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Timeline of Christianity facts for kids

Kids Encyclopedia Facts

This timeline is to show the history of Christianity from the beginning to the present. Question marks on dates mean that dates are not exact.

Western culture and Christian churches use the Gregorian calendar. The Gregorian calendar has been in use since 1582 when it replaced the Julian Calendar. The Julian calendar did not calculate (work out by mathematics) the length of the year accurately. The Gregorian Calendar added leap years to make this more correct. The Gregorian calendar began in Europe, in the reign of Pope Gregory XIII. The Gregorian calendar is now used almost everywhere in the world (except for calculating the holy days of other religions).

The Gregorian calendar dates years from before or after the birth of Jesus. Years that are before the birth of Jesus have the initials BC (before Christ) and years that are after (traditionally) have the initials AD (anno Domini – "in the year of our Lord"). Nowadays these are often written BCE ("before the Common Era") and CE ("Common Era").

The "year one" is the first year in "anno Domini" (the Common Era). There is no year zero. When the Gregorian calendar was calculated, the scholars tried to work out exactly when the birth of Jesus happened. The exact date is not certain, but most agree that it was between 6 BC and 4 BC.

Era of Jesus

This list tells only about the things that happened in the part of the world where Jesus was born. This region is now called Israel and Palestine. In the time of Jesus, it was under the rule of the Romans.

  • 1 This year is sometimes celebrated as beginning near the time of Jesus' birth. People who study it now say that it was calculated wrongly.
  • 6 Herod Archelaus was deposed (put off his throne) by Caesar Augustus. The Roman rulers brought together Samaria, Judea and Idumea as "Iudaea Province" with its capital at Caesarea. Quirinius became Governor of Syria. Quininus conducted a census and was opposed by a Jewish group called the Zealots (JA18, (Luke 2:1–3, Acts 5:37)
  • 7–26 Brief period of peace, relatively free of revolt and bloodshed in Iudaea and Galilee (John P. Meier's A Marginal Jew, v. 1, ch. 11)
  • 9 Pharisee leader Hillel the Elder dies, temporary rise of Shammai
  • 14–37 Tiberius, Roman Emperor
  • 18–36 Caiaphas, appointed High Priest of Herod's Temple by Prefect Valerius Gratus, deposed by Syrian Legate Lucius Vitellius
  • 19 Jews, Jewish proselytes, astrologers, expelled from Rome (Suetonius, Lives of the Twelve Caesars, Tiberius 36, Loeb Classics)
  • 26–36 Pontius Pilate, Prefect (governor) of Iudaea, recalled to Rome by Syrian Legate Vitellius on complaints of excess violence (JA18.4.2)
  • 28 or 29 John the Baptist began his ministry in the "15th year of Tiberius" (Luke 3:1–2), saying: "Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is near" (Matt 3:1–2), a relative of Jesus (Luke 1:36), a Nazirite (Luke 1:15), baptized Jesus (Mark 1:4–11), later arrested and beheaded by Herod Antipas (Luke 3:19–20), it is possible that, according to Josephus' chronology, John was not killed until 36 (JA18.5.2)

Jesus began his ministry after his baptism by John and during the rule of Pilate, preaching: "Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is near" (Matt 4:12–17). While the historicity of the gospel accounts is questioned to some extent by most critical scholars and non-Christians, the traditional view states the following chronology for his ministry: Temptation, Sermon on the Mount, Appointment of the Twelve, Miracles, Temple Money Changers, Last Supper, Arrest, Trial, Passion, Crucifixion on Good Friday (Mark 15:42, John 19:42), Nisan 14th (John 19:14, Mark 14:2, Gospel of Peter) or Nisan 15th (Synoptic Gospels), (7 Apr 30, 3 Apr 33, 30 Mar 36, possible Fri-14-Nisan dates – Meier), entombment by Pharisees Joseph of Arimathea and Nicodemus of the Sanhedrin, Resurrection by God on Easter Sunday, appearances to Paul of Tarsus (1Cor 15:3–9), Simon Peter (Luke 24:34), Mary Magdalene (Mark 16:9, John 20:10–18), and others, Great Commission, Ascension, Second Coming Prophecy to fulfill the rest of Messianic prophecy such as the Resurrection of the dead, the Last Judgment, and establishment of the Kingdom of God and the Messianic Age. See also Chronology of Jesus.

