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List of governors of Kentucky facts for kids

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The governor of the Commonwealth of Kentucky is the head of government of Kentucky, and serves as commander-in-chief of the state's military forces. The governor has a duty to enforce state laws; the power to either approve or veto bills passed by the Kentucky General Assembly; the power to convene the legislature; and the power to grant pardons, except in cases of treason and impeachment. The governor is also empowered to reorganize the state government or reduce it in size. Historically, the office has been regarded as one of the most powerful executive positions in the United States.

Fifty-nine individuals have held the office of governor. Prior to a 1992 amendment to the state's constitution, the governor was prohibited from succeeding himself or herself in office, though four men (Isaac Shelby, John L. Helm, James B. McCreary and Happy Chandler) served multiple non-consecutive terms. Paul E. Patton, the first Kentucky governor eligible for a second consecutive term under the amendment, won his reelection bid in 1999. James Garrard succeeded himself in 1800, before the constitutional provision existed. Garrard is also the longest serving governor, serving for a total period of eight years and 90 days. In 2023 Democrat Andy Beshear became the 3rd incumbent governor in Kentucky history to be reelected to a second consecutive term.

William Goebel, who was elected to the office in the disputed election of 1899, remains the only governor of any U.S. state to die from assassination while in office. Goebel is also the shortest serving governor, serving for a period of only three days. Martha Layne Collins, who held the office from 1983 to 1987, was the first woman to serve as governor and was only the third woman to serve as governor of any U.S. state who was not the wife or widow of a previous governor. The 63rd and current Kentucky governor is Democrat Andy Beshear, who took office on December 10, 2019.


Kentucky County, Virginia was admitted to the Union as Kentucky on June 1, 1792. There have been 59 governors, serving 63 distinct terms.

An unelected group proclaimed Kentucky's secession from the Union on November 20, 1861, and it was annexed by the Confederate States of America on December 10, 1861. The Confederate government elected two governors, but it never held much control over the state.

The original 1792 Kentucky Constitution had the governor chosen by an electoral college for a term of four years, commencing on the first day of June. The second constitution in 1799 changed this to a popular vote, prevented governors from succeeding themselves within seven years of their terms, and moved the start date to the fourth Tuesday after the election. The third constitution in 1850 reduced the succession limitation to four years, and moved the start date of the term to the fifth Tuesday after the election. A 1992 amendment allowed governors to have a second term before being prevented from succeeding themselves for four years. Originally, should the office of governor be vacant, the speaker of the Senate would exercise the powers of the office; in 1799, the office of lieutenant governor was created to fill this role, and, as of 1992, is elected on the same ticket as the governor.

Governors of the Commonwealth of Kentucky
No. Governor Term in office Party Election Lt. Governor
1 Isaac shelby.jpg   Isaac Shelby
June 4, 1792

June 1, 1796
(did not run)
1792 Office did not exist
2 JGarrard.jpg James Garrard
June 1, 1796

September 5, 1804
1800   Bullitt, Alexander ScottAlexander Scott Bullitt
3 Christopher Greenup.jpg Christopher Greenup
September 5, 1804

August 23, 1808
1804 Caldwell, JohnJohn Caldwell
(died November 19, 1804)
Posey, ThomasThomas Posey
(acting, elected Speaker in 1805)
4 Charles Scott.jpg Charles Scott
August 23, 1808

August 24, 1812
1808 Slaughter, GabrielGabriel Slaughter
5 Isaac shelby.jpg Isaac Shelby
August 24, 1812

September 5, 1816
1812 Hickman, RichardRichard Hickman
6 George Madison.jpg George Madison
September 5, 1816

October 14, 1816
(died in office)
1816 Slaughter, GabrielGabriel Slaughter
7 Gabriel Slaughter.jpg Gabriel Slaughter
October 14, 1816

September 7, 1820
(did not run)
Succeeded from
8 JOHN ADAIR colour corrected.jpg John Adair
September 7, 1820

August 24, 1824
1820 Barry, William T.William T. Barry
9 Joseph Desha by Katherine Helm.jpg Joseph Desha
August 24, 1824

August 26, 1828
1824 McAfee, Robert B.Robert B. McAfee
10 TMetcalfe.jpg Thomas Metcalfe
August 26, 1828

August 28, 1832
1828 Breathitt, JohnJohn Breathitt
11 John Breathitt.jpg John Breathitt
August 28, 1832

February 21, 1834
(died in office)
Democratic 1832 Morehead, James TurnerJames Turner Morehead
12 JTMorehead.jpg James Turner Morehead
February 21, 1834

August 30, 1836
(did not run)
Succeeded from
13 JClark.jpg James Clark
August 30, 1836

August 27, 1839
(died in office)
Whig 1836 Wickliffe, Charles A.Charles A. Wickliffe
14 Wickliffe CA.jpg Charles A. Wickliffe
August 27, 1839

September 2, 1840
(did not run)
Whig Succeeded from
15 RPLetcher.jpg Robert P. Letcher
September 2, 1840

