This page is about the place in Scotland. For the province of mediaeval Poland, see Ruthenian Voivodeship.
Not to be confused with Russkiye.
Ruskie is a hamlet in Stirling, Scotland. It is located 4.5 kilometres (2+3⁄4 mi) from Thornhill. It lies within the FK postcode area.
About the Demographic Information
The information on housing, people, culture, employment and education that is displayed about Ruskie, Stirling, Scotland, FK8 3LG is based on the last census performed in the UK in 2011. They are performed once every 10 years. Please note: census information may include figures for adjacent streets and postcodes. The figures are therefore representative of the local area, not a specific street address or row of houses. The census collection is designed so that each group of postcodes should contain at least 100 people (50 in Scotland). This is done to preserve the anonymity of the people in that area, as some postcodes cover a very small area, sometimes a single building. You can see the area covered by the census statistics by clicking "Show Census Area Covered" below the map above.
Notable people