Era of the Apostles

Shortly after the Crucifixion of Jesus (Nisan 14 or 15), the Jerusalem church was founded as the first Christian church with about 120 Jews and Jewish proselytes (Acts 1:15), followed by Pentecost, the Ananias and Sapphira incident, Pharisee Gamaliel's defense of the Apostles (5:34–39), the stoning of Saint Stephen (see also Persecution of Christians) and the subsequent dispersal of the church (7:54–8:8) which led to the baptism of Simon Magus in Samaria (8:9–24), and also an Ethiopian eunuch (8:26–40). Paul's conversion to "Apostle to the Gentiles" is first recorded in (9:13–16, cf. Gal 1:11–24). Peter baptized the Centurion Cornelius, who is traditionally considered the first Gentile convert to Christianity (10). The Antioch church was founded. It was there that the term Christian was first used (11:26). Saint James was executed by Agrippa I (ruled 39–44) during a Passover (Nisan 15) (12:1–3).

  • 44 Death of Agrippa I (JA19.8.2, Acts 12:20–23)
  • 44–46? Theudas beheaded by Procurator Cuspius Fadus for saying he would part the Jordan river (like Moses and the Red Sea) (JA20.5.1, Acts 5:36–37 places it before the Census of Quirinius)
  • 45–49? Paul's first mission (Acts 13:1–14:28), with Barnabas, to Cyprus, Pisidian Antioch, Iconium, Lystra and Derbe (there they were called "gods ... in human form"), then return to Syrian Antioch
  • 47? The Church of the East is created by Saint Thomas
  • 48–100 Herod Agrippa II appointed King of the Jews by Claudius, seventh and last of the Herodians
  • 49 "Since the Jews constantly made disturbances at the instigation of Chrestus, he <Claudius> expelled them from Rome." (Suetonius, Lives of the Twelve Caesars, Claudius XXV.4, Loeb Classics) (referenced in Acts 18:2)
  • 50 Passover riot in Jerusalem, 20–30,000 killed (JA20.5.3, JW2.12.1)
  • 50? Council of Jerusalem and the "Apostolic Decree", Acts 15:1–35, same as Galatians 2:1–10?, which is followed by the "Incident at Antioch" at which Paul publicly accused Peter of "Judaizing" (2:11–21)
  • 50–53? Paul's second mission (Acts 15:36–18:22), split with Barnabas, to Phrygia, Galatia, Macedonia, Philippi, Thessalonica, Berea, Athens, Corinth, "he had his hair cut off at Cenchrea because of a vow he had taken", then return to Antioch; 1 Thessalonians, Galatians written?
  • 52? Saint Thomas Christians of India
  • 53–57? Paul's third mission (Acts 18:23–22:30), to Galatia, Phrygia, Corinth, Ephesus, Macedonia, Greece, and Jerusalem where James the Just challenged him about a rumor of teaching antinomianism (21:21). He addressed a crowd in their language (most likely Aramaic), Romans, 1 Corinthians, 2 Corinthians, Philippians written?
  • 55? "Egyptian Prophet" (allusion to Moses) and 30,000 unarmed Jews doing the Exodus reenactment massacred by Procurator Antonius Felix (JW2.13.5, JA20.8.6, Acts 21:38)
  • 58? Paul arrested, accused of being a revolutionary, "ringleader of the sect of the Nazarenes", teaching resurrection of the dead, imprisoned in Caesarea (Acts 23–26)
  • 59? Paul shipwrecked on Malta. There he was called a god. (Acts 28:6)
  • 60? Paul in Rome: greeted by many "brothers" (NRSV: "believers"), three days later called together the Jewish leaders, who had not received any word from Judea about him, but were curious about "this sect", which everywhere is spoken against; he tried to convince them from the "Law and Prophets", with partial success, said the Gentiles would listen and spent two years proclaiming the Kingdom of God and teaching the "Lord Jesus Christ" (Acts 28:15–31); Epistle to Philemon written?
  • 62 James the Just stoned to death for law transgression by High Priest Ananus ben Artanus. Popular opinion against act results in Ananus being deposed by new procurator Clodius Albinus. (JA20.9.1)
  • 63–107? Simeon, second Bishop of Jerusalem, crucified under Trajan
  • 63? Glastonbury Abbey founded according to tradition, but date disputed
  • 64–68 after July 18 Great Fire of Rome, Nero blamed and persecuted the Christians, earliest mention of Christians, by that name, in Rome, see also Tacitus on Jesus, Paul beheaded? (Col 1:24, Eph 3:13, 2 Tim 4:6–8, 1Clem 5:5–7), Peter crucified upside down? (Jn 21:18, 1 Pet 5:13, Tertullian's Prescription Against Heretics chapter XXXVI, Eusebius' Church History Book III chapter I), "...a vast multitude, were convicted, not so much of the crime of incendiarism as of hatred of the human race. And in their deaths they were made the subjects of sport; for they were wrapped in the hides of wild beasts and torn to pieces by dogs, or nailed to crosses, or set on fire, and when day declined, were burned to serve for nocturnal lights." (Annals (Tacitus) XV.44)