September 4, 1844
Whig 1840 Thomson, Manlius ValeriusManlius Valerius Thomson
16 William Owsley.jpg William Owsley
September 4, 1844

September 6, 1848
Whig 1844 Dixon, ArchibaldArchibald Dixon
17 John Jordan Crittenden - Brady 1855.jpg John J. Crittenden
September 6, 1848

July 30, 1850
Whig 1848 Helm, John L.John L. Helm
18 JohnLaRueHelm.jpg John L. Helm
July 30, 1850

September 2, 1851
(did not run)
Whig Succeeded from
19 Lazarus W. Powell - Brady-Handy.jpg Lazarus W. Powell
September 2, 1851

September 4, 1855
Democratic 1851 Thompson, John BurtonJohn Burton Thompson
20 Charles Slaughter Morehead.jpg Charles S. Morehead
September 4, 1855

August 30, 1859
American 1855 Hardy, James GreeneJames Greene Hardy
21 Beriah Magoffin - Brady-Handy.jpg Beriah Magoffin
August 30, 1859

August 18, 1862
Democratic 1859 Boyd, LinnLinn Boyd
(died December 17, 1859)
22 James F Robinson.jpg James Fisher Robinson
August 18, 1862

September 1, 1863
(did not run)
Democratic Succeeded from
president of
the Senate
23 Thomas E. Bramlette (Kentucky).jpg Thomas E. Bramlette
September 1, 1863

September 3, 1867
1863 Jacob, Richard TaylorRichard Taylor Jacob
24 JohnLaRueHelm.jpg John L. Helm
September 3, 1867

September 8, 1867
(died in office)
Democratic 1867 Stevenson, John W.John W. Stevenson
25 John Stevenson.jpg John W. Stevenson
September 8, 1867

February 13, 1871
Democratic Succeeded from
26 PHLeslie.jpg Preston Leslie
February 13, 1871

August 31, 1875
Democratic Succeeded from
president of
the Senate
1871 Carlisle, John G.John G. Carlisle
27 James-B-McCreary.jpg James B. McCreary
August 31, 1875

September 2, 1879
Democratic 1875 Underwood, John C.John C. Underwood
28 Luke-P.-Blackburn.jpg Luke P. Blackburn
September 2, 1879

September 4, 1883
Democratic 1879 Cantrill, James E.James E. Cantrill
29 J. Proctor Knott - Brady-Handy.jpg J. Proctor Knott
September 4, 1883

August 30, 1887
Democratic 1883 Hindman, James R.James R. Hindman
30 Simon Bolivar Buckner Sr.jpg Simon Bolivar Buckner
August 30, 1887

September 1, 1891
Democratic 1887 Bryan, James WilliamJames William Bryan
31 John Y. Brown 1835-1904 - Brady-Handy.jpg John Y. Brown
September 1, 1891

December 10, 1895
Democratic 1891 Alford, Mitchell CaryMitchell Cary Alford
32 William-O.-Bradley.jpg William O'Connell Bradley
December 10, 1895

December 12, 1899
Republican 1895 Worthington, William JacksonWilliam Jackson Worthington
33 William Sylvester Taylor.jpg William S. Taylor
December 12, 1899

January 31, 1900
(removed from office)
Republican 1899 Marshall, JohnJohn Marshall
34 William Goebel circa 1889.jpg William Goebel
January 31, 1900

February 3, 1900
(died in office)
Democratic Beckham, J. C. W.J. C. W. Beckham
35 BECKHAM, J.C.W. SENATOR LCCN2016858952 (cropped).jpg J. C. W. Beckham
February 3, 1900

December 10, 1907
Democratic Succeeded from
1903 Thorne, William P.William P. Thorne
36 August E. Willson, Governor of Kentucky.jpg Augustus E. Willson
December 10, 1907

December 12, 1911
Republican 1907 Cox, William HopkinsonWilliam Hopkinson Cox
37 James-B-McCreary.jpg James B. McCreary
December 12, 1911

December 7, 1915
Democratic 1911 McDermott, Edward J.Edward J. McDermott
38 Augustus O Stanley.jpg Augustus Owsley Stanley
December 7, 1915

May 19, 1919
Democratic 1915 Black, James D.James D. Black
39 James-Dixon-Black.jpg James D. Black
May 19, 1919

December 9, 1919
(lost election)
Democratic Succeeded from
40 Edwin-P-Morrow,-speaking.jpg Edwin P. Morrow
December 9, 1919

December 11, 1923
Republican 1919 Ballard, S. ThrustonS. Thruston Ballard
41 William J. Fields.jpg William J. Fields
December 11, 1923

December 13, 1927
Democratic 1923 Denhardt, HenryHenry Denhardt
42 Flem D. Sampson (KY).png Flem D. Sampson
December 13, 1927

December 8, 1931
Republican 1927 Breathitt Jr., JamesJames Breathitt Jr.
43 Ruby Laffoon Portrait.png Ruby Laffoon
December 8, 1931

