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Ricardo Migliorisi facts for kids

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Ricardo Migliorisi
Ricardo Migliorisi.jpg
Born January 6, 1948
Died June 14, 2019 (aged 71)
Nationality Paraguayan
Known for Painting, Architecture
Notable work
"La Carpilla Sixtina", "Los Durmientes"
Awards 1st Premio de Afiches (Prize of Posters), C.I.M.E., United Nations 2nd Premio BIenal del Papel (Prize Biennial of Paper), Buenos Aires

Ricardo Migliorisi, (January 6, 1948 – June 14, 2019) born in Asunción, Paraguay, on January 6, 1948, to Isolina Salsa Ferraris and Salvador Migliorisi Tumino, of Italian origin. Migliorisi was a Paraguayan painter, costume designer, scenery designer and architect. Migliorisi won national and international awards. Migliorisi showed his work in many countries including The United States of America and Europe.

Childhood and Youth

He did his elementary studies at the Dante Aliglieri School and later on, at San José School, in Asunción.

His liking for the aesthetics and art were manifested at a young age and has made to mature the soul of this artist. His first artistic expressions came up when he was eighteen years old

When young, studied Plastic Arts in the Cira Moscarda Studio. In that studio many young people could give free hand to their creativity, expressed with inedited elements. The experience he lived there, gives him the impulse to come out as a transgressor in all his work.

Ricardo also studied engraving with the expert Livio Abramo, but basically he can be considered autodidactic.

Later on, he studied Architecture in the Universidad Nacional de Asunción (National University of Asuncion).

In the following years of his formation as an artist he gained much experience in many Latin-American countries, working as a wardrobe and scenery designer.

In the beginning he used drawing and painting in most of his work, but later included different other types of elements to his creations.

In a short period of time, the young artist showed the world an innovator, psychedelic and delirious style in his work.


Ricardo Migliorisi appears in the Paraguayan artistic society in the mid ‘60s, a time marked by the urgent actualization and opening, by the emerging novelty in the field of Modernism, that invaded all the artistic societies in America and Europe.

He has had numerous opportunities to show his work:

Year Individual expositions
1974 “Sobre Monstruos y Víctimas”. Museo de Zea, Medellín, Colombia (“About monsters and victims”. Zea Museum, Medellín, Colombia)
1978/1992 Arte-Sanos Gallery, Asunción, Paraguay
1985 “Pequeños Pizarrones”, Galería Fábrica, Asunción, Paraguay (“Little blackboards”, Fábrica Gallery, Asunción, Paraguay)
1986 Retrospectiva “20 años de obra de R. Migliorisi”, Centro de Artes Visuales, Asunción, Paraguay (“20 years of R. Migliorisi’s work” Retrospective, Visual Arts Center, Asunción, Paraguay)
1989 “Birgitta Von Scharkoppen en el Jardín de las Delicias”, Centro Cultural Miraflores, Lima, Perú (“Birgitta Von Scharkoppen in the Garden of Delights”, Miraflores Cultural Center, Lima, Perú)
1990 “Bañistas año 79 D.C .” Galería Arte-Sanos, Asunción, Paraguay (“Bathers year 79 D.C .” Arte-Sanos Gallery, Asunción, Paraguay)

“Los Últimos días de Pompeya”, La Galería, Lima, Perú (“Pompeya’s last years”, The Gallery, Lima, Perú)

1991 “Los Últimos días de Pompeya”, Instituto Italo-Latinoamericano, Roma, Italia (“Pompeya’s last years”, Italian Latin-American Institute, Rome, Italy)
1992 “La Carpilla Sixtina”, Galería Rond-Point, Paris, Francia (The Sistine Chapel”, Rond-Point Gallery, Paris, France)
1994 Maison Tonet Gallery, Graz, Austria

Art Collectors Miami, U.S.A. “Los Durmientes”, Centro Cultural Miraflores, Lima, Perú (“The sleepers”, Miraflores Cultural Center, Lima, Perú)

1995 Recoleta Cultural Center, Buenos Aires, Argentina
1996 “La Culpa”. Galería Praxis, Lima, Perú (“The Guilt”. Praxis Gallery, Lima, Perú)

Artesanos Art Galery. U.S.A.

