List of cities and unincorporated communities in Oregon facts for kids

This list of cities and unincorporated communities in the U.S. state of Oregon includes all incorporated cities and many unincorporated communities, arranged in alphabetical order. Unincorporated communities are identified with italic type.
Cities are the only form of municipal government incorporated in Oregon. While villages and hamlets exist in Oregon, they are created by Clackamas County only, and do not resemble municipalities due to the limited nature of their powers and their lack of home-rule charters.
This list does not distinguish villages, hamlets, and other forms of local organization in Oregon; they are shown below as unincorporated communities and are shown in italics. In addition, some formerly freestanding communities have been partially or wholly subsumed by neighboring cities or abandoned and turned into ghost towns; these also are represented in italics but are marked an asterisk (*) to distinguish them from unincorporated communities.
Ada - Adair Village - Adams - Adel - Adrian - Ady - Agate Beach - Agness - Airlie - Albany - Albina* - Alder - Alfalfa - Algoma - Alicel - Alma - Allegany - Aloha - Alpine - Alsea - Altamont - Alvadore - Amity - Andrews - Anlauf - Antelope - Antone - Apiary - Applegate - Arago - Arch Cape - Arlington - Arock - Ash - Ashland - Ashwood - Astoria - Athena - Auburn - Aumsville - Aurora - Austa - Austin - Austin Junction - Azalea
Bacona - Baker City - Ballston - Bandon - Banks - Barlow - Barton - Barview (Coos County) - Barview (Tillamook County) - Bates - Bay City - Bayocean* - Beatty - Beaver - Beaver Hill - Beaver Marsh - Beavercreek - Beaverton - Beech Creek - Belknap Springs - Bellevue - Bellfountain - Bend - Bethany - Bethel - Beulah - Beverly Beach - Biggs Junction - Bingham Springs - Birkenfeld - Blachly - Black Butte Ranch - Black Rock - Blakeley - Blalock* - Blodgett - Blooming - Blue River - Bly - Boardman - Bonanza - Bonneville - Bonita - Bonny Slope - Boring - Bourne - Boyd - Breitenbush - Brickerville - Bridal Veil - Bridge - Bridgeport (Baker County) - Bridgeport (Polk County) - Brighton - Brightwood - Broadbent - Brockway - Brogan - Brookings - Brooks - Brothers - Brownlee - Brownsmead - Brownsville - Buchanan - Buena Vista - Bull Mountain - Bull Run - Buncom - Bunker Hill - Burlington (Linn County)* - Burlington (Multnomah County) - Burns - Burns Junction - Burnt Woods - Butte Falls - Butteville - Buxton
Cabell City* - Cairo - Camas Valley - Camp Sherman - Canary - Canby - Canemah* - Cannon Beach - Canyon City - Canyonville - Cape Meares - Carlton - Carnation - Carpenterville - Carson - Carus - Carver* - Cascade Locks - Cascade Summit - Cascadia - Castle Rock (Morrow County)* - Cave Junction - Cayuse - Cazadero - Cecil - Cedar Hills - Cedar Mill - Celilo Village - Central Point - Champoeg - Charbonneau - Charleston - Chehalem - Chemawa - Chemult - Cherry Grove - Cherryville - Cheshire - Chiloquin - Chitwood - Christmas Valley - Clackamas - Clarno - Clatskanie - Clear Lake - Clem - Clifton (Clatsop County) - Clifton (Hood River County) - Cloverdale (Deschutes County) - Cloverdale (Lane County) - Cloverdale (Tillamook County) - Coburg - Cold Springs - Colton - Columbia City - Condon - Coos Bay - Cooston - Copper (Jackson County)* - Copper (Wallowa County)* - Copperfield* - Coquille - Corbett - Cornelius - Cornucopia - Corvallis - Cottage Grove - Cottrell - Courtrock - Cove - Crabtree - Crane - Crawfordsville - Crescent - Crescent Lake - Crescent Lake Junction - Creswell - Crooked River Ranch - Crow - Crowley (Malheur County) - Crowley (Polk County) - Culp Creek - Culver - Curtin - Cushman - Cutler City*