December 10, 1935
Democratic 1931 Chandler, HappyHappy Chandler
44 Albert B. Chandler Sr. (KY).jpg Happy Chandler
December 10, 1935

October 9, 1939
Democratic 1935 Johnson, KeenKeen Johnson
45 Keen Johnson.jpg Keen Johnson
October 9, 1939

December 7, 1943
Democratic Succeeded from
1939 Myers, Rodes K.Rodes K. Myers
46 Simeon Willis (KY).png Simeon Willis
December 7, 1943

December 9, 1947
Republican 1943 Tuggle, Kenneth H.Kenneth H. Tuggle
47 Earle-Clements.jpg Earle Clements
December 9, 1947

November 27, 1950
Democratic 1947 Wetherby, LawrenceLawrence Wetherby
48 Lawrence-Wetherby (cropped).jpg Lawrence Wetherby
November 27, 1950

December 13, 1955
Democratic Succeeded from
1951 Beauchamp, EmersonEmerson Beauchamp
49 Albert B. Chandler Sr. (KY).jpg Happy Chandler
December 13, 1955

December 8, 1959
Democratic 1955 Waterfield, Harry LeeHarry Lee Waterfield
50 Bert-Combs (cropped).jpg Bert Combs
December 8, 1959

December 10, 1963
Democratic 1959 Wyatt, Wilson W.Wilson W. Wyatt
51 Ned-Breathitt-at-desk (cropped).jpg Ned Breathitt
December 10, 1963

December 12, 1967
Democratic 1963 Waterfield, Harry LeeHarry Lee Waterfield
52 Louie-Nunn (cropped).jpg Louie Nunn
December 12, 1967

December 7, 1971
Republican 1967 Ford, WendellWendell Ford
53 Sen Wendell Ford.jpg Wendell Ford
December 7, 1971

December 28, 1974
Democratic 1971 Carroll, JulianJulian Carroll
54 Julian-Carroll.jpg Julian Carroll
December 28, 1974

December 11, 1979
Democratic Succeeded from
1975 Stovall, ThelmaThelma Stovall
55 John Y. Brown Jr. (KY).png John Y. Brown Jr.
December 11, 1979

December 13, 1983
Democratic 1979 Collins, Martha LayneMartha Layne Collins
56 Lt. Governor Martha Layne Collins (cropped).jpg Martha Layne Collins
(b. 1936)
December 13, 1983

December 8, 1987
Democratic 1983 Beshear, SteveSteve Beshear
57 Wallace Wilkinson crop.jpg Wallace Wilkinson
December 8, 1987

December 10, 1991
Democratic 1987 Jones, Brereton C.Brereton C. Jones
58 Nate Morris Gov Jones (cropped).jpg Brereton C. Jones
December 10, 1991

December 12, 1995
Democratic 1991 Patton, Paul E.Paul E. Patton
59 Paul E. Patton 2013 (cropped).jpg Paul E. Patton
(b. 1937)
December 12, 1995

December 9, 2003
Democratic 1995 Henry, SteveSteve Henry
60 Ernie Fletcher.jpg Ernie Fletcher
(b. 1952)
December 9, 2003

December 11, 2007
(lost election)
Republican 2003 Pence, SteveSteve Pence
61 Steve Beshear by Gage Skidmore.jpg Steve Beshear
(b. 1944)
December 11, 2007

December 8, 2015
Democratic 2007 Mongiardo, DanielDaniel Mongiardo
2011 Abramson, JerryJerry Abramson
(resigned November 13, 2014)
Luallen, CritCrit Luallen
62 Matt Bevin (cropped).jpg Matt Bevin
(b. 1967)
December 8, 2015

December 10, 2019
(lost election)
Republican 2015 Hampton, JeneanJenean Hampton
63 Governor Beshear 2023 (cropped).jpg Andy Beshear
(b. 1977)
December 10, 2019

Democratic 2019 Coleman, JacquelineJacqueline Coleman

Confederate governors

Gwjohnson ky
George W. Johnson, 1st Confederate Governor of Kentucky
Richard Hawes, 2nd Confederate Governor of Kentucky

During the Civil War, a group of secessionists met at Russellville to form a Confederate government for the Commonwealth of Kentucky. This government never successfully displaced the government in Frankfort, and Kentucky remained in the Union through the entire war. Two men were elected governor of the Confederate government: George W. Johnson, who served from November 20, 1861, to his death on April 8, 1862, at the Battle of Shiloh, and, on Johnson's death, Richard Hawes, who served until the Confederate surrender on April 9, 1865. The Confederate government disbanded shortly after the end of the war in 1865.

See also

Kids robot.svg In Spanish: Anexo:Gobernadores de Kentucky para niños

  • Timeline of Kentucky history
  • List of Kentucky General Assemblies
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List of governors of Kentucky Facts for Kids. Kiddle Encyclopedia.