1998 Praxis Gallery, Lima, Perú

Muestra Antológica. Manzana de la Rivera. Asunción. Paraguay (Anthological Sample. Manzana de la Rivera. Asunción. Paraguay) Exposición en el Museo del Barro a partir de la publicación de un libro de dibujos suyos “Trazos, trozos y laberintos” (Exposition in the Mud Museum, with motive of the publication of his book of drawings “Sketches, pieces and labyrinths”)

1999 De La Matriz Gallery, Montevideo, Uruguay.
2000 Muestra “La vía dolorosa” en la Galería Phanta Rei, España (Sample “The painful road”, Gallery Phanta Rei, España)
2001 Sample of drawings, Gallery Phanta Rei, España
2002 Praxis Gallery, Lima, Perú

Also, collective expositions with contemporary artists:

Year Collective expositions
1968 Interamerican Biennial, Medellín, Colombia

International Sample of the Graphics, Florence, Italy

1976 Today’s Art in Iberoamerica, Madrid, Spain
1979 Engraving Biennial, San Juan, Puerto Rico

Drawing Biennial, Maldonado, Uruguay.

1981 São Paulo’s International Biennial, Brasil.
1982 Engraving Biennial, Noruega
1986 Biennial of Cali, Colombia;

1st Biennial of Cuenca, Ecuador.

1988 “Tres Artistas Paraguayos”, Galería Praxis, Lima, Perú (“Three Paraguayan Artists”, Praxis Gallery, Lima, Perú)

“Dos Artistas Paraguayos”, Museo de Arte Comtemporáneo, Maldonado, Uruguay (“Two Paraguayan Artists”, Contemporaneous Art Museum, Maldonado, Uruguay)

1989 Special Guest in the Biennial of Cuenca, Ecuador
1990 “Latinarca 90”, Montreal, Canadá

“Arte del Sur del Mundo”, Marsala, Italia (“Art from the South of the World”, Marsalla, Italy) “Paraguay Ra'angá”, Alcalá de Henares, Spain

1991 “Tres Jóvenes Maestros Latinoamericanos”, Galería Praxis, Lima, Perú (“Three Young Latin-American Masters”, Praxis Gallety, Lima, Perú)

“Pintores de hoy en América Latina”, Nagoya, Japón (“Today’s painters in Latin America”, Nagoya, Japan) "Ana Eckell y Ricardo Migliorisi", Park Galiery, Boca Ratón, Florida, U.S.A; "Ocho Artistas Paraguayós", Museo de las Américas, Washington, U.S.A.

1992 Exposición del Stand Paraguayo de la Expo-Sevilla 92;

"Al encuentro de los otros", Kassel, Alemania

1993 "Arte del Mercosur ", Buenos Aires, Argentina;

"Artistas Paraguayos", Galería Centoira, Buenos Aires, Argentina.

1994 V Bienal de La Habana, Cuba;

Dibujo Paraguayo, Corriente Alterna, Lima, Perú; Ludwid Forun, Aachen, Alemania.


During his career he received many awards.

Year Awards
1972 First Place. Posters C.I.M.E. United Nations
1982 First Place. “Benson & Hedges” Contest. Asunción.

“The 12 of the Year”. Caracol Network. Asunción.

1986 Second Place. Biennial of Paper. Buenos Aires, Argentina.
1992 Best Artist of the Year. Radio Curupayty. Asunción.

Museums and collections

His artistic production traveled numerous exposition rooms. Some of them are:

  • Contemporary Arts Museum. Madrid, Spain.
  • Modern Arts Museum. National University of Bogota, Colombia.
  • ”Gabriel Turbay” Library. Bucaramanga, Colombia.
  • Museum of Zea. Medellín, Colombia.
  • Coltejer Collection. Medellín, Colombia.
  • Culture House. Cúcuta, Colombia.
  • Paraguayan Museum of Contemporary Arts. Asunción, Paraguay.
  • ”The Sistine Tent”. Visual Arts Center. Asunción, Paraguay.
  • Contemporary Arts Museum. Maldonado, Uruguay.
  • ”José Luís Cuevas” Museum. Mexico.
  • Private collections in Spain, USA, Venezuela, Uruguay, Argentina, Mexico, Italy, Brazil, Peru, Sweden, Japan, Honduras, El Salvador, Colombia, France, Ecuador, Chile, Netherlands, Germany and Paraguay.


A very particular style, with an ample variety of expressive resources, paintings, montages, audio-visual experiences and installations are part of his work.

His characters are considered none too realistic, and may represent popular Latin-American subjects, animals and classic mythology, opera, circus and cabaret characters, the television and socialite, all of them with crazy tendencies.

Migliorisi presents a strong scenic sense, binding his creations to theatrical spaces. In his characters there is the mystery of the masks and the shine of footlight. The way he uses the color is a remarkable characteristic, the contrast, transparencies and textures give live to mud or metal objects. Emerge imposing plaster figures, woods of feather, glass pearls and golden stones and caracoles.

His family

His family, of Italian descent, lives in Asunción. He has a sister: María Cristina Migliorisi de Galiano.

Migliorisi was hospitalized in May 2019 under intensive therapy. He died on June 14, 2019, at the age of 71.

See also

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