Dairy - Dale - Dallas - Damascus - Danner - Dawson - Days Creek - Dayton - Dayville - Deadwood - Dee - Deer Island - Deerhorn - Delake* - Dellwood - Denio - Denmark - Depoe Bay - Detroit - Dexter - Diamond - Diamond Lake - Dillard - Dilley - Disston - Divide* - Dixie (Baker County) - Dixie (Grant County)* - Dixie (Washington County)* - Dodson - Dolph - Donald - Donnybrook - Dora - Dorena - Drain - Drew - Drewsey - Dryden - Dufur - Dundee - Dunes City - Dunthorpe - Durham - Durkee
Eagle Creek - Eagle Point - East Portland* - Eastside* - Echo - Eddyville - Eightmile - Elgin - Elk City - Elkhead - Elkton - Ella - Ellendale* - Elmira - Elmonica - Elsie - Empire* - Enterprise - Eola - Estacada - Eugene
Fairbanks - Fairview - Falcon Heights - Fall Creek - Falls City - Farmington - Ferndale - Fields - Finn Rock - Fisher - Five Corners - Flagg - Flavel* - Flora - Florence - Flynn - Forest Grove - Fort Klamath - Fort Rock - Fort Stevens* - Foss - Fossil - Foster - Four Corners (Jackson County) - Four Corners (Marion County) - Fox - Franklin - Frankport* - Frenchglen - Friend
Galena* - Gales Creek - Galice - Garden Home–Whitford - Gardiner - Garibaldi - Gaston - Gates - Gateway - Gaylord - Gearhart - Gervais - Gibbon - Gilchrist - Gillespie Corners - Gladstone - Glenada - Glenbrook - Glencoe* - Glendale - Gleneden Beach - Glenwood (Lane County) - Glenwood (Washington County) - Glide - Goble - Gold Beach - Gold Hill - Golden* - Goldson - Gopher* - Gopher Flats - Goshen - Government Camp - Grand Ronde - Granite - Grants Pass - Grass Valley - Gravelford - Green - Green Acres - Greenberry - Greenhorn - Greenleaf - Greenville - Gresham
Hadleyville - Hager - Haines - Halfway - Halsey - Hamilton - Hamlet - Hammond* - Hampton (Deschutes County) - Hampton (Lane County) - Happy Valley - Harbor - Hardman - Harlan - Harper - Harris - Harrisburg - Hatfield - Hauser - Havana - Hayward - Hazeldale - Hebo - Heceta Beach - Helix - Helvetia - Henley - Heppner - Hereford - Hermiston - Hildebrand - Hilgard - Hillsboro - Hines - Hinkle - Holbrook - Holdman - Holland - Holley - Homestead - Hood River - Hopewell - Horse Heaven - Horton - Hoskins - Hot Lake - Hubbard - Huber - Hugo - Huntington
Idanha - Idaville - Idleyld Park - Illahe - Imbler - Imnaha - Independence - Indian Village - Indiola - Inglis - Inlow - Interlachen - Ione - Ironside - Irrigon - Irving - Island City - Izee
Jacksonville - Jamieson - Jasper - Jean - Jeffers Garden - Jefferson - Jennings Lodge - Jewell - Jewell Junction - Jimtown - John Day - Johnson City - Jonesboro - Jordan - Jordan Creek - Jordan Valley - Joseph - Junction City - Juntura
Kamela - Kansas City - Keasey - Keating - Keizer - Kellogg - Kelso - Keno - Kent - Kerby - Kernville - Kerry - Kimberly - King City - Kings Valley - Kingsley - Kingston - Kinton - Kinzua* - Kirk - Kirkpatrick - Klamath Agency - Klamath Falls - Klondike - Knappa