Early Christianity

  • 65? Q document, a hypothetical Greek text thought by many critical scholars to have been used in writing of Matthew and Luke
  • 66–73 Great Jewish Revolt: destruction of Herod's Temple, Qumran community destroyed, site of Dead Sea Scrolls found in 1947
  • 68–107? Ignatius, third Bishop of Antioch, fed to the lions in the Roman Colosseum, advocated the Bishop (Eph 6:1, Mag 2:1,6:1,7:1,13:2, Tr 3:1, Smy 8:1,9:1), rejected Jewish Sabbath on Saturday in favor of The Lord's Day (Sunday). (Mag 9.1), rejected Judaizing (Mag 10.3), first use of term Christianity (Mag 10).
  • 70(±10)? Gospel of Mark, written in Rome, by Peter's interpreter (1 Peter 5:13), original ending apparently lost, endings added c. 400, see Mark 16
  • 70? Signs Gospel written, hypothetical Greek text used in Gospel of John to prove Jesus is the Messiah
  • 70–100? additional Pauline Epistles
  • 70–200? Didache; Other Gospels: Unknown Berlin Gospel, Gospel of Peter, Gospel of Thomas, Oxyrhynchus Gospels, Egerton Gospel, Fayyum Fragment, Dialogue of the Saviour; Jewish Christian Gospels: Gospel of the Ebionites, Gospel of the Hebrews, Gospel of the Nazarenes
  • 80(±20)? Gospel of Matthew, based on Mark and Q, most popular in Early Christianity
  • 80(±20)? Gospel of Luke, based on Mark and Q, also Acts of the Apostles by same author
  • 88–101? Clement, fourth Bishop of Rome, wrote Letter of the Romans to the Corinthians (Apostolic Fathers)
  • 90? Council of Jamnia of Judaism (disputed)
  • 90(±10)? 1 Peter
  • 94 Testimonium Flavianum, disputed section of Jewish Antiquities by Josephus in Aramaic, translated to Koine Greek
  • 95(±30)? Gospel of John and Epistles of John
  • 95(±10)? Book of Revelation written, by John (son of Zebedee) and/or a disciple of his
  • 100(±30)? Epistle of Barnabas (Apostolic Fathers)
  • 100(±25)? Epistle of James
  • 100(±10)? Epistle of Jude written, probably by doubting relative of Jesus (Mark 6:3), rejected by some early Christians due to its reference to apocryphal Book of Enoch (v14). Epistle to the Hebrews written.
  • 100–150? Apocryphon of James, Gospel of Mary Magdalene, Gospel of James, Infancy Gospel of Thomas, Secret Gospel of Mark (Complete Gospels, published by Jesus Seminar)
  • 110–130? Papias, bishop of Hierapolis, wrote: "Expositions of the Sayings of the Lord", lost, widely quoted (Apostolic Fathers)
  • 110–160? Polycarp, bishop of Smyrna, Letter to the Philippians, (Apostolic Fathers)
  • 125(±5)? 2 Peter written, not accepted into canon until early 400s, drew upon Epistle of Jude, "catholic" epistle, Pastoral Epistles written
  • 125? Rylands Library Papyrus P52, oldest extant NT fragment, p. 1935, parts of Jn18:31–33,37–38
  • 130–250? "Christian Apologists" writings against Roman religion: Justin Martyr, Athenagoras, Apology of Aristides, Theophilus of Antioch, Tatian, Quadratus, Melito of Sardis, Apollinaris Claudius, Felix Marcus Minucius, Arnobius, Epistle to Diognetus
  • 132–135 Bar Kokhba's revolt: final Jewish revolt, Judea and Jerusalem erased from maps, region renamed Syria Palæstina (the term Palestine was originally coined by Herodotus), Jerusalem renamed Aelia Capitolina
