tuğan jerım — menıñ Qazaqstanym!

Ainalap qarasam
Ğaşyqty jüregım
Zamanğa jarassam
Jarasyp tūr elım.
Bızdıñ el — ordyndy,
Köterdı tulardy,
Jelmen ol tеrbeldı,
Termede jyrladym.


Sağymdy dalam bar
Sabyrly kölım bar.
Qarandar, jarañdar,
Osyndai elım bar.
Qarsy alğan uaqytty,
Ejelgı dosyndai.
Bızdıñ el baqytty,
Bızdıñ el osyndai!


Sun of gold in the sky,
Grain of gold in the steppe.
Let us all celebrate —
Take a look at the steppe!
How spacious is this land,
Flowers bloom on the ground.
Grains are with toil sowed —
My Kazakhs are intrepid!

My motherland, my motherland,
As thy song I shall stream from thee,
As thy flower I shall bloom, o homeland!
My native homeland – my Kazakhstan!

Around when I glance,
My heart with love filleth.
In this day I conform,
Behold my noble folk.
Our country – a vast land,
Our banners are raised.
In the wind they swayed,
In terme I rejoiced.


There is a looming steppe,
There is placid bounty.
O look and gratify,
I have such a country.
Of new eras welcomed,
Like an age-old friend.
Blessed is our country,
Such as our country!



"Menıñ Qazaqstanym" is played during official state ceremonies and social functions, such as sporting events involving national sports teams of Kazakhstan. All radio stations and television networks across the country play the national anthem twice, once during "Sign-On" and "Sign-Off" every day, the performance of the anthem is not regulated by any government law; however, there is traditional protocol that is employed during a performance of the song. Most citizens put their hands over their heart while singing the anthem following United States practice. Traditionally universal etiquette is to stand during the performance. Officers and personnel of the Kazakh Armed Forces offer a Russian-style military salute when in uniform during the performance of the anthem when not in formation.

2012 sporting event incidents

In March 2012, a parody national anthem, O Kazakhstan, featured in the soundtrack of the movie Borat, was mistakenly played at the International Shooting Grand Prix in Kuwait. The Gold-winning medalist, Mariya Dmitriyenko, stood on the dais while the entire parody was played. The team complained, and the award ceremony was re-staged. The incident apparently resulted from the wrong song being downloaded from YouTube at the last minute. Senior officials in Kazakhstan were furious with the error and vowed to make a complaint to their Kuwaiti counterparts.

A similar incident had taken place earlier that month at the opening ceremony of a skiing festival in Kostanay, in which the first bar of Ricky Martin's single "Livin' La Vida Loca" was played instead of "Meniñ Qazaqstanım". However, "Meniñ Qazaqstanım" was played properly following the mistake.

See also

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