La Grande - La Pine - Lacomb - Ladd Hill - Lafayette - Lake of the Woods - Lake Oswego - Lake Creek - Lakeside - Lakeview - Lakewood - Lancaster - Langell Valley - Langlois - Latham - Laurel - Laurel Grove - Laurelwood - Lawen - Leaburg - Lebanon - Lees Camp - Lehman Springs - Leland - Lemati* - Lena - Leneve - Lenz (Hood River County) - Lenz (Klamath County) - Leona - Lewis - Lewisburg - Lewisville - Lexington (Clatsop County)* - Lexington (Morrow County) - Libby - Liberal - Lime - Lincoln Beach - Lincoln City - Lindbergh - Linn City* - Linnton* - Linslaw - Little Albany - Little Alps - Locust Grove - Logan - Logsden - London Springs - Lone Elder - Lonerock - Long Creek - Lookingglass - Lorane - Lorella - Lostine - Low Pass - Lowell - Lukarilla - Lunnville - Luper* - Lyons
Mabel - Macksburg - Macleay - Madras - Malabon* - Malin - Malone - Manhattan Beach - Manning - Manzanita - Mapleton - Marcola - Marial - Marion - Marion Forks - Marlene Village - Marmot - Marquam - Marshland - Marylhurst - Maupin - Maxville - Mayger - Mayville - Maywood Park - McCoy - McCredie Springs - McDermitt - McDonald - McEwen - McKay - McKee - McKee Bridge - McKenzie Bridge - McKinley - McLeod - McMinnville - McNary - McNulty - Meacham - Meda - Medford - Medical Springs - Mehama - Melrose - Melville - Merlin - Merrill - Metolius - Metzger - Middle Grove - Middleton - Midland - Midway - Mikkalo - Miles Crossing - Mill City - Millersburg - Millican - Millington - Millwood - Milo - Milton-Freewater - Milwaukie - Milwaukie Heights - Minam - Minerva - Mission - Mist - Mitchell - Modeville - Modoc Point - Mohawk - Mohler - Molalla - Molalla Prairie - Monitor - Monkland - Monmouth - Monroe - Monument - Morgan - Moro - Mosier - Mount Angel - Mount Hood - Mount Hood Village - Mount Vernon - Mountain Air Park - Mountain View - Mountaindale - Mulino - Mulloy - Murphy - Myrick - Myrtle Creek - Myrtle Point
Narrows - Nashville - Navy Heights - Neahkahnie Beach - Necanicum - Nedonna Beach - Needy - Nehalem - Nelscott* - Neotsu - Nesika Beach - Neskowin - Netarts - New Bridge - New Era - New Hope - New Pine Creek - New Princeton - Newberg - Newport - Newport Heights - Niagara - Nibley - Nimrod - Nolin - Nonpareil - Noon - North Albany - North Beach - North Bend - North Howell - North Plains - North Powder - Nortons - Norway - Norwood - Noti - Nye - Nyssa
Oak Grove - Oak Hills - Oakland - Oakridge - Oatfield - O'Brien - Ocean Park - Oceanlake* - Oceanside - Odell - Odessa - Olene - Olex - Olney - Ontario - Ophir - Oregon City - Orenco* - Oretown - Orleans* - Orodell - Ortley - Otis - Otis Junction - Otter Rock - Owyhee - Oxbow
Pacific City - Paisley - Paradise - Parkdale - Paulina - Payette Junction - Pedee - Pelican City - Pendleton - Peoria - Perry - Perrydale - Philomath - Phoenix - Pilot Rock - Pine - Pine Grove (Hood River County) - Pine Grove (Klamath County) - Pine Grove (Wasco County) - Pine Ridge* - Pinehurst - Pistol River - Pittsburg - Placer - Pleasant Hill - Pleasant Valley (Baker County) - Pleasant Valley (Josephine County) - Pleasant Valley (Tillamook County) - Plush - Pocahontas - Pondosa - Port Orford - Portland - Post - Powell Butte - Powers - Prairie City - Pratum - Prescott - Prineville - Progress* - Prospect - Prosper - Provolt