  • 142–144? Marcion of Sinope, bishop according to Catholic Encyclopedia, went to Rome, possibly to buy the bishopric of Rome, upon rejection formed his own church in Rome, later called Marcionism, rejected Old Testament, decreed canon of one Gospel, one Apostolicon (10 Letters of Paul) and one Antithesis[1] which contrasted the Old Testament with the New Testament, cited Western text-type, see also Expounding of the Law#Antithesis of the Law
  • 150? "Western Revisor" adds/subtracts from original Acts to produce Western version which is 10% larger and found in Papyrus P29,38,48 and Codex Bezae (D)
  • 150? Valentinius, most famous Christian Gnostic, according to Tertullian narrowly lost election for Bishop of Rome
  • 150(±10)? Shepherd of Hermas, written in Rome (Apostolic Fathers)
  • 155? Montanus, claimed to be the Paraclete ("Counselor") of John 14:16
  • 160? Martyrdom of Polycarp (Apostolic Fathers)
  • 170? Dionysius [2], bishop of Corinth, claimed Christians were changing and faking his own letters just as [he knew] they had changed the Gospels (Eusebius' EH 4 c.23 v.12;Ante-Nicene Fathers, v.8)
  • 170? Tatian produces "Diatessaron" (Harmony) by blending four "Western" text-type Gospels into one
  • 170? Symmachus the Ebionite, new Greek translation of Hebrew Bible
  • 180? Hegesippus
  • 180–202? Irenaeus, Bishop of Lyon, combated heresies, cited "Western" Gospel text-type (Ante-Nicene Fathers)
  • 185–350? Muratorian fragment, 1st extant canon for New Testament after Marcion?, written in Rome by Hippolytus?, excludes Hebrews, James, 1–2 Peter, 3 John; includes Wisdom of Solomon, Apocalypse of Peter
  • 186? Saint Apollonius, used the term catholic in reference to 1 John
  • 188–231 Saint Demetrius, bishop of Alexandria, condemned Origen
  • 189–198 Pope Victor I, 1st Latin Pope, excommunicated Eastern churches that continued to observe Easter on Nisan 14 Quartodeciman
  • 196? Polycrates, bishop of Ephesus (Ante-Nicene Fathers)
  • 199–217? Caius [3] [4], presbyter of Rome, wrote "Dialogue against Proclus" in Ante-Nicene Fathers, rejected Revelation, said to be by Gnostic Cerinthus
  • 200? Papyrus 46: 2nd Chester Beatty, Alexandrian text-type; Papyrus 66: 2nd Bodmer, John, 1956, "Alexandrian/Western" text-types; Papyrus 75: Bodmer 14–15, Luke and John, earliest extant Luke, ~Vaticanus; 200? Papyrus 32: J. Rylands Library: Titus 1:11–15;2:3–8; Papyrus 64 (+67): Mt3:9,15; 5:20–22,25–28; 26:7–8,10,14–15,22–23,31–33
  • 200? Sextus Julius Africanus
  • 200? Antipope Natalius [5], rival bishop of Rome, according to Eusebius's EH5.28.8–12, quoting the Little Labyrinth of Hippolytus, after being "scourged all night by the holy angels", covered in ash, dressed in sackcloth, and "after some difficulty", tearfully submitted to Pope Zephyrinus
  • 217–236 Antipope Hippolytus, Logos sect?
  • 218–258 Cyprian, Bishop of Carthage, cited "Western" NT text-type, claimed Christians were freely forging his letters to discredit him (Ante-Nicene Fathers)
  • 220? Clement of Alexandria, cited "Alexandrian" NT text-type and Secret Gospel of Mark and Gospel of the Egyptians; wrote: "Exhortations to the Greeks"; "Rich Man's Salutation"; "To the Newly Baptized"; (Ante-Nicene Fathers)
  • 220?–340? Codex Tchacos, manuscript containing a copy of the Gospel of Judas, has been written.
