In June, 1665, after the Second Anglo-Dutch war broke out a fleet under Michiel de Ruyter sailed to Newfoundland, and raided the place, and damaged the colony severely.
Michiel first set sail to the Barbary coast to capture Barbary pirates, then whe went to Algiers to free the Christian slaves. He continued patrolling in the Mediterranean Sea until he got secret orders from the States-General to recapture forts in West Africa, and harm the English colonies in the Americas
The Raid
After Recapturing the colonies in West Africa. He decided to set sail for Newfoundland. When he arrived he first had to break a massive cable across the narrows. He dived his fleet by 3, and sent 1 to the bay of bulst he himself went to St. John's bay, and he sent the other one to pretty bay. In the pretty bay.They captured 2 English ships completely filled with salt, oil, and wine, on the other hand the ruyter captured one frigate, and a fluyt. They stayed there for a bit capturing other numerous English ships, and vessels, filled with bread, meat, peas, and lots of fish. The people on the island had lots of fish, and even had too much, after de Ruyter had captured all these ships, he had too many English prisoners, he had around 300 prisoners. He thought it was too dangerous maybe they would rebel so he freed some on the Island. However this was not the only port he raided he sailed around the coast and attacked numerous ports in the colony causing significant damage