Rainbow - Rainier - Rajneeshpuram* - Raleigh Hills - Range - Redland - Redmond - Reedsport - Reedville - Remote - Rhododendron - Rice - Rice Hill - Richland - Richmond - Rickreall - Riddle - Rieth - Riley - Ripplebrook - Ritter - Rivergrove - Riverside (Clackamas County) - Riverside (Linn County) - Riverside (Malheur County) - Riverside (Umatilla County) - Riverside (Yamhill County) - Riverton - Riverview (Lane County) - Riverview (Multnomah County) - Riverview (Umatilla County) - Riverwood - Roads End* - Robinsonville* - Rock Creek (Baker County) - Rock Creek (Gilliam County) - Rockcreek - Rock Point - Rockaway Beach - Rocky Point - Rogue River - Rome - Rose Lodge - Roseburg - Rosedale - Round Prairie - Rowena - Rowland* - Roy - Ruch - Rufus - Ruggs
Saginaw - Saint Benedict - Saint Helens - Saint Johns* - Saint Joseph - Saint Louis - Saint Paul - Salem - Salisbury - Salt Creek - Sams Valley - Sandy - Santiam Junction - Scappoose - Scholls - Scio - Scotts Mills - Scottsburg - Seal Rock - Searose Beach - Seaside - Sellwood* - Selma - Seneca - Service Creek - Shadowood - Shady - Shady Cove - Shaniko - Shaw - Shedd - Sheridan - Sherwood - Shevlin* - Shipley* - Siletz - Siltcoos - Silver Lake - Silverton - Sisters - Sitkum - Sixes - Skipanon* - Sodaville - South Beach - South Lebanon - Southport* - Sparta - Sprague River - Spray - Springbrook* - Springdale - Springfield - Springwater - Stafford - Stanfield - Starkey - Starvation Heights - Stayton - Steamboat (Douglas County) - Steamboat (Jackson County) - Sterlingville - Sublimity - Sulphur Springs - Summer Lake - Summerville - Summit - Sumner - Sumpter - Sunny Valley - Sunnyside (Clackamas County) - Sunnyside (Umatilla County) - Sunriver - Sunset Beach - Suplee - Surf Pines - Susanville* - Sutherlin - Suver - Svensen - Sweet Home - Swisshome
Table Rock - Taft* - Takilma - Talbot - Talent - Tallman* - Tangent - Telocaset - Tenmile (Coos County) - Tenmile (Douglas County) - Terrebonne - Thatcher - The Dalles - Thomas* - Three Rivers - Thurston* - Tide - Tidewater - Tiernan - Tierra Del Mar - Tigard - Tillamook - Tiller - Timber - Toledo - Tollgate - Tolo - Tolovana Park - Tonquin - Trail - Tri-City - Triangle Lake - Troutdale - Troy - Tualatin - Tumalo - Turner - Twickenham - Twin Rocks - Tygh Valley
Ukiah - Umapine - Umatilla - Umpqua - Union - Union Creek - Unity
Vale - Valley Falls - Valley Junction - Valsetz - Van - Vanport* - Vaughn - Venator - Veneta - Verboort - Vernonia - Vida - Voltage
Waconda - Wagontire - Walden - Waldo - Waldport - Walker - Wallowa - Walterville - Walton - Wamic - Wapinitia - Warm Springs - Warren - Warrendale - Warrenton - Waterman - Wasco - Wauna - Waterloo - Weatherby - Wecoma Beach* - Wedderburn - Welches - Wemme - Wendling - West Haven-Sylvan - West Linn - West Salem* - West Scio - West Side - West Slope - West Stayton - West Union - Westfall - Westfir - Weston - Westport - Wheatland - Wheeler - White City - Whiteson - Whitney - Wilbur - Wilderville - Wilkesboro - Willamina - Willamette* - Williams - Willowcreek - Wilsonville - Wimer - Winchester - Winchester Bay - Wingville - Winston - Witch Hazel* - Wolf Creek - Wonder - Wood Village - Woodburn - Woods - Woodson - Worden - Wren - Wyeth
Yachats - Yamhill - Yaquina - Yarnell* - Yoder - Yoncalla - Yonna
See also
In Spanish: Anexo:Localidades de Oregón para niños
- List of cities in Oregon
- List of counties in Oregon
- List of census-designated places in Oregon by population
- List of ghost towns in Oregon
- Oregon statistical areas
- Lists of populated places in the United States
- Lists of Oregon-related topics