  • 223? Tertullian, sometimes called "father of the Latin Church" because he coined trinitas, tres Personae, una Substantia, Vetus Testamentum, Novum Testamentum, convert to Montanism, cited "Western" Gospel text-type (Ante-Nicene Fathers)
  • 225? Papyrus 45: 1st Chester Beatty, Gospels (Caesarean text-type), Acts (Alexandrian text-type)
  • 235–238 Maximinus Thrax, emperor of Rome, ends Christian schism in Rome by deporting Pope Pontian and Antipope Hippolytus to Sardinia where they soon die
  • 248–264 Dionysius, Patriarch of Alexandria see also List of Patriarchs of Alexandria
  • 250? Apostolic Constitutions, Liturgy of St James, Old Roman Symbol, Clementine literature
  • 250? Letters of Methodius, Pistis Sophia, Porphyry Tyrius, Commodianus (Ante-Nicene Fathers)
  • 250? Papyrus 72: Bodmer 5–11+, pub. 1959, "Alexandrian" text-type: Nativity of Mary; 3Cor; Odes of Solomon 11; Jude 1–25; Melito's Homily on Passover; Hymn fragment; Apology of Phileas; Ps33,34; 1Pt1:1–5:14; 2Pt1:1–3:18
  • 250? Origen, Jesus and God one substance, adopted at First Council of Nicaea in 325, compiled Hexapla
  • 251–424? Synods of Carthage
  • 251–258 Antipope Novatian, decreed no forgiveness for sins after baptism
  • 254–257 Pope Stephen I; major schism over rebaptizing heretics and apostates
  • 258 "Valerian's Massacre": Roman emperor issued edict to execute immediately all Christian bishops, presbyters, and deacons, including Pope Sixtus II, Antipope Novatian, Cyprian of Carthage (CE: Valerian, Schaff's History Vol 2 Chap 2 § 22)
  • 264–269 Synods of Antioch, condemned Paul of Samosata, Bishop of Antioch, founder of adoptionism (Jesus was human until Holy Spirit descended at his baptism), also condemned term homoousios adopted at Nicaea
  • 265 Gregory Thaumaturgus (Ante-Nicene Fathers)
  • 270? Anthony begins monastic movement
  • 275? Papyrus 47: 3rd Chester Beatty, ~Sinaiticus, Rev9:10–11:3,5–16:15,17–17:2
  • 276 Mani (prophet), crucified, founder of the dualistic Manichaean sect in Persia
  • 282–300? Theonas, bishop of Alexandria (Ante-Nicene Fathers)
  • 290–345? St Pachomius, founder of Christian monasticism
  • 296–304 Pope Marcellinus, offered pagan sacrifices for Diocletian
  • 301 Armenia, first to adopt Christianity as state religion
  • 303–312 Diocletian's Massacre of Christians
  • 303 Saint George, patron saint of England, and other states
  • 304? Victorinus, bishop of Pettau
  • 306 Synod of Elvira, prohibited relations between Christians and Jews
  • 310 Maxentius deports Pope Eusebius and Heraclius [6] [7] to Sicily
  • 312 Lucian of Antioch, founded School of Antioch, martyred
  • 312 Vision of Constantine: while gazing into the sun he saw a cross with the words by this sign conquer. See also Labarum. He was later called the 13th Apostle and Equal-to-apostles.
  • 313 Edict of Milan, Constantine and Licinius end persecution, establish toleration of Christianity
  • 313? Lateran Palace given to Pope Miltiades for residence by Constantine
  • 314 Council of Arles [8], called by Constantine against Donatist schism
  • 314–340? Eusebius, bishop of Caesarea, church historian, cited Caesarean text-type, wrote Ecclesiastical History in 325 [9]
  • 317? Lactantius
  • 321 Constantine decreed Sunday as state "day of rest" (CJ3.12.2), see also Sol Invictus

