Chocoholic facts for kids
A chocoholic is a person who craves or compulsively consumes chocolate. The word "chocoholic" was first used in 1968, according to Merriam-Webster. The term is used loosely or humorously to describe a person who is inordinately fond of chocolate; however, there is medical evidence to support the existence of actual addiction to chocolate. Psychoactive constituents of chocolate that trigger a ‘feel-good’ reaction for the consumer include tryptophan and phenylethylamine, which may contribute to cravings and addiction-like responses, particularly in people with specific genetic alleles. The quantity of sugar used in chocolate confections also impacts the psychoactive effects of chocolate.
Although the concept of a chocolate addiction is still controversial in the medical literature, chocolate (especially dark chocolate) is considered to have effects on mood and chocolate confectioneries almost always top the list of foods people say they crave. The craving can be so strong in some cases that chocoholics may experience withdrawal symptoms if the craving is not fulfilled.
Chocolate is one of the most commonly craved foods due to a variety of reasons. The pleasant taste creates a pleasurable experience for the consumer. The combination of the sweetness, smoothness and creaminess in terms of both taste and smell creates an ideal sensory attraction. Chocolate's high energy density also contributes to the consumer experience. This desire is created through a motivational circuitry in the brain that influences behaviours without conscious awareness, which generates a craving for chocolate. The consumption of chocolate creates a positive emotional experience, providing comfort and often used for alleviating stress and negative emotions. Chocolate is known to regulate an imbalance in the functioning of the neurotransmitter, serotonin, a factor influencing emotional states. Chocolate's fat and energy contents makes the food a key preference when under stress.
Chocolate cravings are also as a result of nutrient deficits. Cravings can be as a result of needing to increase magnesium levels to correct an imbalance in neurotransmitters that work to regulate disposition and digestion. An imbalance of blood sugar levels also increases cravings. The releasing of insulin to lower blood sugar when sugar is ingested results in a long-term imbalance which results in cravings for sugar in order to raise energy.
Cravings for chocolate can also be triggered or stimulated by the senses. The odour of chocolate is known to increase brain activity and cravings when compared with tests with no odour involved. For those who crave chocolate regularly, the sight of chocolate activates the orbitofrontal cortex and ventral striatum, both associated with reward-related behaviour and decision making.
It is estimated that chocolate has been consumed for over 2000 years. Most of its history, it has been consumed as a liquid, with it only being developed into a powdered form in the mid 1800s. Throughout Europe during this time, chocolate was regarded as an exciting beverage, developing great popularity and desire by its consumers. In ancient Mexico, chocolate was served only to adult males such as government officials, military officers, priests and distinguished warriors. Chocolate was also seen as intoxicating and stimulating and therefore not appropriate of use by children and women.
Chocolate and its psychological effects was kept a secret throughout its origin in Spain during the 16th century, until the early 17th century when Madrid became a hub for fashion and society. Visitors travelling throughout Spain came to discover the taste of chocolate. Spanish monks also taught visiting family members the habit of consuming hot chocolate and its health benefits. Early studies by Spanish monk Bernardino de Sahagún advised against overconsumption of cacao, reporting that large amounts of green cacao resulted in consumers feeling disorientated. He applauded smaller doses of chocolate, advising that chocolate consumed as a liquid resulted in consumers feeling revitalised.
Chocolate also had a significant medical use. The drinking of chocolate was seen to improve digestion and heavy stomachs as it was previously known to promote healthy gut bacteria. It was also utilised for treatment for those with wasting diseases such as tuberculosis. The strong taste of cacao was also used to hide the flavour of unpleasant tasting drugs which has developed into a modern view of “a little bit of chocolate makes the medicine go down". Chocolates use also extended to treating those with bloody dysentery.
Chocolate usage was also linked to its nutritional benefits. English soldiers based in Jamaica in the 17th century survived on cacao paste dissolved in water with sugar over long periods of time, without showing any decline in strength. It is also known that Indian women would consume it so frequently and in such large amounts that it would become a replacement for meat.
Management techniques

Implementation of nutritional changes can assist in overcoming a chocolate addiction. Consumption of foods such as proteins and healthy fats prevent large amounts of insulin to be released. The releasing of excessive amounts of insulin results in chocolate cravings. The amino acid within protein assists in building chemicals such as dopamine, which can help to reduce chocolate cravings. Foods containing fibre can also assist to balance blood sugar and slow digestion. Increasing consumption of foods rich in iron, works to decrease the body's need for an energy boost through sugar. This can include foods such as beans, lentils and leafy dark green vegetables. Eating regular meals also stabilises blood sugar levels. Adhering to a nutritious meal plan with planned meals and snacks assists in reducing likelihood of chocolate cravings.
Chocolate cravings can also be linked to stress. Stress raises blood sugar levels through the hormone cortisol and the releasing of glucose from the liver. A lack of sleep also results in increased sugar consumption as people seek to overcome fatigue. Increasing the number of hours of sleep can assist to reduce the need to consume chocolate.
Studies have shown that consuming artificial sweeteners such as aspartame, saccharin and sucralose increase chocolate cravings. This is due to the fact that they are equally sweet and encourage a sugar dependence. Introducing substitute products into diets can assist in reducing the craving for chocolate. This could include products such as carob. Carob does not contain theobromine or caffeine.
Reversing an insulin resistance can also work to curb cravings for chocolate. This can be achieved through the consumption of substances such as ginger and turmeric, both working to stimulate the absorption of glucose in the body.
Images for kids
Cacao nibs, pieces of cocoa kernels, generally powdered and melted into chocolate liquor, but also inserted into chocolate bars to give additional "crunch"
A glass of chocolate milk.
Chocolate ice cream cone.