Era of the Seven Ecumenical Councils

Constantine called the First Council of Nicaea in 325 to unify Christology, also called the first great Christian council by Jerome, the first ecumenical, decreed the Original Nicene Creed, but rejected by Nontrinitarianism such as Arius, Theonas, Secundus, Eusebius of Nicomedia, and Theognis who were excommunicated, also addressed Easter controversy and passed 20 Canon laws.

Middle Ages



17th century

18th century

19th century

20th century

  • 1905 French law on the separation of Church and State
  • 1906 Albert Schweitzer publishes The Quest of the Historical Jesus (English translation 1910)
  • 1906 Biblia Hebraica
  • 1906–1909 Azusa Street Revival in Los Angeles, California, begins modern Pentecostal movement
  • 1907–1912 Nicholas of Japan, Archbishop of Japanese Orthodox Church
  • 1909 Scofield Reference Bible
  • 1909–1911 The Rosicrucian Fellowship, an international association of Christian mystics, founded at Mount Ecclesia
  • 1910 Edinburgh Missionary Conference launches modern missions movement and modern ecumenical movement; five-point statement of the Presbyterian General Assembly, also used by Fundamentalists
  • 1910–1915 The Fundamentals, a 12-volume collection of essays by 64 British and American scholars and preachers, a foundation of Fundamentalism
  • 1913 Our Lady of Fatima appears to three young people, in Portugal. They were Jacinta Marto, Tiago Veloso and Lúcia (Sister Lucia).
  • 1913 Catholic Encyclopedia
  • 1914 Welsh Church Act 1914
  • 1914 Iglesia ni Cristo incorporated in the Philippines
  • 1915–1917 Armenian Genocide
  • 1916 Father Divine founded International Peace Mission movement
  • 1916 And did those feet in ancient time
  • 1917 Restitution of the Moscow Patriarchy with Tikhon as patriarch
  • 1917 True Jesus Church founded in Beijing
  • 1918 Execution of Holy Martyrs of Russia, including the last tsar, Nicholas II, and his wife, Alexandra Feodorovna
  • 1919 Karl Barth's Commentary on Romans is published, critiquing Liberal Christianity and beginning the neo-orthodox movement
  • 1921 Oxford Group founded at Oxford
  • 1923 Aimee Semple McPherson built Angelus Temple
  • 1925 Scopes Trial, caused division among Fundamentalists
  • 1925 United Church of Canada formed
  • 1926 Father Charles Coughlin's first radio broadcast
  • 1927 Pope Pius XI decrees Comma Johanneum open to dispute
  • 1929 Lateran Treaty signed containing three agreements between kingdom of Italy and the papacy.
  • 1930 Rastafari movement founded
  • 1931 Majority of Bible Students adopt name Jehovah's Witnesses, see 1884 for more information.
  • 1931 Christ the Redeemer (statue) in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
  • 1933 Catholic Worker Movement founded
  • 1934 Herbert W. Armstrong founded Radio Church of God
  • 1935 Dr. Frank C. Laubach, known as "The Apostle to the Illiterates", working in the Philippines, developed a literacy program that continues to teach millions of people to read.
  • 1935 Rahlf's critical edition of the Koine Greek Septuagint
  • 1935 Billy Sunday, early U.S. radio evangelist
  • 1939 Southern and Northern US branches of the Methodist Episcopal Church, along with the Methodist Protestant Church reunite to form the Methodist Church. Slavery had divided the church in the 1800s.
  • 1940 Monumento Nacional de Santa Cruz del Valle de los Caidos, world's largest cross, 152.4 meters high
  • 1942 National Association of Evangelicals founded
  • 1945 Dietrich Bonhoeffer is executed by the Nazis
  • 1945 Ludwig Müller
  • 1945 The Nag Hammadi library is discovered.
  • 1946–1952 Revised Standard Version, revision of AV "based on consonantal Hebrew text" for OT and best available texts for NT, done in response to changes in English usage
  • 1947 Uneasy Conscience of Modern Fundamentalism by Carl F. H. Henry, a landmark of Evangelicalism versus Fundamentalism in US
  • 1947 Oral Roberts founded Evangelistic Association
  • 1947 Dead Sea scrolls discovered
  • 1948 World Council of Churches is founded
  • 1948 Declaration of the Establishment of the State of Israel, see also Christian Zionism
  • 1949 Evangelist Billy Graham preaches his first Los Angeles crusade
  • 1950 New World Translation of the Christian Greek Scriptures released
  • 1950 Assumption of Mary decreed by Pope Pius XII
  • 1950 Missionaries of Charity founded by Mother Teresa
  • 1951 The Last Temptation, a fictional account of the life of Jesus, written by Nikos Kazantzakis, wherein Christ's divinity is juxtaposed with his humanity, is published, and promptly banned in many countries.
  • 1951 Campus Crusade for Christ founded at UCLA
  • 1952 Novum Testamentum Graece, critical edition of Greek NT, basis of modern translations
  • 1952 C. S. Lewis' Mere Christianity
  • 1954 Unification Church founded
  • 1954 U.S. Pledge of Allegiance modified by act of Congress from "one nation, indivisible" to "one nation under God, indivisible"
  • 1956 In God We Trust designated U.S. national motto
  • 1956 Anchor Bible Series
  • 1956 The Ten Commandments (1956 film)
  • 1957 United Church of Christ founded by ecumenical union of Congregationalists and Evangelical and Reformed, representing Calvinists and Lutherans
  • 1957 English translation of Walter Bauer's Wörterbuch ...: A Greek-English Lexicon of the New Testament and Other Early Christian Literature, University of Chicago Press
  • 1958 Sedevacantism
  • 1959 Family Radio founded
  • 1961 New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures released
  • 1962–1965 Catholic Second Vatican Council, announced by Pope John XXIII in 1959, produced 16 documents which became official Roman Catholic teaching after approval by the Pope, purpose to renew "ourselves and the flocks committed to us"
  • 1963 Martin Luther King leads a civil rights march in Washington, D.C.
  • 1963 campaign by Madalyn Murray O'Hair results in U.S. Supreme Court ruling prohibiting reading of Bible in public schools
  • 1965 Reginald H. Fuller's The Foundations of New Testament Christology
Rousas John Rushdoony founds Chalcedon Foundation
  • 1966 Raymond E. Brown's Commentary on the Gospel of John
  • 1968 United Methodist Church formed with union of Methodist Church and Evangelical United Brethren Church, becoming the largest Methodist/Wesleyan church in the world
  • 1970s The Jesus movement takes hold in the U.S.
  • 1970 Mass of Paul VI replaces Tridentine Mass
  • 1970 The Late, Great Planet Earth futurist book by Hal Lindsey
  • 1970? Chick Publications
  • 1971 New American Standard Bible
  • 1971 The Exorcist, a novel of demonic possession and the mysteries of the Catholic faith, is published.
  • 1973 Trinity Broadcasting Network founded
  • 1974 Jim Bakker founds PTL television ministry
  • 1975 Bruce Metzger's Textual Commentary on the Greek New Testament
  • 1976 Anneliese Michel, Bavarian woman, underwent exorcism against demon possession
  • 1977 New Perspective on Paul
  • 1977 Focus on the Family founded by James Dobson
  • 1978 New International Version of the Bible is first published (revised in 1984), using a variety of Greek texts, Masoretic Hebrew texts, and current English style
  • 1978–2005 Pope John Paul II, reaffirmed moral traditions (The Splendor of Truth)
  • 1979 Moral Majority founded by Jerry Falwell
  • 1979 Jesus, most watched movie of all time according to New York Times
  • 1979–1982? New King James Version, complete revision of 1611 AV, updates archaisms while retaining style
  • 1985 Jesus Seminar founded
  • 1985 E. P. Sanders' Jesus and Judaism
  • 1988 Christian Coalition
  • 1988 The Last Temptation of Christ, directed by Martin Scorsese, is released by Universal Pictures, and promptly attacked as heretical by organized Christian and Catholic groups.
  • 1989 New Revised Standard Version
  • 1991 John P. Meier's series A Marginal Jew: Rethinking the Historical Jesus, v. 1
  • 1992 Catechism of the Catholic Church
  • 1994 "Evangelicals & Catholics Together" [12]
  • 1994 Porvoo Communion
  • 1994 Answers In Genesis founded by Ken Ham
  • 1997, Mar 5–10 World Council of Churches: Towards a Common Date for Easter, see also Reform of the date of Easter
  • 1998, April 6 PBS Frontline: From Jesus to Christ
  • 1999 International House of Prayer in Kansas City begins non-stop 24/7 continual prayer
  • 1999, Oct 31 signing of the Joint Declaration on the Doctrine of Justification between the Lutheran World Federation and the Catholic Church

21st century

See also

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